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I've seen,

Love die,

Way too,

Many times.


now i know im nothing to you
30.12.10 @ 11:23:00 PM

This is for the broken hearted (including me myself). I know how you feel. Empty, betrayed, and no happiness whatsoever. You don't want to laugh, because you know it's not going to help, but you don't want to cry, because it will just make you feel worse. You feel like your heart is falling apart, but not only that, but you know soon your life is going to feel like it's falling apart too. You don't think it will ever end, and no matter what this person has done to you, it feels impossible to stop loving them. And everyone wonders why if they have hurt you so much, then why do you still love them. That's the confusing part, you don't know why, you just do, and the people who hurt you the most, and normally the ones you love the most. And then, after a few weeks, you finally feel a sense of relief, like you're getting happy again, but you know inside that you're just going into denial. And after a few more weeks, you're back to where you were an empty soul and teary eyes. You thought you got over them, but really, you just stopped showing it. And you can't help but to show it again. It leaves deep scars on your heart that are there forever. And no one understands how you feel, and how deep you are hurt, no matter who they are, because it hasn't happened to them And even if it has, every broken heart is different. They don't know the true pain you feel and carry each and everyday now, so you learn that basically you are alone with all this. And the feeling starts to overwhelm you, and suddenly you just break down, right there, because you know you've had enough, the tears just instantly start flowing, and you're to the point where you don't care who see's. Because you've spent so many nights lying awake in bed, and so many days being haunted by the scars and fear of rejection. And in the midst of all these tears, you know that its not helping any, and it's not going to bring them back, if you ever even had them in the first place. After about a million tears have been cried, you finally pull yourself back together and keep going. Your throat starts to clench and your eyes burn with the tears you are trying to hold back. Everyone says, "It will be okay…” But you know it won't. And that’s the truth, it won’t. And you look back on all of the hurt you had from this, and you realize that people are horrible. You're still hurt, but you've learned to hide it so that everyone thinks you are okay. So now every time you see this person, you know you still love them, and you feel a slight tingle in your heart yearning for them to love you, screaming out, but for some reason they don't hear it. And then you sit back and wonder how one person could have caused all of this...

20.12.10 @ 8:14:00 PM

slept at 2+am this morning and woke up at 9.30am~ =] bathed then helped maid clean the house! after that slacked, watched movie~ saw maid was preparing to cook dinner then i said i want to help her, but she said no need~ but i insisted to help, in the end she got no choice so let me helped her. =] she asked me to wash dishes and asked me to cut tomatoes, and i cut my finger accidentally... bleed non- stop, was looking at my finger~ then felt super dizzy and fainted on the floor... =.='' maid carried me to bed and called my mum, blahblahblah~ mum kept asking don't sleep if im feeling dizzy, she scared i might "overslept"! LOL LOL~

Cant sleep! :S
@ 12:37:00 AM

its 00.38am now, cant get into a sleep~ so went to search for blogskins and changed blogskins. =] so today went to church for candle light service 2010! kinda awesome! =] went to bugis for lunch with ZIHAO, LILENG, MC, DANNY, LIZHENG and one more girl idk the name =P she's quite irritating though =.='' same as lizheng. then phone kena taken away by MC, DANNY and him go sent msgs to random person, was like Zzzz... went to dhoby meet WAYNE, and then went lan with MC, DANNY, ZIHAO and WAYNE. played until 5+ and mrted home. Reached home, used awhile laptop, and got pissed~ cause the connection really cmi... =.='' so went to sleep and didn't have dinner. =P woke up at 11+pm~ then continue used laptop~ currently listening music and doing nothing else ler. bored bored bored....

16.12.10 @ 9:26:00 PM

woke up at 9+ this morning, ate breakfast then bathed and went to West Mall for meeting MC,QR and EDMUND, followed EDMUND to harvey norman to shop camera~ but don have the type that he wants. Went to pasta mania for LUNCH~ :D cabbed down to orchard with them after lunch, MC snatched my phone over in the cab, then he n edmund go sent some nonsense to two ppl... lame sia~ followed QR took his medicine and then went to LUCKY PLAZA continue to shop with Edmund's camera~! =] MRT-ed to dhoby after that, played lan~ cabbed home with them, and reached home at 7.30pm+. sleeping soon, as feeling abit tired ler~ nights, ppl~ =]

8.12.10 @ 10:40:00 PM

lalalala~ so bored at home lor, and the OUTING/BBQ is tomorrow!!!! going with the EHs and some other friends!!! :D :D so today just stayed at home played laptop, msged ppl and watched tv~ and told MARY that i 'date with a girl' and she actually believed me and asked me who is her! then told her that the girl's name is TELEVISION, and she was like 'ttttheheck' hahas xD epic! just now was wishing SITING happy birthday, then she suddenly asked me to be her kor, was like o.O, so random~ hahas, she said i good and caring. then i see wrong and thought she said i good mood, epic... xD and i accepted, she said she like kinda force me, good that you know! LOLjoke~ =P going ICA tmr morning for my passport thingy, then afternoon going meet WAYNE first then meet others for the OUTING! :D:D cant wait sia, weee~! BAILEYS!(lolrandom) =P

7.12.10 @ 7:50:00 PM

shitty days~ stay at home for days, nth to do, like freaking boring lor... just tried LYCHEE wine and BAILEYS wine! BAILEYS is super nice lah, though it's like quite choke~ xD feeling abit dizzy and sleepy now, hahas! weee~ think i gotta sleep now ler, and the time now it's only 7.55pm! hahas xD byes~

5.12.10 @ 10:45:00 PM

woke up at 7+am this morning, bathed~ then after that sat on sofa, stun there and suddenly thought of almighty... hmm, 很想她sia! didn't eat breakfast but straight went down take bus to school for the FAIRPRICE share a text book CIP~ supposed can leave at 1pm, but didn't want to~ becos stay at home nth do... so slacked until 5pm~ quite tired uhhs, even though was slacking almost all the way~ LOL
reached home about at 5.30+pm, bathed and slept, woke up at 8+ and then made sushi with FICA! :D still remember that time i made ❤sushi for almighty nor~ tsktsk! and she said it's NICE! :D currently composing a super long msg for almighty! =] bye, M.Y. lots! :)

2.12.10 @ 10:40:00 PM

ran over places for making my passport since ytd, because i lost my passport (yea, obviously) spent over $40+ for cabs and today was abit better spent around $20+ only~ so woke up at 7+am this morning, bathed and then went to ICA with my mum for making a 'special pass' before go remake the passport... then after that they said need the school letter =.='' so went back to school for collecting the letter, then after that went back home took the luggage, because ROSANNA needs it for her malaysia trip~ so waited for her outside school with MC for passing her the luggage... then didn't get to see almighty, kinda sad uhhs~ =S after that went to ICA again, waited for hours for the ppl to make the special pass, was like freezing down there...
met MC,QR,WAYNE and DANNY at bugis at don know what time, then after that shopped and lan-ed! bought KOI after lan-ed and went to KFC for dinner~ MRT-ed back home with them after dinner~ =] currently chatting with almighty and MC~ =]

26.11.10 @ 10:47:00 PM

outside it's raining now, and same thing as what i'm doing now, I'M RAINING!
you make me cry, you make me smile. you make me feel that love is true and make me feel the joy of love.Thank you for all the love you always give to me and i don't want to say good bye... but i zunzhong your decision. orhoinklei.


@ 7:08:00 PM

woke up at 7+am this morning, bathed and then ate breakfast with mum~ after that took bus to school for SC briefing (ab tmr's open house stuffs) reached school at 815am, super early lah... nth to do, so went out buy snacks and then walked around~ =] meeting started at 9am~ i'm doing tour guide tmr, LOL. i think MS loh purposely der lor, see i stamina good then bully me and wants me to walk around =.= went to IMM for lunch with ADILA, ANDAMAN and PRERIT~ then as usual, there sure will be some horny talks when PRERIT and ADILA is around. LOL, no offence xD after lunch cab-ed them back to school, then i cab to WESTMALL for meeting QR,MC,WJ,WAYNE and DANNY for watching HP7~ in the they all were late, QR and me was like grhhh... =.='' watched 1pm der HP7, quite a long movie uhhs... DANNY was complaining why haven't end why haven't end... LOLs~ but overall lai say, not bad lah, think part II will be nice~ :D walked home alone after watched finish movie. Really miss LOVE so much uhhs, but yea, didn't reply~ jz kinda worried uhh, hope she's fine <3 gotta go for dinner ler, byesss! =]


25.11.10 @ 9:58:00 PM


i know you don't lie. =]

24.11.10 @ 9:33:00 PM


♥♥ I LOVE YOU! ♥♥

22.11.10 @ 7:14:00 PM

slept at 5am this morning, just kinda cant get into asleep, because felt sad and worried for LOVE. was reading those msgs with one word with a dot, really cant get used to it uhhs~ :S but yea, i understand~ she wasn't in mood. =] then woke up at 7am, replied LOVE's msgs and went to sleep again. after that woke up at 10+~ bathed, ate breakfast and then went to BBT bought lunch, saw LOVE and her team-mates =] met MC and bus stop afterward~ BLAHBLAHBLAH. dyed hair with MC and WAYNE! mine not obvious der, becos needa go back school for school open house so kept nagging them dont put so much! xD for MC and WAYNE, their colour super obvious der! like piakia LOLLOL. went to mac after finished dying our hair, then WAYNE accidentally stepped on my slipper, then spoiled! =[ walked home with the spoiled right slipper home... took almost half an hour then reach home.. =.='' reached home, use lap~ wasn't in mood uhss... because yea... maybe the person is really busy and stuffs~ ):) (and hope i can cont to think positively) =] kinda tired now, going sleep soon ler, bye! =]

do you really care about him?
Y or N?

15.11.10 @ 11:06:00 PM

if you don't know the whole story just ask!!! don't take sides on assumption, assuming you know whats going on when you don't.

and remember!!!

there are some situations in life that are without explanation.

13.11.10 @ 9:18:00 PM

woke up at 6.30am this morning, bathed and then watched tv and forgot to eat breakfast~ LOL after that, took bus at 7.30am as i told ROSANNA i will take bus
at this time at my house der bus stop. After that, didn't see her, so waited her at the bus stop~ then walked to the field tgt. She showed me the thing that
she gonna give HIM, awww~ super SWEET der lor~ HAHAS! Then we were seperated in our departments and took bus to WESTCOAST PARK! After that, Group activities!
overall quite okay lah, enjoyed myself much in TAG TAG! i got injured by banging on ROSANNA! LOL~ what i could remember was QIARA was chasing me then pushed
me towards ROSANNA, then after i banged on her and flew away! LOL~ she seemed to be much stronger than me sia.. =.= had water activity in the end, quite fun
uhhs~ saw VICTORIA threw water bomb on PRERIT's private place!! laughed like mad!! xD after that went to change, then i realised i'm super tanned!! LOL~
balh blah blah~ took bus home with ROSANNA, because SHUNLU, don't too much. hahas!i only AI my LOVE! <3 msged my LOVE also, in the end she fell asleep~ and
i didn't get my GOODNIGHT msg from her today~ kinda not get use to it lah. :S

woke up at 10.30am today,ate breakfast with mum, then bathed~ went to meet MC at 12pm, then walked to school wait for ppl. =] He said he scared that she will
be angry, because he didn't tell her that he will wait for her today, then i was like errr... LOL saw people walking in and out of school, then me and MC was
like chit chatting and kept buying snacks from the mama shop~ and then waited for 1 hour+, my LOVE came out with her friends, but didn't go over and pei her,
but stayed with MC, cause yea~ So continued pei him to wait for his 'wife', waited for another 1 hour =.='' and then saw LYIDA and LOVE walked pass, then ya~
chased up and then saw them like not happy not happy like that... then i knew sth was not right... then LYDIA said this:" i thought you are waitting for her?
" haiz... should stop here, no mood post anymore... don't know she purposely don't want reply me or what? i really don know what's going on... haiz...


11.11.10 @ 11:37:00 PM


i think today totally like not my day lah, like so suey lor... =.=

well, walked to school with LOVE today! It's like so long neh walk to school tgt ler, kindda miss those days~ =P Then went for SC workshop, kind of enjoy it i think. Just love the way that Mr FAIZAL conduct the workshop! hahas xD

At first, He asked us to stand in rows of 10( sat beside ADILAH & GANGA, ROSANNA was behind me,MICHELLE was beside ROSANNA) and followed by asked us to take out everything in the pockets and lastly asked us take out our shoes. then LECTURES... =.=
I CAN FEEL THAT THE ATMOSPHERE WAS LIKE SO... hmmhmm~ But ofcourse he got his reason for every single thing that he asked us to do lah, kind of cool! xD

Then took 2 tests, first one was horrible... =.= but now, i still can remember our school's address, email, website, contact number and etc. xD second one was better, Then while MR faizal was calling ppl to stand up and give the answer for each question~ i was down there whispering and SABO :"GANGA GANGA GANGA GANGA!!" Then MR faizal called my name! was like what the... Then the ppl around me all started to laugh~ so suey sia... shouldn't sabo other ppl next time xD Then went through the answers and then saw MICHELLE was down there writing letters on ADILAH's back by using her finger. "H.O.R.." then i shouted without noticing where was i:" HORNY!!!" then after that everyone stares at me and started to laugh... =.= Then MR faizal looked at me and asked:" how do you define HORNY?" i was like speechless... epic PAISEH sia! =P AND THE PPL AR. ME KEPT LAUGHING AND LAUGHING...

ate our lunch in our individual group, then after that continued with our workshop~ 2nd half of day what we did all were brain storming, until my brain cells all gone... but kinda fun! =]

workshop ended around 5.30pm, then went to BBT shop with ADILAH, ANDAMAN and SUDHA~ chit chatted and blahs~ went home ar. 7+ =] reached home, msged and fell asleep xD was really tired i think~ =P

AND tomorrow we'll be having our SC outing! hope it will fun like LAST YEAR! :D

10.11.10 @ 11:31:00 PM


alright, i think i will start to blog again~ HAHAs
well, woke up at 7am this morning, bathed and then ate breakfast alone, as MUM needa go to her company for meeting early, so she didn't pei me eat breakfast~ :S Then walked to school for SC WORKSHOP.

The work workshop started at 9am i think, then at first was quite boring, was listening lecture by the ECs~ blahblahblah~ xD After that, did some group brain storming for certain events~ wasn't in mood, then didn't jion ODWIN with the GAME that they were playing. And he slapped my hand, super pain der, straight BLUE BLACK... =.= but i Didn't say anything uhhs~ good rights? xD After that LUNCH BREAK, went to COFFEE SHOP eat with TIAN RUI, ANDAMAN and ADILAH~ chit chatted! =] went back to school, then played ICE BREAKER GAMES! WACKO and BLOW WIND BLOW! injured my legs while playing BLOW WIND BLOW, but enjoy myself alot while playing the games~! =]

After that continued with our scenario, brain storming~ by the time, everyone was tired after finished playing the exciting games! EPIC canx?! xD Then our Vice head stress lah, everyone was like not paying attention to him (somehow), but rolling on the floor, complaining back very pain and etc. HAHAS! And the whole workshop ended around 5+pm~ wanted to take bus home, but in the end i walked home, because ya... HAIZ~

reached home ar 6+pm, messaged until fell asleep~ xD think was really tired uhs~ =P
woke up at 7.40pm, continued text text and text~ and ate dinner with MUM! =]

at 22:22- Ohh... HaHas. Hmmmmhmmmm, okayyish. LOLs, yash[:

LALALALA! see you tmr! hearts you! <3

9.11.10 @ 10:45:00 PM


29.10.10 @ 1:47:00 PM

will be back for editing soon! =]

30.7.10 @ 7:31:00 PM

woke up at 5am this morning, bathed had breakfast then do my ENGLISH HW!!! guai hor~ ? xD after that walked to school at 6.30am+~ reached school ab 6.50am, slacked awhile then went to do duty~ tired lor, did sec 1s and sec2s file duty~. saw her, not avoiding her lah, jz don't want let her see my sad face. =]

CHEMISTRY- MRS WEE didn't come, then MR LIM took over us, had chemistry test! haiz, my chemistry CMI lah~ :S

ENGLISH- did group work~

MTL- today lesson very der sian~

FT after recess- blahblahblah~

after school pei PHILOMENA.daughter, cos she very der lonely today! xD talked talked talked, then i went for training! today der session damn fun lah!! =] CCA ended around 3.30+pm~ after that went to find PHILOMENA.daughter and waitted her for 1hr+~ as she kept asking me not to pangseh her! cause we planned every friday take bus 11 home with her~ =]
after that went to BBT shope with her, then talked ab lots of stuffs at bus stop! then took bus 11 to my house there! =] then pei her wait for bus 189~ blah blah blah~

just want to make this clear!

she is jz my "DAUGHTER", nothing more! don think too much!!! =]

$$ saving plan!
29.7.10 @ 10:29:00 PM

woke up at 6.30am this morning, bathed ate breakfast then walked to school. was thinking ab stuffs, i also don know what's happening to me these days~ haiz...
reached school at 7.15+am, then assembly!

PHYSICS- had physics unit test~ umm, quite okay lah, not really difficult~ =]

A-maths: SB sian der lor~ 3 periods somemore! :S

ENGLISH after RECESS- nthing to post ab~

MTL- got chinese test!!! the MCQ difficult lyk hell lah, Zzzz. But the comprehension part still quite okay~ =]

SOCIAL STUDIES- was down having private talk with MERVIN!!! he damn cute and funny canx~!!!! i know all his secrets!!! xD hahas, can see he really really trust me! xD

had student councilor meeting at 2.30pm~ then after that went to celebrate RAMINDER's birthday! went to pool, and some of them played bowling~ quite fun uhs! xD

went to IMM, discussed ab things with MOOKCHING, WEIJUN and QINGRONG! and had our $$ saving plan! hohohohoho~ we really need a big amount of money!!! grrhhh!


28.7.10 @ 9:13:00 PM

not really in the mood uhs~ =[ =[ =[ =[

OMG!!! she don lyk CHARICE!!! xD
27.7.10 @ 7:57:00 PM

woke up at 7am this morning!! grhh, damn late again!! xD why i kept waking up late these days!!! =[ bathed and then rushed down to the bus stop, same thing! bus were so packed lah!! took taxi, half way drop down~ cos TRAFFIC JAM!!! after that ran to school, saw KWANGJIE walking slowly, then went to jion him and didn't care ab the time anymore! xD so walked quite slow with him, so yea! reached school at 7.25am or around that lah! almost late, school bell rang staright after i reached school! xD lalalala~

READING PERIOD- studied for E-math test!

4 periods of MATHS- first 3 periods were E-math test!!! hmm, quite okay lah~ cos did prepare for this test last night! wooots! xD last period was down there checking & discussing answers with ORLANDO and peeps!

PHYSICS after recess- learnt new CHAPTER~

ENGLISH- was down there talking and gossiping ab alot things with JOHN and SAMANTHA~!

GEOGRAPHY- chatted with my PHILOMENA.daughter on papers! xD and did group work with DANNY and ORLANDO!

D&T- suddenly thought ab her, so i try my best to make myself hyper! and i did it! i think got abit over hyper! xD WAYNE, MOOKCHING and SL were laughing lyk hell on whatever funny stuffs i did lah! xD

after school, saw her~ then i went to hit MOOKCHING and gangs with my PUNCH!! xD LOLs~ after that went to BBT and took 176 home~

reached home, chatted with CRAPPY PARTNER and played games!!! blah blah blah~

26.7.10 @ 8:54:00 PM

woke up at6.50+ am! which is damn damn late! bathed then chiong to the bus stop! heng the bus came immediately after i reached the bus stop! but damn packed lah~ reached school jz nice at 7.25~ xD
GEOG- had test, didn't know today got test. didn't study.. haiz

PE- played traditional games! had fun lah~

CME- hmm, don want to post ab it... sad things~

A-math test after RECESS, damn difficult lah!!! =[

D&T- first period stayed in class, then after that 3 periods in com lap i think~

took bus 187 after school, reached home bathed and sleep~

specially thanks to my CRAPPY PARTNER for helping me editing my links and choosing songs for me!!! thanks alot!

25.7.10 @ 8:08:00 PM

back for posting!!!

woke up at 7am this morning, bathed and then played with laptop~! ate lunch at home and then bathed~ took MRT to BOONLAY then walked to ARRON house for the class BBQ!!! played basketball with JAM, then also soccer with PRERIT! after that girl guides people came~ then blah blah blah~ did some preparation for BBQ with TIFFANY, MANDY and blah~ BBQ half way and MERVIN was missing!!! MS TAN worried till tears kept on coming out from her eyes. after that we split ourselves into 2/3 and find MERVIN! after an hour? MS TAN said MERVIN went home by himself... was lyk whattheheck lah!!! after that continued BBQ, talked to PHILOMENA, she was damn pissed ab sth lah... haiz~ BBQ till 12+am! after that went to watch MIDNIGHT MOVIE with MOOKCHING, ROSANNA, MANDY, ANNA and her boyfriend! "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" damn nice lor, especially the graphics!! after that MOOKCHING, ROSANNA and ME slacked in JP! went to fairprice extra and blah~ took first 187 BUS at 6am! was listening to songs and then my tears auto came out from my eyes. the two of them were lyk " why i cry sia" haizzz.... reached home at 6.30am, bathed and then slept at 7am and woke up around 2pm! xD

23.7.10 @ 9:32:00 PM

Woke up at 6.30am this morning, slept at 3+am this morning, because can’t really go asleep~ :S
Bathed and then walked to the bus stop, wanted to take bus 187, but the bus was packed lyk hell. So took 188, then walked to school from toh guan there~ rushed to school for doing the FILE duty~

CHSMISTRY- went to CHEM lap for doing experiment~ partner with MANDY CHANG, as both our partners didn’t come school today!
ENGLISH- Ms XU went through comprehension with us and then did summary also.

MTL- nth to post ab~

RECESS- didn’t went to the canteen and eat, because they don wanna go down and eat. So stayed in the classroom and played TAPTAP with PHILOMENA.daughter! and she lost to me!!! Teehee xD

FT- talked ab tmr der class BBQ! =]

Went to canteen to buy breads for lunch? After that saw her, my eyes became lyk orchard road Flooded & could not release out. After that went to room 1 for meeting the others for going local tour~ DEDDY, ODWIN & ME were the leader! DEDDY-group SHINNE, ODWIN-group SUPER JUNIOR, ME-group BIGBANG! Our first destiny was MARINA BAY SANDS SKY PARK! Was lyk damn awesome!!! xD after that DUCKTOUR!!! Had fun also!!! Then went to KAMPONG GLAM, still okay lah~ then we ate the traditional ethnic food which MRS GOH and MR TAN treat us! Hahas~

Bused back to school at 5+pm, and reached school ab 6pm~ saw PHILOMENA.DT, SYAFIQAH.dirr and SYAZWANI! Slacked at the carpark with them~ after that all left and left with PHILOMENA.DT, MOOKCHING and me~ pei MOOKCHING wait for RCJT, after that me and PHILOMENA.DT took bus 11 to my house there~ then pei her wait for bus 189 at my house there~ =] talked a lot of things along the way~ and enjoy talking to her lahs~! =]

Reached home, bathed and then played laptop! Chatted with QINGRONG, WENTING & PHILOMENA! =]

22.7.10 @ 10:50:00 PM

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woke up at 6am this morning, bathed, didn't eat and then walked to park for meeting SHANNON, walked to school with her. didn't talk... went to the toilet, cleaned myself up and calm myself down... & this is the first time that i 279 in the school. walked to canteen, talked with peeps awhile, then YINGHUI.sis and wenting came find me... got nth to say when wenting said those words, maybe i'm really a jeark. well, assembly in the hall~ skipped attire check cos got local tour briefing! xD wooo~

PHYSICS- at first not really in the mood, but MR TAN and my physics classmates are funny today!!! can't stop laughing lor! thanks guys! =] PHYSICISTS COOLS! xD

A-MATH- felt sleepy at the first period, 2nd and 3rd period still okay lah.

EL- had el after recess, at first was thinking ab her... after that, we went to prank MS XU with my wireless MOUSE!!! the whole class was laughing lyk hell lahs.! another fun lesson that cheer me up!!! =]

MTL- first time that i concentrate on what MR LI is teaching! becos PHILOMENA was down there busying with doing birthday card to SOMEBODY~ =]

SS- did group work, was laughing lyk hell while we were grouping ourselves in 4. DANNY!!!!

went to CAR PARK take attendance for the CHINESE CULTURE TRIP straight after school! after that bused to CHINA TOWN and don know where lah~ xD had fun also~

after the trip went to IMM with ANNA, TIFFANY, MANDY, ASHWIN, ARRON and ROSANNA for buying stuffs for class BBQ on SATURDAY! =]

reached home around 8pm, bathed and then on lap and chatted with MARRY.crappy partner, PHILOMENA.daughter and ODWIN!

the moment i saw your tears came out from your eyes, my heart ache. i tried my best not to 279 infront of you, but still... i really hope you are alright... ily

18.7.10 @ 7:57:00 PM

hello, people! back for posting! long time boh post liao, due with laziness~ :S
WELL, woke up at 7am this morning, bathed and then took MRT to JE and waited for DANNY and MOOKCHING, after that met ZIHAO and TINA~ then mrt-ed to EXPO for going church! =]
service ended at 12+pm~ went to someset for LUNCH! after that played pool with DANNY, MOOKCHING and ZIHAO at lucky plaza~ damn fun lahs! =] homed with DANNY and MOOKCIHNG! reached home around at 5+, ate dinner at home then slept until 8pm~ saw ♥dear.S♥ der msg, didn't reply cos i was sleeping + now she said she needa return phone ler~ sad sad =[ currently chatting with YINGHUI.SIS and nth much ler~ buais buais!

Blogging for someone lazzeh(:
10.7.10 @ 5:36:00 PM

ME here(: hmmm, start w/ HE'S LAZZYY!!! LOLS, SHANNON here. gonna tell youh all my name this time(: (i think) He woke up early this morning. HAAH. Then ermm he went Bustop? Yeaa, then he saw SYAZWANI at the school gate and went over to chat(: Hmmmm, then in between idk what happened=p hmm, think he got out of his house at 1230 if i not rongg, then met his frens, is consicence of plan derhh, idk. then ermm, me n LYDIA went to BBT then saw him n his frens ofcos. Then treated us CHEESEFRIES(: HAHAS. Slcked till 2 plusplus, then pei me home. Then was chatting w me a while ago. Then offline lerrh, Then BYYE.


i'm nerdy.
6.7.10 @ 8:42:00 PM

hello, peeps! no time neh post ler~
woke up at 6am this morning, bathed and then ate brakfast~ met ♥dear.S♥ at the park and then walked to school tgt! =] talked ab quite lots of stuffs~ reached school, talked to JOHN HO and HOQINGRONG!
READING PERIOD- got new reading material! cool! i love this book!!! xD
4periods of MATHs- first two periods were A-MATH, hmm~ quite okay lah... after that 2 periods of E-math, abit cannot tarhan lah~ and MERVIN TAN were dozing off, then MR GOLPA was lyk taking out his phone and wanted to take his unglam picture? then the whole class was laughing lah
RECESS- ate with DANNY.
PHYSICS- nth to post ab lah xD
ENGLISH- Ms XU lyk got no control over us~ and we were lyk bullying her, talking among ourselves... very bad right? xD
GEOGRAPHY- found that geography getting more and more intresting... LOL right?
D&T- hmm, first period was down there don know do what... after that shifted infront and sat with WAYNE and MOOKCHING! copied notes from the screen and talked ab nonsenses among ourselves! xD
went to BBT SHOP with "GANGS" after school, then after that went to IMM for buying WEIJUN's birthday present!!! TMR IS WANG WEI JUN'S BIRTHDAY!!! HAHAHAS, YOU ARE SO DEAD!!! BIRTHDAY BASH!!! xD
reached home don knwo at what time? then played com and got pissed off becos of sth..

didn't really want to do that, but... i jz couldn't stand it.

she's so weird it scares me, i don't think she likes me.

suckish monday!
5.7.10 @ 10:17:00 PM

suddenly thought of what Mike Ye told me at je mrt that day, two chinese characters and one english word~ am i really one of them?but seems lyk the person don't even treasure it and blah~ i'm lost... what should i do? this will be a lesson for me for sure...

4.7.10 @ 11:12:00 PM