HAPPY 5th month ANN! =]
28.6.10 @ 8:06:00 PM
happy 5th month ANN!LOVE YOU damn LOTS! and i LOVE you FOREVER! =] =] =]well, woke up at 5.30am this morning, bathed and then had breakfast~ walked to the park and waitted for
♥dear.S♥ , after that walked to school tgt~! finally get to see herr!! woots! reached school, slacked in the canteen awhile then went back to classroom~!
had new lesson~! lalalalala~!
MR NG brought us out of school and had PE lesson, played soccer with classmates and our team won 6:5! woooooots!!! xD and danny lost his money!!!! =[ =[ =[ haiz~
changed our sitting plan, and i sit with MERVIN and DANNY YAP! =]
math (after recess)
MR GOPAL taught us! he talked damn funny~ and and and!! i didn't sleep in his lesson! woots! xD
nth to talk ab der
after school
went to MAC with MOOKCHING, WEIJUN, WAYNE, DANNY, QINGRONG, RAMINDER, PHLOMENA and SYAFEEQAH! =] after that went for SC investiture rehearsal! damn damn tired and dulan~ ZZZ haiz~
took 187 home with PHILOMENA and SYAFEEQAH after the SC thingy ~ reached home and emo~
the first day of school really suck! :S and everything is gone...
don't stop believing!
26.6.10 @ 8:24:00 PM
woke up at 9+am this morning, bathed and then had breakfast with FICA~ played lap and chatted with
♥dear.S♥ in the afternoon =] watched annoying orange and blahs... went to meet MC and WAYNE at bbt bus stop and then we walked to the shop to collect mc der pants... then blah blah blah~ was talking on the phone with
crappy partner as she asked me to call her~ random much? O.o hahas! lalalalalalalala! i'm annoying BANANA becos i''m loving YELLOW!!! woots!
24.6.10 @ 12:05:00 PM
1. Last beverage: peach tea
2. Last phone call: WEIJUN.
3. Last text message: "EHh,wayne... u finish yr photo essay alr?"
4. Last song you listened to: keep holding on
5. Last time you cried: forgot ehh...
7. Been cheated on: i think so.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: NO
9. Lost someone special: yes..
10. Been depressed : yes...
11. Been drunk and threw up: NO
13. BLUE
14. RED
15. Made a new friend: YES!
16. Fallen out of love: yes.
17. Laughed until you cried: Yeahh! hahahas!
18. Met someone who changed you: i think got bahs.
19. Found out who your true friends were: prolly!
20. Found out someone was talking about you: i think got
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: no
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: mos of them?
23. How many kids do you want to have: 2
24. Do you have any pets: No.
25. Do you want to change your name: Somehow..?
26. What did you do for your last birthday: forgot.
27. What time did you wake up today:7+am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: msging crappy partner.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: School reopen, My birthday! :D
30. Last time you saw your mum: 21st of june.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Gender! chey kidding.
32. What are you listening to right now: Never say Never~
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom : no.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: hmm, don know eh!
35. Most visited webpage: Facebook.
36. What's your real name: HUANG BO JUN
38. Relationship Status: in a relationship! =]
39. Zodiac sign: Leo
40. Male or female?:Male
41. Elementary: SunFlower kindergarden.
42. Middle School: ShuQunSecondarySchool
43. High school/college?: NOT yet.
44. Hair colour:black.
46. Height:>173 <175.
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: ya
48: What do you like about yourself?: don know leh.
49. Piercings: maybe~
50. Tattoos: NO!
51. Righty or lefty: Righty!
52. First surgery: Nope
53. First piercing: Nope
54. First best friend: alyssa
55. First sport you joined: basketball>soccer>table tennis
56. First vacation: can't rmb
59. Eating: NO
60. Drinking: yes
61. I'm about to: go to the washroom
62. Listening to: NEVER say NEVER
63. Waiting on: i think so
64. Want kids?: Ya
65. Get Married?: ofcourse
66. Career?: don know
67. Lips or eyes: Eyes
68. Hugs or kisses: Hugs
69. Shorter or taller: taller
70. Older or Younger: hmmm, younger.
71. Romantic or spontaneous: depends.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Arms..
73. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive.
74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship.
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: Hesitant
76. Kissed a stranger: NO!
77. Drank hard liquor: NO!
78. Lost glasses/contacts: yes
79. Sex on first date: NO!
80. Broken someone's heart: hmm... i think so
82. Been arrested: NO!
83. Turned someone down: Yes
84. Cried when someone died: Yes
85. Fallen for a friend?: Yes
86. Yourself: ofcourse
87. Miracles: Yes!
88. Love at first sight: Yes!
89. Heaven: Yes!
90. Santa Claus: NO!
91. Kiss on the first date: NO!
92. Angels: yes
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: No
95. Did you sing today: yes
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: no bahs.
97. If you could go back in time: yes
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it?: don know eh
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: hmm, don think so
100. Posting this as 100 truth: i think so?! xD
3 men 5 legs!
23.6.10 @ 8:45:00 PM

(how many legs are there?)
22.6.10 @ 10:08:00 PM
had a really nice day with PAPA and ODWIN! well, hmm~ woke up at 8+ today... then had bathed and had my breakfast and lunch at home~ met ODWIN at JE mrt at 1pm! =] after that MRT-ed to dhobyghaut meet DEDDY~ went to bras basah checked ab SC investitre things! after that went to SINGAPORE biggest popular! and ate lunch in popular restaurant! cool right?! after that shopped in plaza singapura and watched movie! =] damn nice lor! xD after that said byebye to deddy and took MRT home with odwin~! pictures posted in facebook! =] byebye!
chill chill chill
21.6.10 @ 7:58:00 PM

yo~! i'm back! teehee! hmm, not really a nice trip, went there jz to visit my sister, tio hugged and kisses! she couldn't control herself and my face hurt! xD well, went to her apart.~ she staying with her boyfriend- an American Chinese and can't even speak Chinese =.='' but i love his ACCENT man! omgzzxx! xD okay okay, calming my self down~ And!!! And!!! i touched and carried my sister's shot gun!!! was lyk omg cansxx?! getting excited again! xD hmm, then went to mart, almost tio a hair cut! kay, basically were my MUM and my SISTER's ideal! kena forced, so went in~ then i somehow said this to the
hair stylist- a black american with weird hairstyle !
:" i don't trust you" LOL right? i thought he gonna scold me! in the end he said this:" it's okay, i do understand" was lyk omg lor! after that i damn ps, and walked out~ and pretend nth happened =P after that MUM and SIS nagged me =.='' LUNCH at BURGERS FRANKS, nice lyk hell nor! woohoo! xD catch the plane in the afternoon and then after 20+ hrs and finally reached sg!
miss ♥dear.S♥ damn lots!
woke up at 7am this morning, bathed and then breakfast with FICA~ after that took bus 187, saw
♥dear.S♥ at bus stop! alight there, and pei her waitted for LYDIA.sis~ =] after that walked to school with school! had SC meeting~ ended around at 5? went to BBT shop and then BEN came fetched me for dinner~! went to play soccer with MARVIN and his friends~ and i scored 2 points! woots~ won them by 4/1! went to BUS STOP find
♥dear.S♥, and was hoping she will be there~ and she was really there! xD after that sent her home and walked home alone~ =]
currently trying my best to chill~
boh mood sia
i don't understand...
can please tell me the reasons?
what the heck~ getting more more boh mood!
i go sleep now ler... =[ bye
18.6.10 @ 6:17:00 PM
yosh! back for posting! woke up at 5.30am this morning, bathed and then then took bus to YUHUA mac~ reached there at 6.10am, thought i was late~ in the end, i was the earliest person reached there! then marvin came follow by ashwin and meixuan~! discussed ab the video thingy and went to school at 8+ i think~ video taking session till 2+pm, then after that walked to BBT shop wif marvin and took 176 home wif him! reached home,bathed & played laptop~ was "arguing with my mum" after she came back~ yea, i'm going to america tonight for visiting my sister! =] chatted with WEIJUN,WAYNE and CRAPPY PARTNER! hmm, then FICA told me alyssa came and find me today and stayed at house waitted for me~ in the end she went home be4 i reached home! hahas xD too bad luhs~ now me gtg ler~ going for the cell group meeting!
17.6.10 @ 9:02:00 PM
woke up at 6+am this morning, early right?! hmm, ya~ slept damn early last night, that was why~ after that slack and read story book! (guai yeah) hahas! bathed at 9+am, then breakfast wif MUM and went to school~ and WEICHEN was outside 3B like loner lyk that! xD no offence~ after that he said the door is locked, so i went to G.O asked for the key... in the end~ aiya, don wished to blog ab it lah... very der paiseh leh~ =p after that, sec 2 chose their departments and blahs~ after that another SC meeting at 2pm... till almost 6 i think, discussed wif YUNGHUI and ASHWIN, gonna meet them tmr morning at 6am for doing sc stuffs! damn early cansxx! T.T walked to BBT shop, and wished can see
♥dear.S♥, saw
CRAPPY PARTNER infront of me, so walked beside her and gave a "surprise"! xD sorry sorry! =P hmm, saw
♥dear.S♥, LYDIA.sis and TASHA at BBT shop there, slacked with them~ and then i walked home alone, cos mum was kept aasking me go home for dinner lah~ LOLs reached home, dinner-ed! and took stupid pictures with my house der caramelfrappe! cos someone boh liao and asked me to take =.=''! hahas! xD currently thinking ab SC stuffs and chatting with people! hahas~ gtg ler! buais!
hahas! xD crapburry
16.6.10 @ 4:01:00 PM

woke up at 9+am this morning, bathed and then was msging
♥dear.S♥ and my
CRAPPY PARTNER~ then breakfast and lunch~! played laptop after lunch~ chatted with
CRAPPY PARTNER and LLB! xD currently boh liao so posting random picture (shown above) xD
14.6.10 @ 9:20:00 PM
helping my crappy partner to post! :D
repaying him coz i he helped me post yesterday, i think?
was sms-ing with him last night then i fell asleep. SORRY, ha~
and then this morning, he woke up later than me, HAH!
he chased after th bus! hoho. xD
saw him at e bus stop. waved at him. :D
and then th SC meeting, was in th same group as him. heh~
kept laughing during th discussion, then he look at us with that weird facee. xD !!
then after th meeting, they had th exco thingy? idkk~`
then my poor crappy partner havent eat lunch at 6.48pm! O: *sad face*
but he ate macs afterwards? so yeah, YAY FOR YOUU!
we were chatting yesterday and he was hoping that he could see his ♥dear.S♥ today, but he ddnt coz of th SC meeting thingy for investiture. i feel sadded for him. D: coz i know he miss Shannon so much much much and he thought he could see her today. ):
cheer up my crappy partner! :D
that's all? prolly? yeah.
Labels: anonymous person blogging. :D
awesome day!
13.6.10 @ 7:18:00 PM

i'm feeling so lazy to post!! xD omg omg!!! Zzz, but then concert was awesome! and had lots of fun with GANGS!! =] more pictures are on facebook~ stayed at home whole day today, really miss
♥dear.S♥ lots, hope can see her tmr lahs~! xD
cheerups, my crappy partner!!
11.6.10 @ 8:49:00 PM

went to "lala land" with my
CRAPPY PARTNER last night and stayed at "lala land" till this morning~ and we had been spending 12 hrs & 27 mins with each others! (hope she's fine now) well~ woke up at around 9am this morning? after that on msn chatted wif ppl~ breakfast alone, after that bathed and then took bus 187, saw
♥dear.S♥ at bus stop, so alight there~ pei her wait for LYDIA, then i took 187 again to WAYNE house~ slacked awhile at WAYNE house then went to JP with WAYNE and RAMINDER~ met WEIJUN there, shopped SKINNY JEANS with them~ after that went to the playground slack, talk craps and then went home at 5+pm~ currently chatting with alot of ppl~ and nth much ler~! byebye!
i really don know what are you thinking~
maybe i'm really that stupid enough bahs...cheerups, my crappy partner! don't think too much!
i'm stupid 2!
10.6.10 @ 8:59:00 PM

(NG YING PING!!! you must see this, i helped sell pie ler!!!) xD
msged alot ppl last night errr, and msged someone till almost 1am this morning! xD was trying my best to chat with her in msgs! woke up at 9+ this morning, bathed and then ate breakfast and LUNCH at home, met WAYNE and MOOKCHING at BBT shop~ slacked awhile, actually was becos i want wait for ♥dear.S♥ der vb training end then see her ler... MISS HER DAMN LOTS nor~ xD and finally saw her, talked awhile then walked to near my house der one shop with WAYNE and MOOKCHING for altering our pants!! xD after that WAYNE took 187 home and me PEI MOOKCHING walked home, then i walked back to my house again! xD excecise!!! xD currently msging with ♥dear.S♥~ mai disturb! xD buais~~~! xD
i'm still thinking of you, you know?
are you ok?
i wanna crap with you!!!
9.6.10 @ 8:30:00 PM
hello, ppl~! back for posting again~ =] woke up at 10am this morning, bathed and had breakfast with MUM, did holiday homeworks after breakfast~ guai hor?! xD after that msged awhile with
♥dear.S♥ then suddenly she boh reply~ =[ but can understand lah... =] after that went to MOOKCHING house for meeting him, went to BBT shop with him for buying BBT, after that met DANNY~ walked to JE MRT & MRT-ed to TAMPINES, walked to MAC met CELL GROUP members, after that "PRAYER MEETING" the meeting ended around at 5? DINNER-ed with them at FOOD JUNCTION and blah~ mrt-ed home wif DANNY and MOOKCHING... reached home at 8pm~ currently talking in the phone with my BIG SISTER... miss her damn lots lor~ =[ nth more to post ler i htink, byebye!
8.6.10 @ 5:14:00 PM

woke up quite late this morning, then received a msg for
♥dear.S♥~! HAPPY like hell nor, finally can contact her ler!!! xD so msged with her awhile then she returned her phone to her AHMAH~
saded=[ did some holiday homeworks in the afternoon, and quarreled with my little cousin~ didn't want to shout at her, so i talked to her nicely... but in the end she kept denying whatever she did, so i raised up my voice.. after that she cried, she said she scared me get angry of her... was lyk O.o
after that cannot tarhan becos she kept on crying~ so asked my mum sent her home... =.='' played lap after that, off at 4+pm~ then continued with my holiday homeworks. ON9 again, then i saw
♥dear.S♥ on9 also, xD chatted awhile then she suddenly off9 ler~ should be sth bad happened bahs... hope she's fine! =] currently listening BY2 der music~! =] going out with my MUM for dinner now lerrr, buaissss~!
miss you & love you lots!!! xD
FEVER! :s sux!
7.6.10 @ 6:05:00 PM

woke up at 8+am this morning, felt damn dizzy so took temperature - 38.9~ :S bathed and then ate breakfast with MUM... told her that i'm still having a fever~, so she brought me to CLINIC see doctor... :S then the doctor said i didn't drink enough of water and didn't rest well~ that was why got fever.. was lyk O.o~ tio nagged by MUM on the way back home... =.='' reached home, ate MED then read story book~ LUNCHED at home wif FICA, actually MUM said will bring me out for lunch wif ben today, but i'm having a fever so she cancel the thing~ :S played LAPTOP after lunch~ tried to rest on bed, but could not fall asleep~ becos kept thinking of ♥dear.S♥... really miss her badly~ :S asked my mum if i can go out and meet ♥dear.S♥ at BBT shop, MUM said:"NO!! you are still having a fever, you don care but i care!"... was lyk Zzzz~ so what i can do at home is only stare at LAPTOP screen and wait for ♥dear.S♥ to online~ & i'm still waitting... =]
brand new day
6.6.10 @ 6:42:00 PM

Today went to church wif MOOKCHING,DANNY, WEIJUN & ZHIHAO~! watched movie wif cell group members~! really had fun, thanks guys! =]
(currently having a fever, so i'll jz stop here) x.x
i really miss my dear... =[will wait u at BBT shop tmr if i can der~ =]
5.6.10 @ 7:14:00 PM

(took this picture from DEDDY's blog, cover the upper part of this picture)
to be honest, i want to see you today and talk about us to tell you that i need some space.
please understand me, i'm telling you that was a difficult decision
actually,i thought about it this morning
i woke up to the morning, the sun shining at me. Unexpectedly, everything changed
even how i felt for you, it's not that i don't love you
now,i'll change myself
secretly,i've compared you to other girls
when i dream about us, the dreams keep vanish and i'm left alone, crying so pathetic and locked up in this position
i've decided, i'm leaving you! i'm leaving you!
even if i still love you, i'll leave
i'm going to forget you
looking at the sky above me, i told myself, to keep my heart cold towards you
but when i approaches you, i saw that we were standing under the same sky
i only love you so i said this to you, all that i had prepared to say
many words behind, i'll always by your side
the sky is opened for us and you're standing infront of me
other happy couples kissing, but i'm always yours
you've been behind me
it's enough! i know you know how i feel
so now, exhausted all i could do is look at the sky~
4.6.10 @ 7:52:00 PM
what should i do sia... =[
i'm so useless+helpless! =[
18th week~! =]
3.6.10 @ 8:49:00 PM

woke up at 10+am this morning, bathed and had breakfast wif MUM... then studied for my A-math~ =] after that used laptop do english homework.. =] didn't played dota today cos QR and friends didn't on9 garena and msn~ saded =[ went to BBT shop 4+pm, then bbt auntie said QR and WJ jz went home from bbt shop, so called WJ and talked awhile~ stayed at BBT shop, talked a lot wif auntie while waitting for ♥dear.S♥ and LYDIA.sis come from VB traning~ =] wait & wait, and they finally came... talked and slacked awhile then walked home wif them~ after that went VIVO wif MUM and BEN~ had dinner there~ reached home at don know what time(forgot) =P bathed and then currently chatting wif ♥dear.S♥ & ALYSSA~ =] gtg ler~ BUAIS x]
2.6.10 @ 10:02:00 PM
hellos, back for posting~ thanks
♥dear.S♥ for helping me posting ytd!
♥♥♥ hmm, woke up at 8+am this morning, after that played laptop chatted wif
♥dear.S♥ and played dota wif QR and VOON~ had prawn noodle for lunch wif FICA~ then played laptop the whole day~!!!! xD nth more to post ler, byebye~!
He's lazy×.×
1.6.10 @ 10:54:00 PM
① first time bloging HERE~!
② hmmm, owner's lazeh :\
③ he's busying w stuffs~ agree? (=
④ complete two compos for fun:D
⑤ i congrats him, ofcos=.="
⑥ crapping stuffs w me, cause his crappy partner nort on9:)
⑦ that's bedtime for him now. Zzz~
⑧ Hahas, i still waitting for my Mac xD
⑨ just a short numbering post, nth more... I am bored anw, this for fun=P
⑩ i end this with point 10 ._. hahas, byebai=}
「First time blogger」