Hello people of the world :)
My name is BOJUN.
I am a piece of paper.
My purpose is to have people write on me and to be printed by printers.
I like the smell of wood because it smells like my parents.
My ambition is to be thrown away and recycled.
I can go hyper & crazy around them. And i crave food that is nice to eat in my mouth. Doesn't desire for anything.
I love people who make me laugh.
I honestly think it’s the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills.
It’s probably the most important thing in a person.
[FIRE!!! prefer this version than the "space" version.]
woke up at 6am this morning, bathed and then met ♥dear.S♥ at the park and then walked to school tgt~! =] slacked a while in the canteen then went up to hall for pledge taking and reading period! DNT- MR "CHEY" taught us new lesson and blahs~ FT- went to IT resource room watched video. RECESS-*skip* CHINESE- did CHENGYU worksheet and was chit chatting wif XIAOXUE... hahas! A-math- tooo tired, so didn't really absorb much what the teacher taught us. =P GEOG- was at behind LAUGHING and CRAPING wif DANNY!!! layer or slope?! hahas~ after school, CAMP instructor came to our class and had a PARTY!!! ate pizzas, and ice creams!!! =] thanks to JAM for the ICE- CREAM!!! =] after that bused home with MARVIN~ reached home, bathed and sleep... and now going to study for tmr der tests ler... BYEBYE!~
30.3.10 @ 7:14:00 PM
[baby face!]
LALALA~ back to post again! =] woke up at 4+am this morning, then stuided PHYSICS... after that bathed and ate breakfast alone~ walked to the park and met ♥dear.S♥ there, then walked to school tgt~! =] slacked a while in canteen, after that help FELICIA wif her duty~ =] VIDEO viewing- quite intresting~ =] DNT- went to work shop for continue doing our work~ =] MATH- did questions on small white board, quite fun lah... CME-was there chiong my CHINESE work, cos didn't know there's chinese HW!!! Zzz RECESS-*skip* ENGLISH- did activity for answering the comprehension questions, quite fun lah~ was in the same group wif SYAFEEQAH and ARRON! =] CHINESE- MR LEE talked ab some china HISTORY STORY and blahs, quite intresting... but in the end,me fell asleep. =P PHYSICS- MR LEE PP the TEST!!! happy?! sad?! idk lah, happy becos can study and prepare more for it, sad becos i woke up in the early morning jz to study the whole chapter, then now~ =.='' had lesson, and blahs~ after school, slacked a while in school... then started to rain and more and more heavy!! so decided to stay in school study, so went to canteen wif FELICIA, after that ANNA.E,ELISHA and JASON came also... did my A-math hw and so on! =] thanks JASON and ANNA.E for helping me with my A-math hw!! XD after that went to BBT shop awhile wif ♥dear.S♥ and MEI.L~ then went home first becos mum asked me faster go home and eat med. =.='' reached home at 5.30+pm, then bathed, tio nagged after that... haiz~ when can i really get well leh?! Zzzz~ gotta off and study all the subjects ler, cos there are lots of tests coming up this week!!! buais~ =]
♥HAPPY 2 MONTHS,dear!!!♥
28.3.10 @ 8:59:00 PM
HAPPY 2 MONTHS,DEAR!!! =] love you lots!!! =]
woke up at 5am this morning, then mum drove me to JE MRT from MALAYSIA! ya, she finally allow me to go to church after i kept annoying her~ XP!!! met DANNY and ZHIHAO at JE MRT~ then mrt-ed to EXPO der church! went to CHANGI AIRPORT T2 for LUNCH~ after LUNCH mrt-ed to DHOBYGHOT wif DANNY and ZHIHAO! =] then lan-ed!!! went home at 4.30+? after that met MUM at WESTMALL for dinner, talked talked talked~ then suddenly phone sot sot der... cannot call out and cannot msg!!! =[ was like Zzzz~ shopped sth in WESTMALL and blahs~ went home wif MUM at 7+pm! reached home, bathed and now msging ♥dear.S♥ my last msg of the day, very hard to send out err, tried don know how many times alr!!! + using lap posting! =] gtg ler~! buays!
♥what should i do man!!!♥
27.3.10 @ 9:30:00 PM
[hey 3Cs!! still rmber this song?! hahas, hope we can stay united always lah!XD]
currently using my laptop posting in MALAYSIA at my great grandma and grandpa house!!! =] i think i'm in "trouble" becos of some stuffs, haizzzz~ back to post... woke up at 9.30+am this morning, bathed and then ate breakfast wif my mum~ =] after that revised A-math, hope won't fail again!!! =] then bused to school for meeting ♥dear.S♥ and MEI.L after their VB training!!! =] slacked awhile at BBT shop then bused home wif ♥dear.S♥. and MEI.L! =] LUNCHED at home~ cos mum don't allow me eat OUTSIDE!!! wth, jz becos of what the doctor said!! =.='' hope that i can really get well soon lor!!! =] after that walked to downstairs ♥dear.S♥ house for meeting MEI.L! "chat chat chat" then knew sth from her PHONE!!! hahas!! pei her walked to school der bus stop, cos she need got there take bus 98 to WENTING house for meeting WENTING and blahs~ after that, MUM came fetch me home! reached home, bathed and then blahs~ Dinner at GRANDPA house, yummy yummy!!! =] currently chatting wif ♥dear.S♥, DANNY,and MIKE!!! now asking my mum if can leave MALAYSIA tmr morning or not~ hope she say can lah! cos really wanna go to church tmr morning! =] nth more ler~ Buays!!!
24.3.10 @ 8:13:00 PM
back for posting, peeps! woke up at 5.45am this morning~ then ♥dear.S♥ msged me and asked me feeling better, so replied her then met her and walked to school tgt! =] slacked a while in the canteen and then flag raising in SPORTS HALL, after that video reading in the classroom. DNT- had 4 periods lessons in DNT workshop, teacher taught us electrical thingy today, then did soldering and blahs... had fun lah~ =] FT- went to IT resource room, played com and blah~ RECESS-*skip* CHINESE- "boring~" A-MATH- pay 100% attention during the lessons, LOL~ blah blah blah~ GEOGRAPHY- did group work and blah walked to BBT shop after school wif "gangs" and then trying to ditching someone!!! damn damn tired lor! then WYANE called me~ WAYNE:"BJ, where are you?" ME:"at bus stop, edwin still following us leh!" WAYNE:"ohh~ ehh, your girlfriend at BBT shop here leh!" ME:" really ahh?!" WAYNE:" ya~" then i chiong to BBT shop and left QINGRONG and voon hong to ditch him away! =P saw ♥dear.S♥, MEI.L, WENTING, SHUMIN there... then blah blah blah, walked back to school with WEIJUN for taking ♥dear.S♥ der wallet~ =] cos she said she left her wallet in the class. =] after that bused home... reached home, bathed and blah... currently playing with LAPTOP and haven't do MY chinese COMPO yet! lazy do sia~ =[ haiz... gtg now ler~ BYEBYE!!! =]
23.3.10 @ 10:12:00 PM
feeling so sick now, 38.7!! went to see doctor jz now... then he said i need more rest and i ate too much fast food, so i must avoid fast food these days and drink more water~ then MUM kept nagging me must drink more water, and asked me after school go home eat lunch/dinner! sian~ woke up at 4.30am this morning,bathed, then did SS hw and english hw~ after that walked to the park for meeting ♥dear.S♥, walked to school tgt... didn't talk along the way, cos she was not in mood... then don wanna disturb her~ =[ slacked a while in the canteen then flag rasing in the parade square~ Reading period- was there sleeping. =p DNT- got back our test paper~ failed!!! LOLS MATH- MDM MASURA went to ITE with her form class, then Ms WONG relief us... was there sleeping... XD CME- teacher didn't come, MR TAY came relief us... RECESS-*skip* ENGLISH- spelling test, didn't get all correct~ then did some work and blah~ CHINESE- MR LEE gave us a compo hw to bring home and do, then he showed us the video of the pictures that he took during the SEC 3 CAMP!!! was like ERRR... PHYSICS- MR LEE did some "tricks" for us!!! he looked damn retard with his "必胜" thingy!!! was laughing like mad!!! haha~ went to MAC with DANNY for meeting WJ they all, went back to school with WJ after that, cos he got vb training. did hw in the canteen with JASON while waitting for ♥dear.S♥~ =] then i relised my body is damn damn hot, so took temperature, 38.2! walked to the BBT shop, but slacked under a block with ♥dear.S♥ and MEI.L~ then MUM called me and asked me faster go home and rest~ so bused home wif ♥dear.S♥ and MEI.L! reached home, bathed and then on lap! chatted awhile with ♥dear.S♥~ then MUM reached home,dinner at home and went to CLINIC after dinner wif MUM! tio nagging till now sia, "drink more water ahh?! sleep earlier ahh?! don't eat MAC,KFC,BGK and those fast food ahh?!" was lyk zzz, i know ler lah, no need say so many times der right?! =.= then thought saw WENTING, msged her and blah~ currently doing nothing, but going to sleep soon. =]
22.3.10 @ 9:40:00 PM
woke up at 6+am this morning, bathed and then chiong to meet ♥dear.S♥! walked to school with her then slacked a while in the canteen then flag raising in the Parade Square then went back to classroom for reading period~ Ms TAN gave us a card, hmm... quite nice lah~ =] PE- felt very sick, so didn't really do the push ups and sit ups! XP CHEMISTRY- copied power point notes and blah... Recess-*skip* GEOG- felt damn damn sick, took temperature... 38.2! then the temperature lyk keep increasing! 38.2-39.0! SS- nothing to write about. A-math- the temperature shot up to 39.6! classmates ask me if want go home, but i don want to miss any lessons... so tarhan all the way! didn't turn up for Amath remedial, cos really cannot tarhan... walked to BBT shop wif DANNY, saw ♥dear.S♥, MEI.L and wenting were there... talked with them while waitting for my mum come and fetch me.. reached home, rest and blah~ currently still having fever, the temperature didn't see to go down.... =.=''
21.3.10 @ 11:26:00 PM
woke up at 8.40+ this morning, but was in the bed slacking and msging ♥dear.S♥ till 9+? bathed and then had breakfast with MUM, then she nagged me ab alot of stuffs... blah blah~ felt damn damn tired and sleepy but mum don't allow to sleep! she said i jz woke up and why am i going to sleep again? so played wif lap and msged ♥dear.S♥ but half way fell asleep lah... too tired ler! after that dota-ed wif TINGJIE,WAYNE and QINGRONG! =] played lap till 6pm+ then my UNCLE called me and asked me go his house bring his dear daughter to the SWIMMING COMPLEX to have her swimming lesson... was like errrr.... brought my little cousin there then back home played lap again! after that start to chiong all my hws at 7pm, and till now haven't finish yet! haiz~ tmr school reopen ler! i also don know how i feel about this, happy becos can see ♥dear.S♥? or not happy becos haven't finish holiday hws?! haiz, plus tmr got A-math lesson till 5pm!!! sian liao lor...
20.3.10 @ 11:53:00 PM
woke up at 7am this morning, bathed and then met MS LOH at downstairs her house der bus stop... walked to BKBT MRT wif her for meeting FELICIA! took MRT to WOODLANDS for meeting the other SCs for going to republic POLY! =] took bus 169 to there and had our seminar! was there fishing nor!!! damn damn sleepy you know?? the whole thing ended around at 12pm? then debrief, me anyhow said sth (hmm, it's not easy to convince and manage the team members to really work with you. and from this i know that, a good leader also a FOLLOWER!) crap right?! XD after that took taxin wif HENGKY and PHILOMENA to CAUSEWAY point. =] shopped for JOHN der birthday present wif WAYNE and PHILOMENA! had LUCH at MAC wif SYAFEEQAH,WAYNE and PHILOMENA! then blah~ went to JOHN house there slack while waitting for the party to start! *skip* was feeling quite down lah, becos without ♥dear.S♥ der msg really BUXIGUAN!!! =[ but after that was lyk okay alr... had BBQ party! after BBQ went to swim, and video taking session! (hmm, feel damn tired now err, think i will skip all ler!) byebye! psps~
♥i miss you!♥
19.3.10 @ 9:40:00 PM
YOZ... back for posting! like very long neh post ler, cos after came back from the sec3 camp, felt damn tired and lazy to post. XP woke up at 7+am this morning then slacked in bed and was msging ♥dear.S♥, but not more than half an hour then she need to go for VB... =[ after that get up from bed, bathed. then mum dragged me to her room and talked to me... haiz~ nvm, don wish to elaborate. x.x walked to JE MRT STATION for meeting other SCs for STUDENT COUNCILOR AMAZING RACE!!! 1st clue: "GO TO NUS WHERE CHEMIST,PHYSICIST AND BIOLOGIST HAVE THEIR RECESS. THERE, THE WHOLE GROUP WILL HAVE TO DANCE NOBODY BY THE WONDER GIRLS. THE STUNT NEEDS TO BE VIDEO TAPE BY A PASSER-BY. UPON COMPLETION OF THE TASK, CALL MS LOH AND SHE'LL GIVE YOU THE NEXT CLUE" so we took MRT from JE MRT station, then we saw this guy from NUS... then he brought us there. was lyk damn lucky lah, and our group reached NUS first!!! =] reached there, then danced NOBODY!!! was lyk damn embarassing LOR!!! then ROSE ANNE called MS LOH, went to ART LIBRARY find her. and we got the 2nd clue!
2ND CLUE:"GO TO WEST MALL EAT YOUR LUNCH. ALL YOUR GROUP MEMBERS HAVE TO EAT A PROPER MEAL. YOU HAVE TO TAKE PICTURES OF YOUR GROUP MEMBERS EATING. AFTER THAT, GO TO IMM TO BUY A GIFT FOR MS LOH. IF SHE LIKES THE GIFT, EXTRA POINTS WILL BE AWARDED. CALL MS LOH ONCE YOU HAVE FINISHED BOTH TASKS. YOU HAVE TO KEEP ALL YOUR RECEIPTS FROM BOTH RESTAURANT YOU ATE AND THE SHOP YOU BOUGHT THE GIFT FROM." so we took 188 from NUS to WESTMALL, was taking picture and talking wif our group members! ate our lunch at KFC then went to IMM bought gift for MS LOH then ROSE ANNE called MS LOH, she asked go find a park that is "HOT" and find DEDDY! walked to JE MRY station from IMM then mrt-ed to HBF! then bused to HORT PARK. reached there, found DEDDY, and got our 3rd clue!
3RD CLUE:" FIND ALL THESE ALL THREE PLANTS IN THE HORT PARK. AND TAKE A PICTURE OF IT. LATER WHILE PRESENTING YOUR PICTURES, THE PERSON HAVER TO CARRY THE PRESENTOR. so we walked around the park and was finding the plants that showed in the picture! and we were the 2nd! (APPLE's GROUP WAS the 1st)
4TH CLUE:" MAKE YOUR WAY TO BLANGAH PEAK. ASHWIN WILL BE THERE FOR YOUR NEXT CLUE. YOU HAVE TO STAY ALERT IN THE WAY AS YOU WILL HAVE TO TAKE A PICTURE OF PRESTON 10 ON YOUR WAY TO TBP. THIS WILL SERVE AS YOUR PASSPORT TO YOUR NEXT CLUE. we were following apple's group, but ZIN suddenly fell down... so stop awhile and helped her "clean up" then walked to TBP! and we were the FIRST!!! was lyk damn happy can?! hahas...
after that ran to find PHILOMENA they all wif YUNGHUI, led them to the finishing pointand blah~
carried PHILOMENA after the whole thing ended! cos her leg damn pain~ LOLS, then got someone kept fighting with me lah~ actually hor... NVM~ XP
took bus 195 to TIONGBAHRU PLAZA, had our dinner at EIGHTEEN CHEF. "DO RE MI" LOLS!~~
mrted and bused home wif PHILOMENA~ talked to her atw~! becos of sth lah, don wish to elaborate!! XD
then blah blah~~~ byebye!!!
♥i'm back!♥
15.3.10 @ 7:58:00 PM
YO!!! i'm back from sec 3 camp! awsome awsome~! whoop~whoop!!! =] DAY 1 met ♥dear.S♥ in the morning then walked to school tgt~! =] slacked a while in canteen then went up to hall checked which group am i in nad for attendence taking and blah~ me got group 12, sadly DANNY was not in the same group with me... =[ there were 18 of us in group 12 [if i'm not wrong] XP got YUNGHUI,DEDDY,ROSANNA,XINMAN, SYAFEEQAH,ARRON,ORLANDO,SEAN,MERVIN,MARVIN,THIHA,MEIJUAN,YUYA,XIANGRUI,SHUYING,XINWAN,LYN and so on... then some activities with our INSTRUCTOR VICTOR, he's a COWBOY. LOL~ hmm, he asked us to call him tor becos he's not a cher but a instructor and his name end wif tor~ LOLS... left school at don know what time then bus-ed to camp site! went to our hut, hut 9! shared oone hut wif group some boy classmates and group 9 boys~ =[ after that LUNCH... didn't eat a lot, cos the food was lyk... then after that did HL ativities... went to bath at 3pm, cos need go back to school for helping the sec 4E and 5N der meeting parents session! bused back to school with the other SCs... =] had fun while helping in school lah! =] then blah, thanks to MR TAN for the blah yah? XD went back to camp site at 10pm+ and reached there at around 10.30+ i think... then jiont back our group for debrief and then went back to hut~ and we kena bullied by some ppl? don wish to elaborate... and we can't sleep at all! cos some ppl were fooling around in the hut and did some stupid stuffs! was damn dulan lah... and they stopped after MR LEE came up and scolded them! that was 2am~ and i slept at 2am+... haiz... DAY 2 woke up at 5.30am+ then bathed... =] ate breakfast and then HL activies again!!! i love HL activities seh!! did vertical challenge what activity wif EDWARD, and we did it!!! it's like so HAPPy nor!!! =] did other activities also, [abseiling,CRC,sucide pole and so on] dulan of SOMEONE also, cos she jz don understand why i did those things for her and for the gals... maybe she jz jealous, must rmber what instructor said "A GOOD LEADER IS ALSO A GOOD FOLLOWER!" did CANDLE WAR for night activity! all the NAs and NT groups gang bang-ed 3C der groups, but we worked tgt and fight and really did well! DAY 3 woke up at 5.30am+ bathed and then breakfast~ after breakfast did warm up for the activity ROCK climbing! =] DEDDY,MARVIN,EDWARD and ME climbed up to the TOP!! woot~ after that there are some pbs again! and then INSTUCTOR MI talked to our boys~ she said she understood us and blah~ and then we moved a step BW... so then practiced SORRY dance! and whole group performance! after that bathed and then CAMP FIRE!!! really had fun!!! DAY 4 woke up at 6am, bathed and then packed our bags!!! =] gathered at Parade S. then did cleaning! cleaned the toilet, like wtf can?! damn damn smelly`~ =[ left camp site don know at what time... XP
reached school, went to MAC wif WAYNE,WEIJUN,MOOKCHING,DANNY,JOHN,QINGRONG and RAMINDER!! talked ab the camp and blah~ bused home wif WEIJUN! reached home, bathed and then played wif lappy! went to meet ♥dear.S♥ and MEI.L outside school, was lyk finally saw her!!! =] =] missed her and mei damn damn lots lor... XD then slacked awhie at PLAYGROUND... pei ♥dear.S♥ homed... =] after that saw my friends at the basketball court near ♥dear.S♥ der house. played wif them basketball and then went home at 7+pm! had dinner home wif MUM and FICA~ and now chatting wif MEI.L and msging ♥dear.S♥! =]
going back to school tmr, hope i will get back my voice tmr! don wish to ZAOSEAH while asking questions! XP
gtg~ BYEBYE!!!
♥6th week! XD♥
11.3.10 @ 7:16:00 PM
Hello,ppl! i'm back for posting~ =] woke up at 6am this morning, bathed and then played awhile piano~ walked to the park for meeting ♥dear.S♥ and then walked to school together~ she wasn't in mood lah, tried my best to cheer her up. =] reached school, slacked a while and then went up to HALL for assembly and reading periods. ENGLISH- quite bored lah, was there writing down names who will be participating for SPORTS DAY on the 15th of APRIL! XP RECESS- kena chased by a dog!!! chey~ jkjk! cos thought WAYNE was behind me, then i hit~ and WEIJUN kena! paiseh paiseh~ and then he start to chasing me! ran around the school, and then all my gang ppl came extra~ LOLS... but quite FUN lahs~~~ XD CHINESE- MR LEE gave us a song to listen~ found the song quite lame lor... after that saw MC was sleeping then i slept also!! hahas~ XP SOCIAL STUDIES- was there slacking and doing some other stuffs, and was trying to make myself awake! so won't like DANNY!! he kena guai lan by MR LEE for fall asleep in his class! hahas... XP A-math- first two periods damn damn bored!!! half awake, half sleeping! third period then i found it quite okay~ was doing questions wif the teacher~! =] Chemistry- bored bored~! me and JAM were there counting down for the lesson to end! =P went to canteen after school, didn't see ♥dear.S♥~ =[ so took 187 home wif MARVIN. reached home~ bathed and then played lappy. chatted wif WENTING and ♥dear.S♥! the TIFFANY SWT kept asking do sth for her, LOLS... i will try lah~ XD then half way ♥dear.S♥ offlined, think that________. =[ And now me going to buy stuffs for the camp ler, very late right?! =P BYEBYE! CAMP CAMP CAMP CMAP CAMP CAMP CAMP CAMP CAMP CAMP CAMP CAMP CAMP CAMP CAMP CAMP TMR!!!!
gonna miss her badly!!! =[ =[!!! LOVE YOU LOTS!!!
8.3.10 @ 9:18:00 PM
OMG~ miss her badly!
woke up at 6am this morning, bathed and then took temperature, 36.6! can go school,if not will miss die all my friends and ♥dear.S♥ der! met ♥dear.S♥ in the morning and then walked to school together~! =]
reading period- MS TAN showed us boring video clip, was there day dreaming lah~ XP PE- ran 2.4km, got 9.29mins~ XD CHEMISTRY- 1st period stayed in class, 2nd period went down to lab, and the teacher showed us some compounds and blahs~ CME- nth to write ab. RECESS- HO is damn dulan of sth, cheer ups and relax lah~! =] GEOG- *skip* SS- damn damn der bored kay~?! was there listening sth and then suddenly my eyes auto. closed!! LOLS~ MATH- MDM MASURA used almost 1 hr to arranged the file with us! hahas, so no quiz no lesson! hahas~ =]
went to mac after school wif WAYNE and so on~ hmm, quite funny lahs! after that DEDDY kanchiong want go back to school for the SC meeting then he pulled me also! then was walking damn fast wif him... in the end, reached there like so early lor. =.='' had SC meeting! after that went to BBT wif gangs, played soccer at the basketball court! damn damn fun LORS!!! "KISS MY BUTT MAN!!!" hahas! took 187 home wif WEIJUN and EDWIN! reached home, bathed and then felt damn damn weird without her msgs!!! =[ =[ =[ =[ =[ =[!!! so really sad lah, and went to sleep~ woke up at 8pm! had my dinner, and then slacked~! chatted wif HUIXIN, PHILOMENA, CHLOE and blahs~!
Whats life ? Life is love.
Whats love ? Love is kissing.
Whats kissing ? Come here and I show you.
♥love you lots!♥
7.3.10 @ 10:18:00 PM
♥You make me feel complete!♥
halo~ long time neh post ler... due wif lazy-ness~ ytd went to ECP for class outing~! reached home at 9.30+, bathed and relised that my skin coulor changed!!!=.='' you all will see a blacker BOJUN tmr! LOL~ then felt damn hot, so took temperature, 37.9~! took ice bag wif ice on my forhead and blahs... cos MUM wasn't at home and maid was sleeping. =.=''' woke up at 7+am this morning, took temperature-39! bathed and then mum brought me to the hospital, HATE the hospital smell!!! but no choice... then the doctor said i tio don know what virus so got fever. =.='' crap sia, made me stay in hospital for almost 2hrs jz for the doctor to talk to my mum and for the stupid INJECTION ! =.='' after that went to orchard rd for lunch and made new specs! went to mum's company slacked and blahs... didn't msg ♥dear.S♥ lot today, cos she felt tired and now her phone kena conficated~ sad nor =[. felt so weird without her msg. =[