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I've seen,

Love die,

Way too,

Many times.


31.12.09 @ 6:26:00 PM

no mood for posting now~
pissed! how come you know my password?!
pls don't use my acc leh!

30.12.09 @ 10:11:00 PM

woke up at 8+am this morning!
then bathed, ate porridge for breakfast!
then slacked a while.
took bus 187 to JP, shopped!
then met SYAZWANI at GV at 12+.
watched ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNDS wif her!!
went to SAFRA for meeting MC,WAYNE,QR and DANNY!
then lan-ed! had fun!
went to JP der BK for dinner/late lunch wif WAYNE and QR.
then bus-ed home wif WAYNE and QR, talked craps in the bus!
pei QR wait for his 173 bus downstairs my house!
talk craps again! LOL~
really had fun today!!!
why you felt in that way?
we didn't~ we'll never walk alone kay?!
if you want, we can organise another outing! :D


29.12.09 @ 8:02:00 PM

hello, back for posting!
woke up at 9 am this morning!
bathed and ate breakfast alone.
then slacked.
went to WESTMALL at 12pm, shopped!
took bus 187 to school, same bus as Felicia, Zhenglong, Yongseng and Suzanne.
then DRY RUN-ed!
took bus 187 to westmall after the dry run, met my mum there!
ate my late lunch at SUBWAY wif my mum!
then bought a box of green tea and snacks~!
reached home, slept~!
and got a dream! LOL~
sibeh SHIOK lah!
and WJ,MC,WAYNE,two random ppl and me were inside~!
haha, jz shared it wif wayne!!! haha~
then blahblahblah!!
gtg, byebye!

25.12.09 @ 10:31:00 PM

woke up 8+am this morning!
msged JIANWEI and decided to go out wif him.
cos really don't want lost him as a friend lah.
bathed and then ate breakfast wif mum.
then she fetch me to BKBT mrt station for meeting JIANWEI.
met JIANWEI at mrt station at 10.30am
then MRT-ed to SUMERSET, chit chated!
the shopped!!! used two hrs shopped finish the whole shopping mall! :D
and JIANWEI was busy finding wallet/watch and bag!
me? jz shopped wif him! and was thinking what to buy for *secret*
haha, ate lunch at food REPUB. and then continued shopping!
walked to dhoby ghaut after shopped finish the SM, and then shopped again!
MRT-ed to orchard, SHOPPED AGAIN! haha, was finiding sth lah!
rested a while at MAC, and then JIANWEI gave me ideals!
thx thx!!! haha ;D
walked back to sumerset after shopped finished at ORCHARD.
then MRT-ed to JE.
boys talked in the MRT. LOL~
walked to IMM, saw YIXIN and her friend.
was like LOL, so Qiao!
then shopped again! haha~
we love SHOPPING!!! LOL~
spent almost 7 hrs for SHOPPING today! HAHA!
leg cramp like... :p
PEI JIANWEI walked to school, then i took bus home!
reached home, bathed!
and then DINNER wif my mum,sisters and fica! :D
com-ed after dinner!

JjT2E8!!!i'm rdy.

HAD FUN!!! long lost brother!!!
24.12.09 @ 9:28:00 PM

Hello!!! back for posting!!
slept at 1.50am this morning, was thinking a lot of stuffs and was msging WEIJUN and WAYNE!
and woke up at 6am!
bathed and then played wif com!
then FICA came back from INDONESIA!
and she brought me a christmas present!! TYTY! ;D
conference called wif WEIJUN and WAYNE,
was discussing where to go ltr on!
had lunch at home while talking wif them in the phone!
bathed, and then went down to bus stop.
took TAXI to school for meeting WAYNE,WJ and QINGRONG!
waited for WEIJUN and QINGRONG at the school gate!
and saw C girls walked pass us, then blahblah!
LOL lah~
went to BLK 333 for buying UNIFORM.
took bus 198 to JP after that!
when reached JP, WEIJUN relised that he left his uniform in the shop.
Was like Zzz!
so took MRT to chinese garden and ran to the shop wif WEIJUN!
see~ i so good!! :p
luckily, the uniforms are still there! haha
took bus 187 to JP again!
met QINGRONG and WAYNE there!
then went to $$$ changer for PEI-ing WJ to change his ringgit!
went to SAFRA after that!
then LAN-ed! Won 2 games and LOST 1 game!
overall FUN lah!
went to the park after LAN!
Me:"there are two GIRLS infront! let's go talk to her"
walked walked walked, then we laughed!
there is only one man and one woman, but the man in red colour shirt looks like a woman.
was like lOL!
damn fun lor!
then played wif sand,frog and mouse! :p
took mrt home wif qingrong and wayne!
then blahblah!
still thinking W/T should go out wif JIANWEI for celebrating CHRISTMAS tmr!


第几个一百天!! 100DAYS!
23.12.09 @ 6:40:00 PM

i pave love across the blue sky.
so the restles you can lift your head and see.
i burn my heart into flames.
so you,who is scared of the dark can sleep calmly.
as i burn, time is like snow, covering everything.
but love will reborn as stubborn green leaves.
i still have strong feelings the first 100 days.
using my eyes to sketch your inner world.
the first 100 days also seem like passionate love.
holding hands and changing fate together.
i was onece sensitive and fragile.
you lay down on my chest without a word.
i had a stubborn impulse.
i will hold you,aid you,and understand your aching.
i have more and more feelings the first 100 days.
i used my eyes to sketch your inner world.
no matter how many 100 days also seem like passionate love.
holding hands and changing fate together.
when protection becomes belief, tears will even turn sweet.

Hello,back for posting!
while,woke up at 5.30am.
ya,i was so damn late for going to airport for fetching my mum and sisters!
and most importantly, BEN didn't call me and he went there himself!
bathed,drank MILO and ate bread for breakfast.
then slacked a while.
took bus 187 to school, saw ZHENGLONG inside.
after that,HELPING out for the sec 1 registration.
didn't see the person that i want WANNA see, SAD!
or maybe she didn't get her first choice SHUQUN bah!
was slacking wif ROSANNA while MR tan asked us to guide the parents for going to the respective stream.
then talked talked talked! saw WEDDING ANG was there and pressing the calculator.
was like LOL~
then blah blah blah.
took bus home wif ZHENGLONG and Rosanna after the SC thing!
cos i need go meet my mum and sisters for LUNCHE!
reached home, saw them at the living room.
and then he came and scold me!
him:"why you woke up so late this morning?!"
me:"ohh, jz can't get up mah, and you didn't call me"
him:"okay,nvm! then why you lost your bag in JAPAN?!"
then i turned to be abit DULAN
me:"excuse me? was that your bag?"
then he DIAM DIAM liao.
was like WTF lor? try to act infront of my mum ahh?! you think you who?
then ran into my room and DULAN!
bathed, went for lunch wif my MUM,sisters,and him.
after that, they went to JP for watching movie, and i ownself went home.
cos really don't want to... AHH!
reached home, com-ed and blah!
went for dinner wif them again!
went to WENGZHENG house for playing TT after the dinner. and they went to CSC for bowling? not clear.
played TT for almost 3 hrs.
reached home, bathed and com-ed.



22.12.09 @ 3:24:00 PM

HARU HARU!!!! (touching leh!!)
woke up at 9am+ this morning!
first thing came to my mind was you.
sad! T.T
bathed, and then went to downstairs my house for meeting ALYSSA!
cause she said she got sth want to gif me.
slacked a while at der playground wif her.
talked ab "you".
thx for the present and thoses words! ^^
back home, drank milk for breakfast! LOL.
cos really lazy go out for breakfast.
then com-ed!
haiz, at home SB sian der lor!
so fast 99 liao! haiz...
^^!3yawa reh sevol

edit (09.24pm)
feel damn sad now!
becos the CHANGE around others!
well,JIANWEI! as you said you don't want lose me as a friend/ brother!
erm, i also don't wish that will happen to us!
well, think you also got abit dulan of them!
i really pekchek, really hopeless lor!
haiz, hope you will still be here next year!
and hope them can really work hard but not slack!
called him jz now, he said blahblahblah!
seems like $$$ can solve everything! LOL~

18.12.09 @ 10:36:00 PM

when i see you.
i try to hide what i feel inside.
Tell me why.
it's so hard to forget.
Don't remind me.
I'm not over it.
Tell me why.
Maybe i regret everything i said.
No way to take it all back.
Now i'm on my own.
How i let you go.
I'll never understand.
-D A!

ECP TRIP!!! the EHs!
17.12.09 @ 9:52:00 PM

BACK for posting!!!
woke up at 5am this morning!
bathed and then took MRT to main police station!
my bag was found, and then the tokyo police send it back to main police station!
took back my bag! camera,jacket,passport-GONE!!!
only my wallet left!! $$$ all gone!!! and three "STUFFS" gone also!
maybe this is SHANGTIANZHUDING for me to lost this three stuffs! T.T
and maybe it just want me to forget and let go of "YOU"!
ya, abit sad lah~
then reached home at 7+am, then com-ed!
after that alyssa called me out for breakfast.
so ate breakfast at MAC!
then shopped wif her at WESTMALL!
erm, bought 3 POLO tee lah! and relised one thing, I LOVE SHOPPING very much these days! LOL~
i also don't know why. =.=
then reached home at 11am.
bathed again, then took 187 to WAYNE house!
slacked a while at wayne house, then took MRT to JE for meeting MC and WJ!
train-ed to BEDOK, then took TAXI to ECP!
I paid the TAXI $! they bullied me! chey~
ate lunch at MAC!
went to renting shop for renting the bycicle!
and then WAYNE and WJ KAYKIANG go rent the two person bike!
and end up they cycle like =.=!
went back to the renting shop for changing the bike! and sth happened!
WAYNE's slipper drop and spoilt! was laughing like MAD!!!!
then swaped wif wayne, cycled two person bike wif WJ!
and he was slacking, and shouted SHIOK! LOL~
made me so tired!
then went to the beach, slacked there!
played wif dead CRAP! and wrote words on the sand!
then continued for cycling!
and MC and WJ started to LAOLAN!
cycled damn fast, and made us can't catch up!
LOL~ two person bike mah! wad you expect! LOL~
took short cut for returning to the starting point! damn SHIOK!!!!
went for BOWLING after cycling! :D
played two games!
and WJ showed his POWER/TALENT in the first game!!!
you know why? ERM-HENG!!! WJ!!!
well, there were 20+ ppl beside us, and most of them are girls! TWO BOYS ONLY!
and then WJ scared the girls will laugh at him/he see CHIO BU then he played damn damn good!!!!
2nd game! he played like SHIT! LOL~ you know why? cos the girls were not there alr!
MC,wayne and ME were lauging like mad lor!
went to ARCADE after bowling!
after that went to MAC after arcade!
talked a/b some funny and stupid stuffs! :D
then walked a long way for taking bus 169!
well, alot of things happened on the way to the bus stop lah!
we talked craps, we talked a/b ghost!
and then we ran over the bridge and shouted:"AHHHH~!!!!!" for some stupid reason!
MC and WAYNE were following me and WJ and they said one teenager saw us running and shouting and he CUATIO, then he started to RUN wif US!!!
then laughed like MAD again!!!
took bus 169 to clementi! talked craps/funny stuffs/pervert stuff?/him/her! LOL~
then took MRT home wif WJ and WAYNE!
reached home! bathed! and now chatting wif Wayne and WJ!

15.12.09 @ 9:32:00 PM

came back from JAPAN ler.
actually will only come back on 23rd der!
but sth had happened on me yesterday in JAPAN!
and i came back my on my own!
reached singapore at 10.50am!
then uncle came fetch me home!
called WAYNE, then talked talked.
well, my cousins and friends kept asking me the same question over and over again.
how's JAPAN?! did you had fun?
and i think you may also want to ask this question.
so let me answer here.
well, i really enjoyed myself for the first 4 days. espicially the hotel KEIO PLAZA HOTEL!
until the 5th day, sth happened on ME!
was walking to the bullet train station and going to mt. FUJI!
then heard the SOUND of a motor and then i fell and my bag gone!
then the motor disapear! my mum and me was stunning there, and my sisters were running around and ask for help?
after a while, my mum started to scold me.
"why you wearing your sling bag?! why didn't you wear your shoulders bag?!"
wth lor, who knows this kind of thing will happend on me, and somemore how i know they use motor for robbery.
then was diam diam and followed my mum and sisters to the police station!
stayed in police station for 5 hrs +.
then police said they will try their best to find my bag!
but most importantly! my camera, wallet, passport were inside!!!!
after my mum know it she started to scold me again!
then slept a while in police station.
and my mum settled the thing, the police gave me a letter for going back to SG! was like why?
went back to hotel wif sisters, and mum went to airport for buying air ticket for me!
and she said she won't go back sg wif me. HAIZ!
used wifi chatted wif WJ and WAYNE! told them wad exactly happened!
then blah blah!
tmr need go ICA. didn't know this thing will become that complicated!
hais! won't go JAPAN again! =.=
mai char!

8.12.09 @ 9:24:00 PM

woke up at 9+am this morning!
bathed then ate breakfast wif mum!
then mum asked me if want go VIVO with her for buying the sweater and so on for tmr's trip!
and she kena rejected from me~ am i very bad?! haha
called wayne at 11+? then talked ab ltr der outing!
called MC and waitted him to decide w/t going or not! LOL~
and then met wayne at school gate at 12.20pm!
listened music at school gate, and called MC again!
and finally he decide to go out wif us and also his brother!
then one black car came out from the school! and MS PLF and MR JC were inside!
and they kept looking at me... was like GG! LOL~ then hide behind WAYNE.
then wayne said i wear like PAIKIA so they kept looking at me! was wtf? PAIKIA meh? Zzzz
waitted for WJ for 50 mins +! hais...
then walked to downstairs MC house for meeting them?
took 187 to JP, then walked to SAFRA!
then walked to JP, shopped~ :D
after that took 187 to YUHUA VILLAGE for dinner.
and was sitting wif a GUY at the back in the bus! said HI,and BYE! actually i don know him!
and he's BGL!
WJ,MC,MC's brother,WAYNE were laughing like mad!
me:"where you stay?"
me:"so far?then why you taking this bus?"
BGL:"yes~i going to temple."
me:"ohh,i see~ go there pray ahh?"
BGL:"yes~ go PLAY(pray)"
then we laughed again! haha!
ate HOKIANMEE for dinner!
took bus home wif WJ~!
and sth happened in the BUS!!! WEIJUN!!!
reached home, bathed!
and then mum tell me thad she changed the flight and it will be at 11.45 am tmr!
then blah blah!

6.12.09 @ 9:11:00 PM

woke up at 9.30am!
bathed and then ate breakfast wif my mum!
talked wif my mum also, talked ab the new house in CCK!
then slacked!!!
called MAC for the delivery, cos my house der two lifts break down!
then blah blah!
now having conference call with WJ,MC,QR and wayne!!! :D
should let another guest to shift in!!! <3

iloveyouall!!!! :D
5.12.09 @ 8:56:00 PM

morning called WJ at 7am but i woke up at 7.30 +!!


bathed and then talked to my mum! and she said will be going for the JAPAN trip next week or next next week! :D weeee~

then saw the time, it was 7.45am!!! was shock!! LOL~~

rush down to the bus stop and took taxi to school!!! haha :D

meet WJ and RAMINDER at school gate!

then CIP!!!

erm, quite fun lah but injured my LEG!!!

damn pain lor! T.T

took bus 187 to westmall wif WJ after the CIP!

then he took MRT home and then i shopped around! LOL~~!!

then walked home! had PIZZA for dinner!

currently chatting wif SYAZWANI!!!

haha~ byebye!

BYEBYE,D! 4/12/2009
@ 8:09:00 PM

woke up at 7am.
morning called WJ, then he said he woke up at 6+?? LOL
bathed and then took 187 to school.
went to downstairs DANNY house and wait for him.
but didn't see him, then walked to school, and saw YUNGHUI,WJ and DANNY were at the carpark!
ran to them and then start to talk!
then started to pack books, grouped wif WJ and Danny! :D
was abit slacking and looking at some "stuff" LOL!!!
US!!! chey~
CIP ended at 11am!
then sth happened! "INTEGRITY!" LOL~
then went to MAC and meet WAYNE and MC!
and MC was SMS-ing his beloved MEI MEI lah! LOL~
ate lunch at mac, went to MC house wif DANNY while waitting for WJ and WAYNE to put their things lah!
took 187 to BOONLAY and meet WJ and wayne there!
then started to raining and saw a cockroach running around, then i started to play wif cockroach!
blocking way, then kick into the rain, and the cockroach died after 10 mins? LOL!!! am i very bad? haha!!!
then ran in the rain to SAFRA!!! and we all all got wet!
went to toilet and cleaned up...
after thad saw sth really digusting!!! wayne also saw it!!! was like "errr, ewkkk!!"
then went to the lan! played DOTA, L4D2, and audi!
went home at 6+?
took 187 to westmall wif WJ and MC!!!
shopped shopped shopped!!!
and MC bought a BD present for his beloved MEI MEI!!
then went to KOUFU for dinner wif WJ!
ate two person's meal! damn nice!!!
then slacked downstairs my house der playground wif WJ, MC and my cousin!
then TURTH OR DARE!!! actually TRUTH only lah, asked each others questions!!
had fun also!
went home at 10.22pm! :D
bathed and then started to talk wif My MUM! and she jz reached home from the airport! :D
and well! my grandfather has recovered liao! was like wth lor! cos, the doctor said my grandfather will die in 3 weeks times, but he recovered! GOD bless him lah! LOL!
then msged WJ, and ROSANNA!
slept at 11+pm!