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I've seen,

Love die,

Way too,

Many times.


!@#$%^&* stop it pls!!! thank you!
29.10.09 @ 6:59:00 PM

hello, back for posting again! :D
woke up at 6.30am :D
bathed and then ate breakfast wif my mum! :D
then she fetched me to school! :D
then was quite hot in my mum's car, cos i go on the air con and then the the whole thing went wrong!
was like WTF?! then she said nvm, she will go repair, sorry, MUM! :P
actually also not my fault? i jz turned it on only! :P
then was sweating like hell in the car lah! :P
walked to classroom, and then went 2A and talked to ppls! :)
went back to class and saw WJ, and neh see the rest of our *gang*!
they all PT?! LOL, and WJ so guai LOR, neh PT!!! haha, chey~
then went fot A-maths programe. today, Ms Zhao came teach us!
at first still okay lah.! then had 1 hour recess!!! :D
went back to class and then talked wif WJ and MRS GOH! :D
then Ms LOH came, and she said why our gangs only got two of us?!
then we were like keep quite lah. :)
then talked talked talked! :D
went back to LIBRARY, and then was exactly 10am! the bell rang!
then MS Zhao said we were late. was like wth!
some more some ppl keep wooing sth!!! think i don know ahh?! !@#$%^&
was damn pissed of lor!
put you in my situation, will you be happy?! fcuk off lah!!!
I DON"T LIKE HER HOR!!! !@#$%^&
and for YOU!!! get out my life PLS!!! and wif those sms!! and stop looking at me!!
you know thad was disgusting!!! !@#$%^& THANK YOU!!!
then kept myself really really calm during the A-math programe. :)[this is not the first time!!!]
for those PPL who still want make fun of me and HER or sabo me and her or want make fun of me? pls stop it! or i may not remain be calm!! thank you!
had a quiz for today's topic!!! my brain cells were all killed by last 2 questions!!!
went back to classroom after the programe for meeting WJ!
then walked to 188 bus stop!
took 188 home wif Edwin and WJ! :D
reached home, bathed! :D
and then played wif lap! :D
played DOTA wif QINGRONG!!! really had fun! :D
then played AUDITION wif WJ also! :D
blah blah~

28.10.09 @ 6:01:00 PM

woke up at 6.30am this morning! :D
bathed and then ate breakfast! :D
took 176 to school, and inside the bus was damn cold lor
and my leg was kept shaking lor. =.=
then walked to classroom... :)
and then blah blah, then MRs Liang asked us to go for A-math thingy! :D
our gangs only me and DANNY!!! :( sad sad!
then had whole day of A-math lesson! :D
took the test, and then had the presentation?
really had fun!!! :D
saw MC, WJ, Wayne, TJ and Raminder outside the library after our A-math.
walked out of school together, then i took 187 home instead of going BBT shop wif them!
ps ahh, my mum dated me first! :P
reached home, bathed and then went VIVO CITY wif my mum!!! :D
ya, went there and help her carried things lah, but she bought me a game as reward!!! wee~!
it's LEFT 4 DEAD 2!!!!!! weee~~~ i love you MUM!!! it's like $80+!!! teeheee!!!
then reached home, played DOTA wif Chye HON and DANNY!!! :D
Danny used his STRONGEST hero!!! really damn pro lor, don't believe go try lor!
then chatted wif WEDDING ANG!!! erm, ya.... :)
then blah blah~
but, ilovedyou!!!

27.10.09 @ 6:36:00 PM

hello! :D back to post again! :D
woke up at 7+am this morning :D early hor?! cos i slep at 9pm last night! :P
was extremely tired due with the FLU~!!!
bathed and ate breakfast wif MUM, then she went to her company. :)
played com the whole day! :D
and was having runny nose and sneezing while playing! :P
watched some movies also!! quite nice lah! :D
k, now goiing to haf dinner at home wif MUM,FICA and BEN!! :D
and then ltr will go cycle wif some friends (LUCUS,ALYSSA,ALICE,KETINE,CALLYN and JAMES LAU) wee!~~~ :D
gtg ler, BYEBYE!!! :D

<3 <3
26.10.09 @ 6:49:00 PM


also love the english SUB!!! :D

SICK!!! having a FLU!!!
@ 6:17:00 PM

woke up at 6.30 am this morning :)
and still having a flu, mum asked don't go to school, but i said no need! :P
then walked to the bus stop, really got no strength to walk. :P
so waited for bus, took 187 to school! saw her inside the bus, went to her (selyn) and said hello~! :D she still rmber me! wee~!
then walked to classroom and then talked a/b DOTA stuffs wif all our gangs and blah.
History- Cher talked a/b the subjects thad we'll take next year for 20 mins? then he let us do our own stuff. so DOTA!!! LOL~
Science- watched movie (EIGHT BELOW). DOGS are ROCKING!!!
RECESS- didn't went down and eat, cos FICA asked me don't buy anything to eat in school, she'll cook for me after i reach home! :D then blah blah blah~
D&T- wanted to do the key chain, but then half way gave up. :P
ART- got back our papers, and this is the first time i pass me ART!!! 56.5/100!! wee~
Lifeskills- *skip* *skip*
walked to 187 bus top talked to our gangs and then all dont want go BBT shop. so all went home! walked to 188 bus stop wif QINGRONG, saw TJ,HADI,AFIQ and SAIFUL there, and then took 176 home wif QINGRONG! :D
reached home, bathed and played com while eating :D

(wee~ i 2nd!!!)
then rested for a while, and then DOTA-ed wif AI again!!! :D
and then played AUDITION!! :D
is like so long neh play liao lor! :)
lalala~ BYEBYE!!! :D

25.10.09 @ 6:04:00 PM

currently having a flu~! :(
feel so low and don know the reason why~!

24.10.09 @ 9:59:00 AM

woke up at 6.50am this morning!
was a bit late luh. :P
then waited for the bus, but didn't come!
so ran to school!
and saw MC was J-walking!
then walked wif him and went to meet DANNY!
then walked to school! :D
Lit- got back the test paper and failed! LOL~ ofcos luh, cos didn't study mah. =.=
Science- overall D7 still failed! =.= was like Zzz, really don like science =.=
Recess- *skip* *skip*
blah blah *skip8 all liao! :P
went home, bathed and played dota wif QINGRONG!!! and WAYNE! :D
went out to WESTMALL for dinner wif my MUM, BEN! :D
then MUM drove us to OMNI THEATER!!! :D
watched SPACE STATION!!! the hall was like OMG lor and the SCREEN! :D
had fun there! :D
the show ended at 8pm! then went to Yewtee played BADMITON wif BEN and his friends! :D
then he drove me home! :D
reached home, bathed, drank MILO and sleep! :P

woke up at 8+am!
and i dreamed of you! was like OMG lor :P
this person not *NFNFS*, also not *TFNSST* but it's her! LOL~
then played DOTA wif WAYNE and QINGRONG in the early of morning! LOL~
then now got to go ler, going to SCIENCE CENTER wif my MUM, Fica, cousins and BEN! :D

22.10.09 @ 7:29:00 PM

love this song!!!

woke up at 6am this morning. :D
bathed and ate breakfast alone! :D
then Fica told me thad my MUM will be back today around 6pm.
went to BKBT MRT station for meeting Alyssa, cos she got sth wanna gif me :D
then walked to school! :D
Reading period- was talking a/b DOTA wif our GANGS!!! :D woot~
English- once Mrs Goh walked in, my heart beat damn damn fast! was like GG!!
got back our two papers, 12 ppl passed the paper, but overall most of the ppl pass!
but i failed!! sian, 44.2/100 ?
Science- Ms Loh absent! wee~ free period! was cheering WJ up, cos he scared he'll drop NA, cos he also fail. LOL~ but then is quite SCARY luh~ T.T then talked talked talked!
Recess- erm *skip* *skip*
PW- Mr ONG showed us movie- ICE AGE 2!!! was blah blah!!! thanks to PHILOMENA yah?! LOL! now i'm become the ZUIREN!!! wtf?! neh see her pm?! said i crazy? your MOM LUH!! LOL~ then my heart beated so fast, i also don't know why. haiz, but now i think i know alr.! LOL LOL!!!
Math- got back our papers also! got 78/100!!! highest:" 95!" siao lor!!! @#$%^&! LOL~
CME- did the school survey! and then MRS PEH showed the DNT marks! LOL~ 66?
History- got back our paper!!! got 63/100!! erm, okay okay luhs!! XD
then was talking a/b guitar thingy wif Amirrul! XD
went to BBT wif all our gangs!!! FUN!!!
took 188 home wif TJ,WJ and Edwin!
reached home, bathed and then went to WESTMALL for buying the new MOUSE!!
spent $57 on LOGITECH mouse, didn't bought the GOOD one , jz bought the NORMAL NORMAL one! cos not enough $$$!!! LOL LOL~
then played DOTA wif DANNY, QINGRONG and WAYNE!!! damn fun lor!!
in the score list, Danny 1ST i 2nd!!! woot~ LOL LOL~
blah blah~~~

21.10.09 @ 5:54:00 PM

woke up at 9+am this morning! :D
then played wif lappy! :D
had lunche wif Fica outside! :D
played DOTA till my mouse spoiled!!!
somemore my mouse is LOGITECH one!!! $90+
T.T... sad~
will save money and buy another one luh! haha :D
gtg ler! byebye!

20.10.09 @ 5:31:00 PM

woke up at 10.32am this morning! :P
then bathed and ate breakfast alone. :[
then FICA came back from NTUC?
then she said my mum went to JAPAN this morning at 5am.
was like OMG lor, she even neh tell me. -.-''
then FICA passed me a letter~ was from my mum! :)
she said the JAPAN company last minute want the PROJECT by tmr!
so my mum went there! and she said i cannot go out in the letter! was like grrrrh!
then played wif com.! and then wayne they all asked me if want go ECP or not!!
was like WTH~ my mum not allow me to go out ehh! and ltr if go out FICA go complain how?!
sad lor, so didn't jion our gangs to ECP~ ps, i was forced also. -.-''
then played DOTA!!! damn fun!!! :D picture shown on top!
but my house is damn quiet luh!! only can hear "MONSTER KILL" and "GODLIKE"
going to haf my dinner at home wif FICA, Alyssa, Lucus, Huijuan and Huijuan's friend. ps, don't know your name! :P
gtg ler!! byebye

19.10.09 @ 5:32:00 PM

currently no mood~
quarreled wif my mum wif some families problems~
uncle, sorry~! aunt, sorry~! Mum, sorry~! Sisters, sorry~! Cousins, sorry~!
hope you all really can understand me~!
hope this complicated problem will be gone very soon~!

17.10.09 @ 5:43:00 PM

i'm so touched of wad you said just now!!!
was like OMG lor. ;D
see you ltr!!! :D

16.10.09 @ 6:40:00 PM

woke up at 5.50am this morning. d:D
then WJ msge me, bathed and ate breakfast wif MY mum. :D
went to BKBT MRT for meeting TJ and WJ :)
then went back to the bus stop downstairs my house. :D
met yunghui there . :D
walked to bukitbatok nature park. :D
registered and started to rain. -.-''
then blahblah, talked and gossip loads!!! :D
had fun also! haha :D
then they cancled this event. -.-
was like wasted my time for being here. -.-
walked to bukit batok community centre der MC wif all gangs. :D
then my mum called me and she said she want come fetch me :)
so pangseh gangs and walked out the big gate and waited for my mum. :D
then reached home. :D
played DOTA wif QINGRONG!!!!
damn damn fun!!! this game duration is 1hr and 41mins. :D
thads loads!!! haha :D
but really had fun luh. :D
then slept for 4hrs? :P
woke up at 6.11pm :D
going to haf dinner wif my mum outside ltr~! :D

@ 6:40:00 PM

woke up at 5.50am this morning. d:D
then WJ msge me, bathed and ate breakfast wif MY mum. :D
went to BKBT MRT for meeting TJ and WJ :)
then went back to the bus stop downstairs my house. :D
met yunghui there . :D
walked to bukitbatok nature park. :D
registered and started to rain. -.-''
then blahblah, talked and gossip loads!!! :D
had fun also! haha :D
then they cancled this event. -.-
was like wasted my time for being here. -.-
walked to bukit batok community centre der MC wif all gangs. :D
then my mum called me and she said she want come fetch me :)
so pangseh gangs and walked out the big gate and waited for my mum. :D
then reached home. :D
played DOTA wif QINGRONG!!!!
damn damn fun!!! this game duration is 1hr and 41mins. :D
thads loads!!! haha :D
but really had fun luh. :D
then slept for 4hrs? :P
woke up at 6.11pm :D
going to haf dinner wif my mum outside ltr~! :D

15.10.09 @ 7:54:00 PM

(MRT-ed) did not know you actually took this pic, i just checked my phone and saw eyes, i'm really sorry! :[ )
woke up at 7am this mornig! :D
then bathed and went to MAC meet Alysssa.
ate breakfast wif her! ?:D
sent her to HONGKAH sec, cos she today got cca?
then went home, slack for a while. :)
met her again at my house at 11 am :D
then went to IMM shopped and ate luch. :D
then talked talked talked, and then...
don want to post a/b this luh. :P
hmm, i'm really sorry. :[
then sent her to her ahh mah house at TJBK. :D
reached home, bathed and changed and met WJ, MC and WAYNE at JE MRT.
took 66 to BKTM PLAZA der lan!!!
talked and gossip in the bus!! and really had fun~~!!! woot~ :D
met QINGRONG and XINHAN at there and played DOTA, CS and AUDITION!!! :D
the eat at PIZZA HUT at 4.53pm :D
had fun also! :D
then played hide and seek in the shopping mall... LOL!!!
FUN!!! :D
took 157 wif WAYNE,MC and WJ. :D
was talking a/b you- ALYSSA!! :D
they asked me~ hmmm... nvm... teehee.
called her, but she was bathing. :P
then met my mum at westmall...
blah blah...
picture will be post in WEIJUN's blog~! :D

14.10.09 @ 10:50:00 PM


12.10.09 @ 8:10:00 PM

MJ, still remember this picture, you drew this for me and cheer me up!!! thank you!!!
now it's your turn liao, just put all the troublesome things aside first!!! cheer up!!! :D
slept at 00.24am this morning and woke up at 3am this morning!!!
slept 3 hrs only, FICA then woke me up, cos i asked to do so! :D
studied abit history testbook and could not found the notes.
so went back to sleep and totally give up on revising history at last minute!
woke up at 6.45am again! :D
bathed and didn't eat breakfast!!
missed the bus, was like GRRR!!!
and my bag was damn fAT!!! LOL~~
then walked to school, even faster than 187 bus. -.-''
had MATH paper 2!!! hmm, okok luh~ :)
didn't bring the present down to canteen and gif it to WEDDING.
cos really lazy luh...~ :P
then talked to MICH.LIM, WEDDING and one more i don know the name~ psps... xD
then had HISTORY paper!!! was like damn difficult lor, and was like speechless!!! :P
went to BBT after school wif all our gangs!!!
had fun at the playground!!! weee~~~
took 188 home wif TJ,edwin and WJ!!! :D
reached home, bathed!
played DOTA wif QINGRONG and WAYNE!!! FUN!!! :D
gtg ler!!! byebye

11.10.09 @ 7:05:00 PM

woke up at 10.30am this morning. :P
had late breakfast wif my mum and FICA. :D
then Lucus came my house and helped him install softwares. :D
then FICA and my mum went out, left me at home :D
ate instant noodle, cos lazy go out . :P
took 176 to LIBRRY for meeting JOHN and his Friend and study! :D
had lunch again at the cafe in the library. :D
then study study and study. :D
then PANGSEH JOHN and his friend, went IMM for meeting Alyssa. :D
shopped wif her and bought lots of things. :D
took 188 home wif her :D
talked and talked... :)
then she came my house! :D (don't think dirty hor! LOL)
played some games and drew a lot of things on each others' hands and faces!!! :D
really had fun!!
then my mum and Fica came back.
they saw her face and mine, and laughed like mad!!! LOL...
but really had fun luh... :D
then ate PIZZA wif my MUM, ALYSSA and FICA!!! :D
then my mum fetched ALYSSA to her house. :D
currently chatting wif WEDDING ANG- the BHB girl!!! chey... haha !!!
gtg ler~!
JIAYOU for tmr's papers!!! gOOD LuCk!! :D

10.10.09 @ 9:24:00 PM

woke up at 9am this morning. :P
then bathed and then saw police was outside my house. -.-''
was shocked, then they asked me if got ppl call them ornot...
then i said i don't know, then one of them said:"alamak, this is 12th floor luh, not 15th floor."
was like Zzzz...
then did mathe worksheets, and blah...
had lunche at home wif FICA... :D
played DOTA!!! :D :D
then took taxi to JE library for meeting JOHN there. :D
studied HISTORY TEST BOOK, and i finished all the topics, but he didn't. haha...
cos we were looking at Chio BU.... LOL...
then ate lunch at the cafe in the library. :D
then saw one damn sexy/ choi girl!!!
then john asked me go ask for the no. !!
was like -.-'', why me?
then we both gif up, cos there was someone beside her. maybe was her mum or her sister. LOL
then continue study.
left JE library at 6.30pm :D
went to POPULAR, then took MRT to westmall for meeting my MUM.
had dinner at SKSUSHI, queued for almost an hour. -.-''
went home, bathed and blah...
currently chatting wif WEDDING!!! (wedding, nah, here's your another big name!! LOL)
gtg ler... BYEBYE!!!

9.10.09 @ 10:10:00 PM

(night safari trip) :D
woke up at 3.3am this morning. :)
Fica woke me up :)
studied Science :D
bathed at 6am. :)
ate breakfast wif my mum and then she left to her company. :)
took 187 to school :D
had Science and Math tests!!
Science was damn difficult!!! for math, hmm, soso luh!! :D
walked to BBT shop wif QingRong and met OUR GANGS there! :D
took 188 home wif tj, edwin and wj. :D
reached home and slept... :D
woke up at around 6pm. :P

chatted wif Syazwani, Mich.Lim,Felicia,Wedding,Jiawen,Odwin and Amirrul. :D
played GUITAR. :D
then blahblah...

8.10.09 @ 7:57:00 PM

woke up at 6.50am this morning. :P
abit overslept luh...
bathed and didn't eat breakfast. :P
walked to school. :)
Had Chinese Tests!!
anyhow wrote the compo, cos really got no mood for it. :P
then for the compre, think was really easy luh!! :D
got to off and study ler...

7.10.09 @ 8:55:00 PM

(damn nice & funny video!!! 98.7fm rocks... haha!!!)
woke up at 6.40am this morning. :D
then bathed and ate breakfast alone and my mum was still sleeping..
then walked to school. :)
saw MC was J-walking... then ran to meet him and danny! :D
then walked to school. :D
Reading period: Mdm Rai came brief us a/b the end of year test!
HomeE-didn't bring my apron, then need wait the auntie come and rent the apron? lol... then saw WEDDING and Mich. and so on outside, talked to them and then SYAFIQAH kept...
Math- had test? i dont think so, but it was damn easy luh, used 5 mins then finish alr, then slept for 20 mins. :P
Recess- nth special, and really think the 'person' really extra... all our gangs don't like him... -.-'' then hmm, was talking and joking some stuffs wif Raminder and Amirrul, :D
CME- "skip"
PE- stayed in the class and watched movie! :D damn nice movie!! haha... then MS ANG kept fastforward when got the 'thing' lol...
English- Mrs Goh didn't come? got no ideal of it. then had DNT instead of English, cos a lot ppl haven't finish their work piece yet. :D then was slacking luh, cos i had done wif my workpiece. helped Danny and so on wif their workpieces.. :D
Chinese- hmm... cher talked a/b the letter format and blah... then after her lesson, she came to and laughed and said:" 不要谈恋爱,专心读书。" (don't get into any relationship and concertrate on study." i was like LOL... cos she was joking luh, then i said , i where got?! then she laughed and walked to staff room... LOL~~
then went for DNT for fun after school, was slacking at the workshop upstairs- listened songs wif TJ and QINGRONG and sang OUT loudly, was like siao lor... haha :D

went to BBT shop wif Amirrul after DNT, saw Drston and Tiff... they two walked together and blah... :P then took 176 wif them and blah...
reached home and sleep... :P
gtg ler!!! byebye
good luck for tmr's MTL tests!!! JYJY!!! :D :D

6.10.09 @ 9:37:00 PM

lessons as normal...
knew all the ppl thad our gangs like...
then went je library wif gangs...
blah blah...

jz read the xxx history... i really miss the blahblahblah thad we blahblahblah...
i'm really confusing a/b sth!!!
what should i do?

5.10.09 @ 7:29:00 PM

(click the pic to zoom)
woke up at 6.40am...
bathed and ate breakfast wif my mum. :D
then she went off to her workplace. :)
took 176 to school. :)
reading period in classroom. :)
History- Got 13/20 for source based work sheet/ test. and had a competition between QingRong, MC and ME, the three of us... :D see who is the first one jio tio the girl thad each of us like..
BJ-*secret" haha :P
Science- copied things down from the screen, and then got back our two test papers.
failed changing matter paper badly!!! :(
Recess- didn't see her today... :(
DNT- finished my workpiece!!! i'm the first one? maybe... haha :D
ART- Really think Mr Tay got no power!! -.-'' only know how to shout, and how to talk back!!! and He kept repeating the same thing thad he taught last week, last last week and last last last week..-.-''
said him STM, then he said:"you then is!" -.-''
English- Mrs Goh didn't come? was at the back talked to Amirrul, TJ and blah... :D
Chinese- Suddenly feel like chinese sucks? -.-''
had chinese oral after school. :)
anyhow answered teacher's question, cos i really don't like oral... -.-''
went home wif Amirrul... talked a/b some stuffs!!! :D
Then blahblahblah...
sweetie, i want jio you!!! :D

4.10.09 @ 5:57:00 PM

woke up at 8am... :P
then cleaned my room... :D
see. i so guai... lol
then went out to macdonald for meeting lucus and Alyssa. :D
had lunch there. :D
then went back home and played dota... :D
kena killed many times by WJ, cos my mum kept calling me...
while i answer the phone, he killed me .... sui sia... -.-''
then bathed and went to westmall for meeting My uncles, aunties and cousins...
easy say is my the big family!!! :D
then had dinner at Sk.sushi... :D
and we planed to go to Night Safari!!! :D
then we will meet my mum at There, cos she not free at this time :D
then ODWIN msged me and said he saw me and my cousins... :D
he said one of my cousin damn handsome! yah, he's handsome... got a lot hmm heng... lol
then went to taxi stand and took taxi to Singapore zoo...
met my mum there... and then my mum paid 12 tickets... :D
one for $45 dorllars... lol...
then saw lots of ghost (actually was man, they purposely dress like thad) then took picture wif them. :D
then had fun during the trip.. :D will upload the picture soon!!! :D
then my mum drove me home.
and she drove damn fast at express way...
from 90km/hr changed to 110km/hr..
was shocked, first time see my mum drive so fast!!! -.-''
then asked her to becareful and she said okay... :D
but she still drive in 110km/hr... -.-''
reached home at 11.47pm... :D
bathed and sleep..

woke up at 10am this morning...
bathed and then neh eat breakfast...
playe computer :D
went out for lunch wif Alyssa, Lucus, HuangHui, WenQiang and Huixin!! :D
then they came to my house and play... :D
went to Jurong East Swimming Complex wif them around 2pm...
had lots of fun!!! :D <3 <3
played the slide down thingy and Alyssa shouted sth!!!
was like OMG!! -.-'' made me so ps...
and made me feel sad..
still remember last time me and MC shouted sth while sliding down also..
but now, all were over... haizzzz...
then played ture or dare and they all all aim me .... -.-''
Got 3rd kiss from her... happy? idk... Zzz
then my mum fetched me home!!
gtg for dinner liao... byebye
love you, sweetie!!! :D

2.10.09 @ 9:40:00 PM

woke up this morning,
just sat in my bed,
6am first thing in my head is a certain someone,
who's alwasys on my mind for these few days.
her smiles warms me through up the day.
should i tell her 'i love you'?
wish i knew what to say.
could this be love that i feel, so strong, so deep and so real?
if i lost you would i ever heal?
could this be love that i feel?
the way she looks so deep in my eyes,
my heart is so warm, i just wanna cry,
then she's so hardworking, she wants to be someone.
should i tell her that 'i love you'?
what if she doesn't say it too?
i'm getting so nervous.
what should i do?
will this be my turn?
two hearts beating together as one.
no more loneliness, only love, laughter and fun.

1.10.09 @ 6:24:00 PM

today walked to school saw Alyssa. talked to her while walking to her school! :D
reached school around 7+... and then slack in the classroom. :)
Reading period- "skip" "skip"
English- got back the english compre test paper! failed! lol... ONLY got ONE person pass, our chair man- Yunghui... lol... claps claps...
Science- hmm... copied down words from the power point slides as usual...
Recess- hmm, was looking at where "she" sit, and was kept looking at her? idk luh... :P only John, Amiirul and Raminder know about the whole thing!!! haha, shii~ keep my secret pls... :D
PW- Mr Ong finally came, but then he didn't teach us, so had free period!!! played ture or dare wif Raminder, Amiirul and Prerit! :D really had fun and know a lot of things!!! :D :D then raminder quit our group and go jion MC they all, then we 3 person was looking at the newspaper and was rating about hmmm heng!!! lol.... really had fun luh!!! :D
Math- shifted infront and talked to Prerit and Amiirul... :D then Mrs Liang asked me to move back... lol... and then suddenly feel very tired and fell into a sleep.. -.-''
CME- continuing sleeping... -.-
History- did source based question test, write until my hand cramp... -.-
went home staright after school...
reached home, bathed. :D
then was thinking of loads of thing while i going to have my afternoon nap...
felt really sad for sth ,felt really sweet for sth, and felt really happy for sth!!!
then fell into a sleep...Zzz
woke up at 6 +..
and then played DOTA wif my primary school friends, Lucus and Kelvin. :D
JIA YOU for tmr's ENGLISH paper!!! :D
sweetie,you also musst jia you kay!!!