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I've seen,

Love die,

Way too,

Many times.


30.9.09 @ 7:14:00 PM

i keep quiet does not mean it doesn't hurt me.
if it doen's hurt, the tears won't drop down.
always have it and endure it quietly.
kept quietly while you walked away.
you said i'm suitable for you as a friend.
I'm always listen to whatever you said.
you said don't be sad, keep in contact when i'm free.
i gave you all my love and you passed me back pains.
When i letting you go, it really hurt lots.
when you walked away, i don't dare to cry.
scared you suddenly turn your head back.
i gave you all my love and you passed me back pains.
letting you go was my last gentilesse act.
if you can fly happily and freely.
this pain won't hurt me at all.
想挽留, 却为什么点头?
wanted to hold you back for leaving me, but why i just agreed with your decision?
i don't know, even i also don't understand myself.
if we talked so less, but we love each others so much.
who will understand us then?

woke up at 6.50am this morning!
bathed and neh eat breakfast and the rushed to the school!!!
and then the small gate almost close bt an auntie.
Auntie:"faster! faster! i'll close the door after you come in!"
Me:"-.-'' okay, thank you!!"
then ran to the hall and sat down..
reading period- "skip"
HomeE- hmm, the "girl" GUAILAN me again!! wtf, did i do anything wrong and bad to you? i tried my best not to guailan back to you, but then you still want GL me!!! i may explode any time!
Math- no one were listening to the teacher! lol... -.-'' the gangs behind kept talking DOTA behind, didn't join them, copied the answer from the screen quietly.
Recess- ate wif our 'gangs', was talking about some stuffs with JOHN. :D ya, i got abit CHONGDONG for blahblah, don't tell anyone kay?! haha... :D
CME- was drawing cartoon's character while Mrs Peh was teaching the 3D drawing... LOL... :P
PE- played badminton wif JAM and XINMAN at first! then YUANHUA, MELISSA and MINT came jion us!!! was super super fun!!! haha :D
English- could not calm myself down for the english test!!! :( and didn't manage to finish the paper!!! :(
Chinese- hmm... got 50/60 for the mock test. i should not change my answer next time!! or i can get 56/60... :[
went to BBT Shop wif Amirrul after school, bought lunch and then Amirrul was playing soccer wif his friends, then i went home first. took 188 home... :)
reached home, bathed!
watched ONE PIECE!!! it rocks !!! :D :D
played QQ dancer and DOTA!!! :D :D
blah blah blah... byebye!!!
i'm waitting...

29.9.09 @ 7:26:00 PM

woke up 6.50am am this morning. :P
bathed then rushed to school! neh late... hoho!!! :D
reading period- Ms Siti asked form cher to do attire check!
WJ, YuanHua, Hadi and QingRong tio!! lol...
PE- ran 1.8km, 'someone' said i ACTION!! wtf, i run behind then sure will scold by Mr Chua and Ms Ang, like last time Mr Chua and scold me :" BOJUN, you are SC you know?! and you become and more slack liao, ltr i can complain to MR TAN you know what will happen?" wtf sia, then now i run fast also kena KUAILAN from PHILOMENA, i really got enough from you, don make me explode! did i do anything bad to you? i even try my best to helped you! didn't join them while they all bullying you! what you want to do then! wtf sia... pek cek!!!
Math- was slacking and did correction for the paper!
Recess- "skip" "skip"
Lisfeskills- Mr Ken neh come? then Ms Tham came teach us! hmm, i want be FBI- Female Body Inspector! CHEY!!! jkjk... :P i want to be like my mum? computer programer? maybe bah.. teehee! :D then after awhile, really tired! so was sleeping! :P
History- did the question thad Mr Rajar asked us to do, then slept again! :P
FT- "Skip" "Skip"
Assembly- sat until my both legs cramp!!! -.-''
walked out to the school gate wif Amirrul and the muscle man (ps, idk your name! :P) then called my mum and asked her fetch me home! :) then went to BBT Shop, bought lunch and then met my mum at the 188 bus stop, and then she fetched me home! :D
and my mum changed hair style!!! and the hair colour is PURPLE!!! last time was red! :D :D
(of cos the colour not thad obvious luh, not like our vice principle- Miss PF luh!! lols... :P)
reached home, bathed anD SLEPT!!! :D :D
woke up at 5+pm! :P
had dinner at home wif My MUM, Ben and FICA!!! :D
gtg liao... byebye!!! :D
i am not gonna care of it already! juz let it be! cos you made me feel so pek cek!!!

28.9.09 @ 5:20:00 PM

currently no mood... ><

26.9.09 @ 8:05:00 PM

woke up at 7am this morning! :)
watched anime wif laptop and chionged my SC Reflection. :)
chatted wif wayne in the early morning. lols... :P
then bathed and my mum drove me to BKBT MRT for topping up my Ez-link card. :)
then saw Felicia and SCs, there were more than 10 kay? don want type it out. :P
took 187 to school. :)
had last SC workshop. launched our rockets. and it was like... lol...
then took taxi home for changing home clothes. then took 187 to YuHua MAC.
Met TJ, MC, WJ, Wayne and Danny. ate FOF for brakefast/ lunch. lol
then went to the school 187 bus stop for meeting QingRong, Raminder, Philomena and Syafiqah. :)
then took 187 to Hadi house. :)
they played PSP at first, then ate abit...
then our "gangs" decided to go off and go lan..
and then end up played at the mama shop there. :P
played BOMB BAG, POP POP~~!!!
had lots of fun!!! :D
then saw Hadi they all again, they going JP/WM. :)
but we don't to go. we decided to go lan.
took 945 to Bukit Tima Plaza. :)
played dota, audition!! :)
had lots of fun!!! :D
took 157 home. :D
met MY MUM and BEN at westmall. :D
dinner at Swensens. :D
went back home alone :) cos my mum had to go back to her company for the meeting,. :)
wanted to play DOTA wif mc, but decided not to play wif it. :)
cos EOY is coming, and monday still got Science test!!! :)
i need chiong for EOY alr.!
got to off and study my science alr! byebye!

25.9.09 @ 8:09:00 PM

woke up at 6.40am this morning!
bathed and ate breakfast!
went down to bus stop, wanted to take bus but all were full. :(
and did not se SL!! :(
then walked to school! :)
saw Grace and Jiayang they all...
walked wif Grace but neh talk.. :p
then had morning assembly. :)
Lit- Mdm Rai didn't come, so had free period.
Science- copied answers from the screen, recieved msg from Mrs Goh. :)
Recess- ate wif Amirrul and blahblahblah...
Math- didn't do correction for the paper and was slacking.. -.-''
Chinese- had chinese test, the MCQs were damn hard! :(
English- Mrs Goh didn't come. did worksheets. :)
took 176 wif Raminder to my house, and then printed math paper for him. :)
then took taxi to JE library wif Raminder.
did PW.. :)
then played DOTA!!! :D
waited for John. and then Raminder went home. :)
left wif John and me. :)
went down to cafe galilee eat wif John.
spent $14 +... :P
then went up again. saw serena and so on. :)
then did math hw and played Dota agian! :D
blahblahh... byebye
got to off and kill my sc reflection liao..

24.9.09 @ 8:39:00 PM

woke up at 6.30 this morning as usual.
then bathed and eat breakfast wif my mum. :)
she asked if i want go BKBT mrt or not, but i rejected to take mrt. -.-''
then went down the bus stop and wanted to take 187, but the bus was extreme full. -.-''
when the bus drove off, then i saw SELYN inside!!! was like OMG lor, i should squeeze in der!!! then got a bit sad luh... :(
then walked to school. :)
had morning assembly at the hall, then went back to classroom fot reading period.
cos it was raining. :)
English- did work sheet and blah, then MC they all were made fun and played around wif PHILOMENA, i ignored them and didn't join them, see i so good. then when MC they all shouted :" Chio bu!" to Philomena? they tried to trick philomena, but failed! second time they shouted! then i turned my head and said " hello~" then they were luaghing like hell, and i also. cos i purposely said that der. now think of it still very funny ehh! :D
Science- Ms Loh didn't come, she went for course? then was kept talking wif Amirrul and didn't touch the ws, but finished it at second period. :)
went recess wif Amirrul and blah, continue wif the conversation. :D
PW- "skip" "skip"
Math- felt damn tired, and tried veery hard not fall into a sleep. -.-''
History- Really no mood! cos i very tired? then really cannot tahan and fell into a sleep. -.-''
went for D&T after school.
the workshop ended at 4pm, then went BBT shop wif Amirrul, MC, WJ, Godwin, Wayne, Danny, TJ, Qingrong.
then walked home alone. :)
reached home, bathed and watched ONE piece!! it's damn nice okay!!! :D
then had dinner at home wif my mum and Fica! :D
gtg ler, byebye~~~!!!
there was lack of trusts...

23.9.09 @ 8:32:00 PM

woke up at 6.30am this morning! :)
quite early! :d
then bathed and ate breakfst!
walked to the school! :)
then had morning assembly in the hall!
had Attire Check for all the SCs...
and then my pants was dropping. -.-''
cos the button dropped?!
i got no ideal! then went back to the row.
then i know i button dropped! -.-''
so sat at the back. asked for safety pin from JOHN!!
he brought everyday for safety reason, cos his pants also somehow will drop. -.-''
thanks, JOHN!!! :D
HE-was carrying things the whole lessons. -.-''
Math- "skip" "skip"
Recess- ate wif JHON and blah, then went up to the hall for the class photo thingy! :)
PE- hmm, played volleyball! quite fun luh! :)
English- Mrs Goh talked a/b the section 1 paper for the EOY exam! :) then fell into a sleep at the last few mins?
Chinese- was really pek cek and dulan wif sth! (not only one. -.-'') then tried very hard calm myself down. got 3 things i think. 1. Mr Lee last min then msg and said today got training, then i need go home and bring my bat! was like... Zzzz 2. blah blah blah 3. blah blah blah
did works during chinese lesson, hmm, felt better when finished the works! :D
went to 187 bus stop after school, and then saw Orlando they all, then took taxi home.
changed and brought my bat and so on, took taxi again to school! :D
then went to the canteen and bought sth for lunche.
went to Old D&T block for traning, was slacking and eating my lunch! :d
then the teacher came and i started to play.. -.-''
played PSP when the teacher went home... :P
Training ended at 5.30pm.
went to HONGKAH BBT shop wif ChyeHon and Derek! :D
then walked home alone, and tried to refresh wad i haf done for today!
reached home, bathed and then sleep.. :P
woke up at 6.30+
went out for dinner wif my MUM and BEN!! :D
then came back and chiong MAPLE!!! i lvl 50 liao!!! :D
should stop liao luh, EOY is really coming.... lol...
anw, gtg ler byebye!!! :D
pek cek...

22.9.09 @ 7:05:00 PM

woke up at 7am! :P
then bathed damn fast. :)
ran to the bus stop downstairs my house, and then the buses and taxi didn't come. :(
then ran to school, half way saw Grace, so talked and walked fast fast wif her! :D
then saw MC they all at the canteen, then went up for morning assembly. :)
PE- Mr Chua took over. then warm out and ran 1.8km.
Math- "skip"
Recess- ate wif John, and talked wif him, shared a lot of things!!! ahh dead!!! lol
Lifeskills- "skip" "skip"
suddenly no mood... -.-''
psps, will post another day.. :x

i still don't understand why. how i wish i can!
am i doing the right thing now? am i really going to do that? how i wish i can!

21.9.09 @ 8:22:00 PM

woke up at 8.30+am ?
ate breakfast wif my mum :D
and then a group of ppl came to my house! -.-
they were my mum's work friends.
they come here for dicussing for the new games?
then said hi to them! :D
then my mum chasing me out of the computer room. :(
cos they need to dicuss.. lol
then called mc and our gangs. :)
asked them if want go lan or not! :D
then they said okay. :)
and then my mum chased me out, lol!
she returned me my POSB card!!! :D
then went to downstairs MC house, bought BBT and so on.
then called WJ, think he still sleeping thad time.
till 11.30 then he woke up... -.-''
then went to MC house, played there. :D
then we SP to be at JE platform at 12.30pm
but we were late, so ran to JE interchange wif MC!!! :)
damn tired, 90km/hr... lol
then met Wayne and WJ at JE platform
trained to BUGIS!!! :d
went to LAN, played MAPLE!!!
when we went to the toilet! and there was some computers wif the curtain.
and there were some ppl were serving internet.
then wj peep inside and saw one guy is WATCHING PORN!!!
then he asked WAYNE to see, then wayne asked me to see!!!
was lik OMG lor, then faster ran away... lol ...
then laughed like helll!!!!!!! :D
i lvl 46 liao!!! woo!!! :D
then trained home, had fun in the MRT wif they all!!!
laughed like hell. :D
went to Westmall to meet my mum! :D
ate dinner at SUBWAY... :)
then blah...
gtg ler, byebyE!!!!

20.9.09 @ 7:11:00 PM


@ 6:50:00 PM

felt bored, so anyhow took some pics.. :P (down stairs my house der swimming complex.) :)
(The small playground) :)
woke up at 8+am. :)
bathed and ate breakfast wif my mum :D
then she went out. :(
left wif me and Fica at home :(
then blahblah...
the whole day was just playing wif MAPLE, QQ DANCER and so on.. -.-''
gtg ler, byebye!

19.9.09 @ 7:59:00 PM

(forget the past! pls...)
blah blah...
had fun today wif MC,WJ,Wayne,Danny and Raminder! :D
am i making the thing even more worse?!

18.9.09 @ 8:03:00 PM

(haha,thanks MJ for cheering me upz)
woke up at 6.30am this morning :)
bathed and ate breakfast! :)
took taxi to school! cos all the buses were damn full.
and very lazy to walk, so decided to take taxi.
reached school, saw TJ and walked wif him. :)
then slack at the canteen and blah. :)
LIT- Mdm Rai back to teach us, hmm, was doing my chinese hw. :P
Science- Mr Low came in and took us out of the class and scolded us?
then i tought Ms Loh will be very angry wif us, but then she said she very peck cey wif Mr Low and blah... -.-''
Recess- ate wif our " gangs" and drank rebena and then saw the auntie made the REBENA!! she used the tap WATER!!! we was like OMG lor, and alomst vomit. -.-''
Math- Mrs Liang scolded us. -.-'' wrote sth on the paper and took the quiz, quite hard lor, haiz...
Chinese- got nth to write... :P
English- Mrs Goh didn't come for teaching us, she got meeting? then Mr Tay cme RL us. Did the English Excercise Paper and blah.
Went to 2/1 classroom after school, then canteen. :)
slack at the canteen, the ROS asked me go buy the Paint Spray. :)
so took taxi wif Rosanna and Felicia to IMM.
went to popular alone, and then they two went to Diso for buying the uniform cover. :]
met them at Diso again, and then went down and bought donuts wif Odwin, Rosanna and Felicia! :)
took taxi back to school again! :)
then blah~
my mum came fetch me around 5pm, said byebye to them and went home.
reached home, bathed had dinner wif my mum and Fica and had piano lesson!
and my piano lessons will end at next week~! so happy lor! :D
then palyed maple wif Godwin, he leech EXP from me! haha :D (trained him!)
then stopped playing when i lvl.37! :D
gtg ler, byebye! :D

17.9.09 @ 9:01:00 PM

(love this song for audition beat up "MY HUMP")
woke up at 6.40am this morning :)
bathed and had breakfast :)
and then my mum was out to her company :[
so walked to school. :)
long time neh walk ler + my whole boday damn cramp. sure it's becos yesterday's push ups and situps! :P
then met MC, Danny and WJ at outside school gate and WJ was late again!!! and we almost late. -.-'' and then sat at the back again! :D shiok! cos got fans behind! :D
English- quite enjoy with Mrs Goh's lesson! :D
Science- copied words down from the Power point slides! :)
Recess- didn't went down to the canteen, cos my body damn cramp! so stayed at the classroom do my Math homework! :)
PW- Mr JONATHAN didn't come, so Mdm rai and Ms Fang RL us... was msging Alyssa all the way! :) and then talked wif our gangs ab maple things and talked wif Dhanicca! :D
Math- got back the SETS quiz paper! guess how many marks i got. i got 1!!! lols, then blah...
CME- talked craps... -.-''
History- got nth to write about it.. :P
went to canteen after school, did some math questions, and Suzzane and YongSeng helped me some questions! Thanks!! :D
then danced for SC investiture.
went home at 4.30?
cos very tired + i got piano lesson at 7pm ltr on. :D
then took 187, was thinking of sth while waitting of the bus. :)
then reached home at 4.40pm.
bathed and sleep.
woke up at 6.40pm, and then Ms Lim came and had piano lesson. :)
it ended at 7.30pm! :)
went for dinner wif alyssa and her brother at west mall! =)
then blah blah...

16.9.09 @ 9:52:00 PM

woke up at 6.40am this morning. :]
bathed ate breakfast and took 187 to school.
met MC and Danny downstairs danny house. :]
walked to the school gate and waited for WJ,
and he almost late. lol... then went up to the hall wif MC,WJ,Danny and Godwin. :]
almost late.. :P and there was no more space infront, so sat at the back. :]
reading period- WJ's fringe kena caught by Mr low... was laughing at how Mr Low GuaiLan him... lol
HomeE- "skip
Math- Mrs Liang continued teaching the new topic.
Recess- "skip"
CME- Mrs Peh changed our seats. -.-''
PE-was singing "My Humps" wif Wayne while doing the warm up. but half way lazy do, so stopped doing the stretching and MC they all also didn't do... -.-'' Then Ms Ang asked us to do push ups and sit ups.. -.-'' Danny acted innocent and neh do... played badminton wif lots of ppl.
English- was doing my chinese hw during english lesson. :P
Chinese- "skip"
went to Old DNT block for training, talked wif CheyHon and blah.
went home at 5.39 pm.
took 187 homed.
bathed and slept.
woke up at 7.59pm. -.-''
then played wif com and blah.

15.9.09 @ 7:49:00 PM

C-C=J-L?! wth!!! it's over then wad's then point i'll get it from her?! but i did!!! :(
it's over!!! I had get over it alr, thanks guys!! espicially to our "gangs", PHILOMENA and ALISSA!!! :D love you all!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥
slept at 2 am this morning, was thinking about a lot of stuffs! :(
woke up at 7am! cua tio when i saw the time!
so bathed! and neh eat breakfast, was damn hungry! cos last night didn't eat. ]:
then my mum drove me the bus stop near the school. :)
then met Mc, Danny, WJ and Qingrong outside school! :)
went to the new hall for morning assembly. :)
then blah blah.
PE- ran 1.2km? walked at the first round, cos really hungry. -.-''
then chiong wif MC and WJ at the second round! :)
Math- learnt new topic, and there was a visitor from Phi. he's a math teacher.
then he talked to us! was so shock about the NUMBERS thad he given for blah blah!
Recess- ate rice+ blah wif 'gangs'
Lifeskills- talked all the way wif Amirrul! :) Amirrul threw rubbers to Victoria! lol... then replied Alyssa msg me, and then we started to msg each others! :) :P
History- sat wif Amirrul again! was paying attention to Mr rajar's lesson and msged Alyssa and Philomena! :) then did some work wif Amirrul! :)
then, Mrs Peh's lesson. she talked rubbish? idk... lol
then assembly at the hall, was damn hot!!!!
went to BBT after school wif Syafiqah, Philomena and Samantha! :)
saw Hadi, Amirrul and Afiq at the BBT shop there also.
talked to them, and played wif the toy machine! LOL
and we got 28 tickets! LOL
then went back to school for the SC thingy!
then blah blah!
went home around 6+
took 187 bus wif lots of SCs!! :D
reached home, bathed!
then BEN came fetch me to my mum's company!!!
Cos today's her boss's birthday!
had party at my mum's company! :D
then blah...
gtg ler, byebye!

hmm, i've to do sth to xxxx xxx xxxxxxx!!!

this comes to the end!
14.9.09 @ 9:23:00 PM

no mood actually, but still try to post and cheer myself up.woke up at 6am this morning. :P
bathed and had breakfast. :D
took 187 to school. :)
went in by the new main gate.
saw Orlando and Meijuan were walking to the classroom.
so walked to them and walked wif them. :)
Reading Period- was looking at the new reading material. :D
and was laughing at the jokes! :D :D
History- was paying attention at first one and half period. then my eyes slowly closed... Zzzz
Science- copied answers from teacher's theory workbook.
Recess- walked a long way to the 'canteen', lols... it's like so ....
DNT- did our workpiece and Mrs Peh helped me!! :D :D
ART- had fun in the new Art room, shared sth wif WJ and TJ, and TJ was laughing like hell and kena caught by Mr Tay!!! lol...
English- "skippppp"
Chinese- got nth to write. -.-
went back to 2B classroom after chinese hw, waited for our gangs.
talked ab maple stuffs!
went to BBT shop wif MC, TJ and WJ.
the BBT shop uncle and auntie said i long time neh go ler, not really luh, i went there last week only lah.
then blah.
took 188 wif WJ and TJ.
reached home, bathed and then played maple. :)
trained wif Godwin and most of our 'gangs' all inside the maple! :)
then got the msg form her!
ya, i was prepared long time ago! prepared to CRY!!! lol... -.-
then really xxx xxxx of sth!!!! then cried... :(
then kept on crying while playing maple wif all our 'gangs'
and then they all asked me to cheer upz!
but failed, the more they say and the more i cry. :(
then really cannot tarhan and ran to my mum's room.
and she talked to me...
then went back to my laptop there and continue to play my maple.
but my tears was kept on dropping. :(
so stopped playing when i got my lvl up.
thanks MC, Godwin, WJ, Wayne, Jiawen and Meijuan for cheering me up, although you all were failed.
then FICA bought back a big PIZZA for me to eat for my dinner, but i got no mood to eat. so didn't eat it. my mum was like okay, and said if really hungry must eat.
then she called alyssa and told her about the thing. WTH lor. -.-''
after a few hours, alyssa called me and asked me go down and she was at downstairs my house.
so went down, and then saw my primary school friends!!! :) 16 all them!!! then they all know alr, wth, alyssa go tell they all.
Then they started playing catching at the playground there, but i just sat there and see.
then we played Turth or Dare!
Then i knew sth! :]
after thad they all went off, said byebye and thanks to them!!!
then left wif alyssa and me. we were talking about some stuffs and where to go for this coming holiday!
after that we all kept quiet liao, cos i almost cry again. -.-''
then she did sth to me!!! was shocked !!!
then she said sth to me!
then called my mum to send her home.
then went back to my room and played wif my com.
chatted wif Felicia, Philomena and balh.... thanks you all!!!

cheering myself up, but failed.
no person is worth your tears, and the one is won't make you cry. - failed!
"why suddenly so quiet?" " SHUT UPPPP!!!" hahaha!!!! i'm failed to laugh it out now. ]:
I got lots of friends are cheering me up!!!

so let it be, byebye!
(i cried not only beco of thad thing, still got lots)

i'll really work hard for those things!!! happy 1m2w!!
13.9.09 @ 8:00:00 PM

this is the video of the song!!! nice~!!! :D
should really watch it. :D
lyrics of the song at the previous post! :D
woke up at 9.30am.
quite late luh.. :P
then online and played maple. :D
msged ♥dear♥, but she didn'r reply. :[
then kept on playing. :)
went to my mum's room and she was doing projects. :)
talked to her. :)
i cried... T.T
she didn't, but can see that she also not comfortable. :(
then went to West Mall for lunche. :)
then raminder asked me go library, but my mum asked me go shop wif her.
so followed my mum. :D
reached home, continued wif my maple. :D
saw one hacker, and then report it to gm and blah. :D
but i got more than 300k from the items thad he dropped. :D
then don dare to msg her again. -.-
so while playing maple i kept thinking of sth.
then blah...
went for dinner wif my mum at Pizza Hut... :D
then james, lucus and alyssa called me out for jogging at BKBT nature park. :D
then met and ran... :D
i feel much better now!!! :D
Thanks guys!!! :D
then bath and talked to my mum again! :D
hmm, i'll work hard for EOY der, and i'll try my best to xxxx xxx xxxx!!! :D

can you really love me?
12.9.09 @ 10:06:00 PM

为什麽明明想靠近 却还在迟疑

深刻的烙在心里 最温柔的酷刑




Why become so quiet?
I was trying to get close to you, but i hung back of it.
I really did put in efforts to keep myself remain calm.
Trying really hard to open out the topics that we can talk.
But failed.

Why is it so beautiful?
It branded in my heart, it's a kind of 'gentle' torture.
Could not stop thinking of you,everyday.
Even if I closed my eyes,
It's still you.

can you really love me?
can you really think of me?
Although i got no confidence of myself.
Don't be afraid i'll be sad.
Just tell me your feelings.
So at least i'll not be worried.

Can you really love me?
Can you really look at me?
For now, it doesn't matter if you really look at me or not.
And i'm still look like the person who has been distracted.

Accept something is not a virtue.
Reject something also not a sin.
what you can give me?
Happiness or loneliness?

it's such a nice day!!!! :D
@ 9:58:00 PM

woke up at 7+ this morning. :)
bathed, ate breakfast and then went school for SC workshop.
played a game called ?
i was one need to go carry the water :)
ran here ran there, really tired... :(
then blah...
took 187 home wif ZhengLong.. :)
bathed and then the coach called me and said the training canceled. :[
then ate lunch wif my mum. :)
played maple, and then WJ asked go JE library study. :)
he said Raminder, MC , Wayne they all going... so i decided to go wif them. :)
brought my laptop there, WAYNE and WJ also brought theirs. :)
played MAPLE at JE library!!! :P
siao right? haha :D :D
and talked rubbishes... :P
went to IMM der MAC wif WAYNE, MOOKCHING and WJ. :)
then sth happened :P
WJ- pls don say that again leh, it's damn digusting luh... :P
WAYNE- you also hor, it's over liao, and i don't like the Chao AT!!!
then walked to the bus stop....
and blah...
gtg ler, byebye!

OMG!!! pls DONT do thad!! T.T
10.9.09 @ 9:52:00 PM

Mr Lee called me at 8+ am!!!and i was sleeping!!! :P
then the vibration awoke me... -.-
Mr lee:" hello? bojun ahh?"
Mr Lee:" hello?" ( think my sleepy sound was too soft. :P)
Mr Lee:" bojun ahh, you need come to school and meet me at 9am"
me:" ohh, okay" (didn't think too much, cos i'm really sleepy!)
Mr Lee:" okay, see you ltr yah?"
then saw my hp got 5 msgs, all from Mr Lee!
then i knew thad mr lee actually asking me and others TT members to shift the TT tables to the new room, cos they gonna demolish the building!
slept for another 10 mins. :P
woke up at 8.25am. :D
bathed and ate breakfast!! :)
and my mum drove me to school! :D
met Derek, chyehon and melvin in school! :)
saw the band members were 'fall in'
tried to find where ♥dear♥ is, but failed!! :[
met Mr Lee at old hall, and moved to the tables to the old DNT room!! :D
and i finally saw dear♥ !! muack!! :D
didn't talk, cos i sweating like hell and very tired!!
sorry... ]:
ohh!!! and i injured my leg, bleed like hell!!! ]:
so went to the toilet and stopped the blood... :]
after finish moving the tables and wanted to help the band to moved the instrument!
but then Mr Lee said no need... -.-''
then me derek and chyehon said okay lor.
then Mr Lee treat us Mac!!!
wooo!!! :D
went home alone! :[
then talked wif my mum and helped her wif some projects!! :D
played wif maple and QQ dancer!! :D
QQ dancer- lvl.65
and was waitting for the msg! but it didn't come! :[
pranked Safuwan. :P
listened music and blah!
saw ♥dear♥'s blog and knew she's tired! :)
and then didn't chat in msn, cos i don want to disturb her. :)
then my mum came talk to me ab the school thingy again!!!
hate it man!! i thought you say you won't talk ab it again?!
i don want!!! :[
gtg ler, byebye

rest well yah? :D
I LOVE YOU, ♥dear♥ !!! muack! :D

you belong with me LRC
9.9.09 @ 10:24:00 PM

You're on the phone with your girlfriend, shes upset.
Shes going off about something that you said
'Cuz she doesn't, get your humor like I do...
I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
and she'll never know your story like i do

But she wears short skirts
I wear T-shirts
She's cheer captain
And I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up
And find what you're looking for
has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
been here all along so why can't you see, you
You belong with me
You belong with me

Walkin' the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself
Hey isn't this easy
And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down
You say you're fine
I know you better then that
Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that
She wears high heels
I wear sneakers
Shes cheer captain and
I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
all this time how could you not know
You belong with me
You belong with me
I remember you drivin' to my house
in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're about to cry
And i know your favorite songs
And you tell me about your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me...
Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you see
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time
How could you not know
Baby you belong with me
You belong with me
You belong with me
Have you ever thought just maybe
you belong with me
You belong with me...

to the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world!
@ 9:23:00 PM

(nice video!!! :D)
woke up at 9.30 am this morning! :)
shafwan msged me, he still think i'm really is the girl from Tanglin! :P
so played wif him! :P
then played wif laptop. :)
chatted wif ♥dear♥ ! :D
played QQ-dancer.. lvl. 49!!! claps claps!!! :D
ate instant noodle for lunche! :( cos my mum was out to malaysia to visit my uncle!
and i didn't followw her. :P
msged Wayne and WJ, asked them to be at je platform at 12pm. :D
walked to HongKah BBT shop, bought bbt. :)
met MC and Danny downstairs Danny house! :D
walked to JE interchange! :)
and met WJ, Wayne at JE platform! and WJ was late again!!!! :@
trained to BUGIS!!! :D
played 4 hrs computer at lan!! :D
played 'Audition' 'call of duty 4' 'maple' 'rollar coaster' and blah...
went to mac after thad... :D
MRT-ed home... :D
downloaded and installed MAPLE!!! :D
chatted wif ♥dear♥ and blah...
gtg ler!!! byebye

i miss you badly... :(
I love you!!! :]

8.9.09 @ 10:13:00 PM

The eagles!!! :D
@ 9:22:00 PM

6.30am, msged yunghui and replied his msg.
and then continue sleeping :P
called rosanna at 7am (at thad time i stil lying on my bed, half sleep half awake) :P
she said we'll meet at JE interchange at 7.30am!!! :D
was shocked, i thought 8.30am sia!
then she asked me wake up, and this let me think of sth!!! :D
bathed, and prepared the thing for today's sports camp! :)
and it's 7.20am alr, ran down to downstaris my house der bus stop. :D
took taxi to JE, i was forced to take taxi, becos i'm late!!! :P
then i'm really late, reached there around at 7.40am. :P
took bus 51, was talking some volleyball stuffs wif YungHui, Hengkiy, Rosanna and Cally! :D
went to kopidiam and ate breakfast! :D it's nice, Hengkiy introduce one! haha :D
walked to QiFa Primary School, and had the First Aid lesson!
damn sian... everyone was doing our stuffs, only the Primary students were listening!
Rosanna was msging YuanHua~
Hengkiy and YungHui were looking at their handphone~
Cally was day dreaming~
Amirrul.T was playing wif his hp~
Shafwan and ZhengLong were playing hand phone games~
me? erm, was replied the fake "selyn" and pranking shafwan!!! :D
then palyed volleyball wif Rosanna and YungHui during teabreak time! :D
then back to First Aid Program, everyone was 'fishing', except for the P students.
they were over active and the instructors were damn fed up!! lols ...
didn't eat lunch during luch time!
palyed volleyball wif Hengkiy, YungHui and some Clementi Town Secondary School students!
FUN!!! :D
played around 1 hour, back to the room and start wif the leader ship lesson!
the instructor was 'angmo', he talked damn cool!!! :D
and his lesson was damn damn fun!
we got our team!
team members
Brandon Kee (CTSS)
Cheng Wei Jie (CTSS)
Apurv (CTSS)
Elvis Tan (CTSS)
Huang Bo Jun (SQSS)
Chih Yung Hui (SQSS)
Hengkiy (SQSS)
CTSS- Clementi Town Secondary School
and the instructor asked us to give a group name and it should be an animal name, then we come out 'Eagles', and our group leader is HENGKIY!!! wooo! :D
did the model tower, and some group works, really had fun and really enjoy it!!
gathered at the hall for reflection session, anyhow circle the reflection... Zzz
Mr Ng asked us to take pictures.
then took picture wif CTSS boys!
then exchanged numbers!! :D
took 176 home wif ZhengLong, Elvis and Apurv!! :D
then boys talk, actually not counted luh, we only talked ab the sports thing and then the coaches and blah... :D
said byebye to them, and reached home around?
msged ♥dear♥ , and then slept...
woke up at 6.30pm+
played wif laptop, kena scolded by my mum. :P
she said i need more rest, and should not face the computer. :)
then ate dinner at home wif MUM and FICA!!! :D
played QQ-dancer after the dinner! :D
now i lvl. 16 only, and it become more and more boring... Zzz
then chatted wif MC, WJ and ♥dear♥ . :D
blah blah...

7th SEP [miss you loads!]
7.9.09 @ 10:07:00 PM

woke up at 6.40am!!!
it's damn late~~!!! :P
cos i need meet Rosanna they all at JE interchange!!
bathed, and then ran down and took taxi to JE interchage!
and i reached there at 7am! it's jz nice!!! woohooo! :D
met Rosanna, Hengky, YungHui, Cally at je interchange!
took bus 51 to Qi fa Primary School!
was msging ♥dear♥ and talking wif they all! :D
and the ppl on the were all sleeping~
but we all were talking and quite loud!! Zzz :x
walked to Qi Fa Primary School! :)
Sports Leaders Camp!!! :D
erm, quite fun!
Mr Ng drove Rosanna, Cally and me to Clementi MRT!!! how COOL!! lol
shopped wif rosanna and cally!! :D
mrt-ed home!!!
gtg ler, byebye!!!

6th SEP [i love you, dear!]
@ 9:40:00 PM

woke up at 8.30 am this morning.
took breakfast and then played wif com.
chatted wif lots of ppl.
and decided to go lan to celebrate my birthday! :D
but then the time is not allow... -.-
so cancel the whole thing!
went to Army open House wif BEN!!! :D
cool man!!
i tried all the guns!!! and rided on the tank!! :D
met ♥dear♥ and her juniors and seniors!!! :D
MRT-ed to Raffles Place :D
watched the concert, actually we were talking and laughing all the way! :P
and ♥dear♥ gave me sth!!! :D :D thank you, dear! :D
then talked to Farhan and ? forgot alr. :)
then they decided to go far east! so we follow lor...
had fun on the way to there!
shopped? there, and her senior- a.l.s asked me what's my name again. then i said BJ...
then sth happend!!! hmm heng!!! lol... :P
girls pls keep away!!! bleh....
then blah blah~
sent ♥dear♥ to the bus stop and gave her sth. :)
sorry, now then i give you... :P
then Ben came fetch me home!!! :D
blah blah!!!


♥dear♥ L-O-L= lots of love!!
5.9.09 @ 8:12:00 PM

woke up at 6.30 am this morning. :D
bathed and played my laptop. :D
left my house at 7.30am. :D
met Felicia, Philomena, Rosanna, Cally and Syazwani at West mall Mac! :D
♥dear♥ didn't come,cos she overslept liao... :)
took 187 to school, chit chat with lots of ppl and looking at BB's traning. :D
Ashwin and me kept luaghing at Orlando and Macus sia... :D :D
SC workshop! Fun but tired! :P
took 187 home wif Rosanna, Han Han, Felicia and Suzanne! :D
reached home then bathed... :D
rushed to BKBT MRT and MRT-ed to Woodlands for traning... :(
traning ended at 6+... :)
msged ♥dear♥ :D and then blah. :D


can you stop saying those useless things, you are making the thing even more worse... -.-''


♥I love you, Always!!♥ - ♥dear♥
4.9.09 @ 10:01:00 PM

(Hmm Family!)
woke up at 5.30am this morning. :D
bathed and ate breakfast. :D
took 187 to school. reached school at 6.30am.
it's damn early lor, i also don know why i go school so early.
listened to the music and chit chat wif Shawn and Zhenglong! :D
LIT- today is Ms Goh's last day in shuqun! :D and i got 7/10 for lit CA2 paper! :D
Science- Ms Loh shared wif us her story! :D :D luaghed till crazy... haha :D
Math- took the small quiz, forgot everything... haiz :P
Chinese- Mdm ong called me *忧郁小王子* (emo-prince) -.-'' and called ♥dear♥ *安娜小公主* (princess Aun Nah) :D :D
English- Prerit fell down, Hadi, Amirrul and me saw this, thad was why we laughed till crazy... :D funny sia. then he still sat down there act like nth happened... Zzz :D:D
FT- blahblah
kena bashed by our "gangs"... -.-'' Thanks ohhh!!! lol...
stayed back wif Syazwani, Philomena, syafiqah and blah....
took 176 home wif Philomena at 4+.
reached home at 4.30?
bathed and slept.
*skip* *skip*

♥dear♥ -i love you, dear!!! :D :D
Always, Always!!! :D :D

♥dear♥ <3
3.9.09 @ 10:28:00 PM

woke up at 6.50am.
bathed and ate chicken porridge for breakfast. :D
walked to school, cause all the buses were full.
called wj, he said he still at je.
met wj and mc at the school gate. :D
reading period. was day-dreaming. :p
English- Mrs Goh looks damn scary today. -.-'' really speechless.
Science- Failed my CA2 badly. :( haiz...
recess- ate sandwich and ng.
PW- i also don know we were doing. -.-''
Math- did some questions, and then took the 'sex' test... 'sex'='sets' made by 2B students and Mrs Liang. LOL, :P
CME- watched movie. :D
History- did the worksheet, it's quite easy luh, what you need to do it's just find out the answer from the test book and then copy down. :D
went to the shop near the BBT shop there and ate cup noodle with Wayne and Godwin. :D
went back to school for the D&T thingy.
it end at 4pm, went down to canteen and waited for ♥dear♥ and Syazwani with Philomena.
went to JE NLB with ♥dear♥, syazwani and philomena. :D
after that said byebye to them, and BEN fetched me home! :D
bathed and sleep. :]
woke up at 7.19pm. :)
played with com. :D
ate KFC with BEN and also played QQ dancer with him. :D :D
and then blah blah.. currently thinking of this question-"should i go for school tmr?!" Zzz
♥dear♥ -I LOVE YOU!!!

why should i always T____ F__ O_____?! isn't it very good? but wad i got were all troubles!! >< sorry,dear! ><
1.9.09 @ 7:56:00 PM

sorry ><

i was wrong. T____F__O_____ is good, but you must see the situation!
and i put my situation aside, and did thad!
how stupid am i ?!
from these days, i learnt the lesson!
i'm willing to change myself! really really!
i'm sorry!

LOVE ♥♥♥hmm family♥♥♥!!! :D
@ 2:04:00 PM

woke up at 10am.
replied wayne's msg and then msged ♥dear♥ ! :D
played with com.
played QQ dancer cos my audition didn't work, so played with this. :D
chatted wif MEIJUAN, SYAZWANI , ♥dear♥ and blah! :D
planned to go out today, but then since it rained heavily, then cancel the whole thing. -.-
had spag. for lunche with FICA. cos today BEN not free. :)
then watched kateikyoushi-hitman-reborn! :D
it's damn damn nice! woohooo! :D
currently chatting wif MJ, Amirrul and ♥dear♥ !! :D

woke up at 4.55am, odwin's msg awoke me! :D
then bathed and drank HOT MILO and ran to the MRT meet PHILOMENA! :D
MRT-ed to JE, and walked to school.
was kept laughing at PHILOMENA, cos she scare of everything. LOL...
then went to canteen, talked wif loads of ppl.
went up to the hall, and help out.
did 'funny action' infront of sec1s- on the stage.
was damn damn ps lor. :P
then went back to class watched the performance. :D
then watched the movie in the class. forgot the name alr.
it's damn nice!!! :D
"who is the the DUCK?!"
then the whole class laughed!! they was thinking of PHILOMENA!!!
haha... :D
then had debrief in the hall. :D
received sth form ♥dear♥ ! THANK YOU,dear!!! :D
ate the "love" cookie at the canteen! it's so nice and sweet! ♥♥♥♥♥ !!!
MRT-ed to Kallang for ice skating and blah...
want know more then go PHILOMENA's blog! http://xx-hyperl-ove.blogspot.com/
pictures TIME!!!
(in the MRT)-ASWIN and ODWIN!
(on the way to kallang leisure park)
( ♥dear♥ ,Syaf,Philo,Ash)
( ♥dear♥ and syaf)
(hmm family! :D)

(skated wif philomena )

( after ice-skating, all very tired)

(philomena and odwin)
(the way to heaven)
(we are flying.. -.-)
(one more)
(another one more!)
( ♥♥♥♥♥!!!!)
(going home)