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I've seen,

Love die,

Way too,

Many times.


happy 1st month, dear. I LOVE YOU. :D
30.8.09 @ 10:00:00 PM

woke up at 8.30am.
played wif com and msged ♥♥♥ :D
then called mc and all our 'gangs'
planned to go to bugis ltr at 1pm.
then rained, and tj and danny said they cannot go.
took taxi to fetch mc up and then taxi to je interchange.
met wj and wayne there.
trained to bugis.
went to the lan,
palyed audition wif WJ. FUN.. :D
went to Mac eat after played at lan.
ate MCwing meal+2 shaker fries + 1 ice cream. -.-''
then took mrt home wif mc and wj.
reached home at 6.40pm.
watched anime by psp.... NICE. :D
then blah...
yeah, tmr gonna be a nice day. :D
♥'s 30th~ :D
♥'s tmr~ :D
♥'s my dear~ :D
♥'s blah... :D
awaitting for tmr to comes. :D
<3 <3
happy one month dear :D

sorry, dear! sorry for whatever thing thad i have did wrong... >< ILOVEYOU!!
29.8.09 @ 7:55:00 PM

didn't post these days, becos was quite busy and lazy to post :P
today woke up at 8+am. then bath and msged ♥♥♥ and then felicia msged me.
ran to the west mall bus stop to meet FELICIA.
then got this woman, (we was talking ab sth.) she walked pass us, and looked at me and my shirt and she did the same thing to felicia, then she walked away... -.-''
then took 187, met ROSANNA and YONGSENG in 187 bus. :D
then walked to the school, saw MARVIN, and we all laughed at him, cos he walked damn damn fast lor, like flying sia. we all was shock sia. -.-
went to the canteen, talked with blahblahblah. went for workshop, played games.... FUN!!!
workshop end at 11.30+.
then went for lunch break wif ♥♥♥, PHILOMENA, SYAZWANI, ODWIN, ROSANNA, CALLY and then the extra extra girl also there.
ate fried rice+ chicken cutlet, and the extra girl was damn damn irritating... ♥♥♥ was damn fed up with her lor, "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM MAN?! you know you very extra mah? don't kaobei ppl can?" then ♥♥♥ went off earlier to school wif SYAZWANI. :(
was thinking of lots of things, and felt there's sth went wrong... :(
sorry, dear! sorry sorry!! :(
back to school wif them, went up to the hall and helped up... :D was looking at volleyball's training... dismiss at 3+. went to mini mart. wif ODWIN,FELICIA,PHILOMENA and SYAZWANI. :D
then went back to school, had fun wif them. was luaghing like crazy. :P
took 187 home with HAN HAN, FELICIA and blah. :D
then blah blah...
sorry dear, but what i was thinking was thad we should dicuss it face to face and not by msg or msn. so didn't talk ab the outing thingy, and then you msged me and asked me, so i answered you. not thad i didn't plan it be4 you ask me, i alr asked yuanhua for suggestions a few weeks ago. and then blah. i'm sorry, didnotaskyouwhatyouwouldliketodoonthatday. sorry, dear! i love you!!!

why there always got "____" ? hate it...
28.8.09 @ 10:59:00 PM


Happy Happy 4 weeks~ iloveyou :D
27.8.09 @ 11:26:00 PM

Happy 4 weeks,dear.

Oh please, thad's not you~ BE YOURSELF.
23.8.09 @ 11:17:00 PM

will post tmr.

closer ler.
22.8.09 @ 9:01:00 PM

hello, i'm at the resort now, haha.. :D
okay,post first luh.
woke up at 7+am this morning, bathed and ate breakfast.
BEN came fetch me at 8am. then drove to kelong fishing village.
it's near johor i think. :D
settled down, and then BEN saw his friends wif their families.
it's like so qiao lor.
but then didn't fish wif them.
well, i don't how to fish, but BEN taught me~ :D
and I was fortunate enough to get the fishes. haha.
but then all like Zzz, BEN's all big big one... -.-
and the weather was damn damn hot lor. -.-'' and we just stood there and fish. -.-'' and got sunburnt.. -.-''
then went back to the resort and had BBQ for lunch. :D
weird right? haha :D
then slept for a while in our room.
went back to fish again after that. haha, FUN sia. haha
stopped around at 5+pm. then had dinner.
the food there was damn damn nice. YUMMY~ :D
then got to use the computer inside our room.
NO GAMES. lucky got MSN.
so chatted wif MJ only? and now posting.
will go back to singapore tmr morning.
didn't msg ♥♥♥ today, felt so weird lor.. haiz

BEN took one, the pic looks weird right? hahacool. love BIRDS~ :Pfishing place. :DBEN's friends' families. didn't join them, but we just beside them. :D
small fishes. -.-''

don't know who are they, just anyhow took one. :P

i want to be the reason you smile!
21.8.09 @ 10:32:00 PM

woke up at 5.30am, damn early lor.
bathed, ate breakfast and went back to sleep again. :P
woke up again at 6.10am, took 187 to school.
went to the classroom, and played hide and scare! :P
Orlando, Jam and Arron tio the scared sia! haha.. :D
then LIT, her lesson really damn damn boring lor! haiz...
Science, quite enjoy her lesson today :D EXPAND! lols... haha
recess, ate wif all our 'gangs'.
1 period of math, Amirrul and Hadi pulled me up and be the volunteers, then Mrs Liang asked the 10 ppl to write down the BD date no. And YUANHUA's birthday is 4th sep! Arron's is 5th sep ! and mine is 6th sep! cool right?! haha :D
Chinese lesson, couldn't find the worksheet, so sat there and stare at the white board. :P and then blah. and was thinking of my english marks, cos Mrs Goh gonna give us back the test paper today!
English, scared i fail. but i pass! heng siol-26/50! haha. then did corrections and then nth much ler.
went to the canteen, Syazwani, Felicia, Rosanna, YuanHua and ♥♥♥ were there also. talked wif them and waited for ♥♥♥ der band to start. :P then walked to the bus stop wif Yuanhua, Rosanna and Felicia! and YuanHua and Rosanna told me sth and asked me don't____. okay! i try my best to do it okay?! haha :D :D took 187 wif Rosanna and Felicia, and both of them scolded me? should be said/ teach me luh.
went home, bathed and played wif com! :D
sad siol, could not play auditionsea, then played GTA vice city lor. haha :D
chatted wif Syazwani and Felicia and my MUM!!!
she asked me to go MALYSIA tmr wif BEN!!!
go there for fishing. erm, at first don want der, but then dont want my mum be so worry between me and ben. so decided to go wif him lor.
sorry, cannot go out wif you all tmr. :(
going to MALAYSIA for fishing wif BEN tmr. will come back on SUNDAY!
so DO MISS ME YAH?! haha :D
I LOVE my GF very very MUCH!
sorry, cannot go out wif you all tmr, maybe other days bah!
:D:D i love you!!! :D

3 weeks!!! I LOVE YOU, ALWAYS! :D
20.8.09 @ 6:50:00 PM

woke up at 6+am today,
ate breakfast and then went down took 187 to school.
talked wif YUANHUA, ROSANNA, RAMINDER at the cantten.
went up to the class wif Raminder.
looked at the formula again. scared i forget.
took the math CT test, quite easy luh, hope didn't make any careless mistakes. :D
had english after math test, was finding the paper all the way, and finally i found it and passed it to Mrs Goh. :D
then science- was staring at the teacher, and tried not fall into a sleep, and i did it! lols... :P
Recess, ate wif Wj and Raminder and then half way WJ went off. PANG SEH! lols, then went up to class and put sth inside ♥ ♥ ♥ der history book. then act like nth. :P
had PW after recess, was talking all the way wif our group members, haha! :D
then Math, did some questions from the sets worksheet and then times up ler.
CME, Mrs Peh asked us to do math worksheet, but then i didn't. was staring at the paper. really very tired luh. -.-
History- finally cannot thahan and slept for a while. -.- then copied sth from the board, and really don't like the source based qustion luh, very MAFAN! then Mr Rajar let us study in ourselves, and then i slept again.
trained to BKBT wif ♥ ♥ ♥ ad felicia.
walked home, bathed and blah.
gtg ler, byebye
happy happy 3 weeks!!!
ILOVEYOU, always! :D:D

L-O-L= Lots Of Love!!! for ♥♥♥!!!
19.8.09 @ 8:12:00 PM

woke up at 6.30am. my mum was sleeping and she will be leaving singapore at 2.30pm.
Bye, mum!
walked to MRT station and then FELICIA msged me and said she saw me was walking.
then i replied:"NO~i'm at home now!" then kept on playing wif her! haha :D
trained to JE, walked to school wif ♥♥♥, SYAZWANI and SYAFIQAH.
went back to classroom and took ENGLISH test!
hmm, think the paper okay okay luh, not that hard and not that easy. lols. :P
then HOME-E, was laughing like hell when Mrs Ong said PAMELA and TINGJIE partner for the practicle test!! haha :D NO OFFENCE! :P
Math- did the paper and then Mrs Liang went through wif us! :D
CME after Recess, did the survey. sianz.
PE in the hall, Ms ANG asked me, YUNGHUI, TIHA, WEIJUN to set up the net and place the markers. then YUANHUA came help also. and we skipped warm-up. haha :D :D team-ed up wif TIHA and YUNGHUI, YH damn action lor, tried to show off! haiz!
ENGLISH- did the compare thingy wif AMIRRUL! :D and had fun! after that Mrs Goh gave us two chocs for the hws! haha, STYLE MAN!! hahax.
chinese- quite enjoy her lesson luh! :D :D
went to hall and actually today no CCA, then asked for permission for playing TT in the hall. then took NO. 15 key from the G-O. then set up the table and played wif NIUJING. hahax.
played till 5+? then saw ♥♥♥ alr. at the canteen.
then she said her teacher release then earlier! haha.
then walked wif her to JE MRT and trained to YT! talked along the way, but then not much luh, haha. :P
trained back to BKBT, went WESTMALL and bought sth (secret) haha! :D
walked home and reached home around 6+!
Bathed and played wif LAP! msged ♥♥♥ also, muahahaa! :D:D
gtg ler! byebye!
take care of yrself kay?
see you next month!
JIA YOU for tmr's Math test!
Don't scare, you can do it der!
I love you! :D

BYE!! :(
18.8.09 @ 10:23:00 PM

woke up at 6.40am this morning, quite late. so didn't take MRT.
wanted to talk to my mum, but then she was out.
then walked down to bus stop and took 187 to school.
reading period at PS! sianz, was staring at the history paper! lol
had PE lesson in the class, watched olympics videos, it's damn nice and funny!
saw ♥♥♥ was sleeping but the face was facing the screen. CUTE sia! muahaha.. :D
Math, Mrs Liang went through the revision part 2 paper. asked raminder help me do corrections! thanks man! :D
Recess, ate then went back to class.
LifeSkills, played the game, and the three 'main character' shouted at us. the face was damn fears lor... haiz! for me ah, BS sia!
History, Mr Rajar went through some source based questions, and then i almost fell into a sleep. it was damn boring okay! :(
CME, arranged tables and cleared the things under knee the tables. and then Mrs Peh shouted at us. lols... then took MTL test! quite EASY luh, used 40 mins wif the paper. and then saw ♥♥♥ and lots of ppl still doing. then slept for a while. at the last 5 mins, saw ♥♥♥ still doing. then me and AMIRRUL kept saying JY for her! :D (atually he copied me, he saw i did thad action, then he also) haha.
discussed things wif PHILOMENA and TJ they all for the movie thingy!
took taxi wif GODWIN, PHILOMENA and SYAFIQAH to west mall. and godwin paid!
and he was damn funny lor.
G:"uncle, West Mall please!"
Uncle:" West Mall?"
G:"ya, BKBT central, nvm, i can direct you!"
then we all kept laughing at godwin sia, took tissue from the taxi and passed it to SYAF, cos she laughed until the tears came out. lols
went to BBT, bought BBT.
watched 'where got ghost?' with TJ,MC,WJ,GW,QR,DANNY,PHILO and SYAF.
the movie was damn damn nice lor.
was kept laughing, and laughed all the way! :D
took 187 wif Danny,Wayne and MC. and then walked back to school.
and wanted to wait for ♥♥♥.
reached school, talked to Mr Chew and blah.
5.35pm, my mum called me, and she said she's outside the school, and she come here to fetch me home! so ran to the school gate and got on the car and msged ♥♥♥.
went to HONGKAH BBT wif my mum, and she park her car at the car park there, and then this BBT auntie look at me and look at the another person at the basketball court. and then kept repeating the same action... -.-'' then i said :" auntie, wads wrong?"
BBT auntie:" you got brother meh, i thought you only got two sisters?"
BBT auntie:" then thad one playing basketball court is your twin brother uh? why your two looks like the same?!"
then my mum and me turned to our back, and was like OMG lor!!! the boy is really look like me, the face the height and even the hairstyle!!! then i kept saying OMG, and then my mum was kept laughing luh... bought chicken burger+chicken cheese sausage+Hot wings+dob. chocl. ! :D then back to my mum's car. ( next time don't be surprise when bojun is wif you and you see another 'bojun') haha.
reached home at 6+, bathed and went down to the BBQ place. and set up all the things, and then my families all came, ate, talked, played and kena bullied by my cousins!!! -.- the party ended at 9+pm. then packed all the things and said byebye to they all. went home, played com and did research for tmr's CT.. ORCHID! lols... GUAI right?! haha.
okay. gtg ler! byebye! JY for tmr's test!
bye, MUM! I'll miss you der! :(
I love you, dearest! :D

JL!!!! SHOOO!!!!
17.8.09 @ 7:40:00 PM

today woke up at 6.10am
dicussed the house thingy wif my mum
she said up to me, and let me decide.
then took 187 to school.
met MJ at the school gate, then walk to the classroom.
walked around and blah.
reading period-sianz.
History- Mr Rajar showed video clips.
I love the boy's sound-Declan Galbraith.
Science-Ms Loh scolded us... -.-''
Recess- Was thinking of sth while eating...
DNT- did paper modling and blah
ART- as what Yanchong said, he got no power. lols, the class was like the fish market, and then he shouted and no one cares ab him... lols... and then he got hearing pb, YH shouted sth, then he went scold Saiful...
English- got back the comprehension test paper, and felt really sick... becos i kept on thinking of sth?! stop it man! i got 8/20 of the test paper...-.-''
Chinese- got no strength to talk and stand. -.-'' and kept on coughing, and Jia Wen asked me to talked it out what i was thinking, and she said will be better... but then i decided to keep it in my heart. :) then did some checking and did a ws in the lesson.
msged my mum and asked her to fetch me home, but then she didn't reply. went down to the canteen and called my mum, first time she didn't pick up. and second time she did, and she was doing her work at the computer room. and she said if i want she will here at 3pm, but then think it's quite late luh... then ♥♥♥ decided to take 188 wif me!! :D iloveyou!! walked to the 188 bus stop wif ♥♥♥, talked along the way. :D then met Amirrul, Hadi and Afiq. then they started to hmm heng. lols, lame luh you all! haha. then ♥♥♥ pei me took 188, then said byebye to her.
reached home, bathed and slept. woke up at 5.30+pm... then played wif com. :D and jz chatted wif Ashwin, Odwin, Syazwani and ♥♥♥!!!
Ohh, ya! tmr is CHINESE common TEST!!! JYJY!!!
Jia you for tmr's test!
I love you!

Happy Birthday Mum!!!! :D :D
16.8.09 @ 9:02:00 PM

hello, back for posting... :D
woke up at 6.30am...
had 2 hrs der piano lesson, it's really sianz... -.-
then msged ♥♥♥. :D
played com after thad..
then out wif MC,WEIJUN and Danny to BUGIS...
bought a new bag! :D wj and mine are the same and Danny's one same as MC one! :D
we're not gay! we're brothers!!! :D
went to Mac, but there was full of ppl, then ate ice-cream!!
walked to bugis street and climb up the staircase for going the lan... :D
played DOTA wif MC,Danny and WJ... was damn fun lor... haha
then played audition wif wj after that... FUN!!! :D
went home at 5+... and reached home at 6+... :D
then went to polar and bought a big birthday cake for my MUM!!!
then did DNT hws, was really tired of dnt hws... sianz...
now waitting for my mum to come back!! :D
and I ALSO LOVE ♥♥♥!!!
see you tmr!!! :D

15.8.09 @ 10:22:00 PM

hello... jz came back from YUHUA Village for supporting SHUQUN Band... :D
back to posting... today woke up at 6.30am... then ate breakfast and slack... and then had piano lesson for 2 hrs... and then msged ♥♥♥ and then played wif com. and chatted wif HUIJUAN and ♥♥♥ :D :D then went to JE NLB for meeting RAMINDER and John and then study... but then they said they'll be late... lols.... then was slacking at the secondhand shop on my own... and then ate rambly burger... it's damn nice... :D then msged ♥♥♥... :D and then JOHN and RAMINDER finally came... then went to the NLB... saw PEIRU and blah there reading comics... lols, then ignore them, and found a place and sat down and started to study... then saw PAMELA and ALE. were finding comics books infront of us... :D then went down ate rambly burger for tea break wif JOHN and RAMINDER... :D then went back to NLB, and then we got no mood for study, then me and JOHN started to play ture or dare... and then we dare each others some lame stuffs... not gonna type down... haha :D then took 98 wif JOHN and RAMINDER. then droped down at JOHN house there, and then pei him DAPAO for his sister... then called MC and then he asked me to meet him at downstairs his house.. and then i asked him to come MAC and then i treat him dinner dinner... but then he donwan... then walked to his house there, and then saw BIRD and GERALDYN also there... lols, after thad then i know why MC don wan come MAC alr. lols... then went to playground slack wif them... then walked to YUHUA VILLAGE, but then it haven't start... then went to the YUHUA playground and talked Rubbish wif bird, geraldyn and mc, was luaghing all the way, and then all the uncles and aunties kept looking at us sia...lols, then walked back to YUHUA VILLAGE, saw AMIRRUL firstly, cos of his size... haha... then saw ♥♥♥ also... :D <3 then went to the back and slack, and then they finally perform... :D then BIRD pull me to left corner der Ms FANG there.. lols, then stood there and saw Ms SITI and Ms 'FUN' behind... -.-'' then shouted sth... lols... then went to the YUHUA CC after they perform.. then walked home and met the BAND MEMBERS, and then they saw me and shouted ♥♥♥ der name... hahax, weird right? hahas.. then my mum called me and asked me go home straight... then walked to HONGKA basketball court... bought soda water and then walked home alone... then msged ♥♥♥... and then called KFC delivery... then ate KFC wif my MUM and FICA :D :D gtg ler, byebye... :D
sorry... didn't wait for you jz now... sorry...
I love you... :D :D

i understood~
14.8.09 @ 9:39:00 PM

160th post~
really very tired now... lazy post... :P
i love you...

2wiiks!!!! :D :D I love LOVE YoU!!! :D
13.8.09 @ 7:31:00 PM

today almost late for school, when i reached school the bell jz rang... heng siol... and then blah... really lazy post luh... sorry!!!
anw, post the pics took on last week bah...

to dearest- happyhappy2wiiks... :D :D
i love you!!! 143!!!

The way to heaven... haiz
11.8.09 @ 8:23:00 PM

(weijun kena bullied)
woke up at 6.20am this morning then ate breakfast wif my mum and then she sent me to BKBT MRT station... :D :D then train to JE and waitted for ♥♥♥, SYAZWANI... then walked to school wif them.... :D then had reading period, was joking around wif RAMINDER... haha :D then PE, played some games, and they were quite lame... -.-'' then had MATH lesson, Mrs Liang taught us SETS(SEX) lols... then recess, ate kway teow,potatoes,fish cake and fish... lols... then had LIFESKILLS after recess... SKIP SKIP... -.- then had HISTORY... SKIP SKIP.... -.- then FT period, nth to say... lols... then Assembly, find that rose ann really lame lor... lols... -.-'' then went to canteen after ASSEMBLY and talked wif ♥♥♥,ROSANNA,FELICIA,SYAZWANI and AMIRRUL... :D :D then taught SYAZWANI math and blah... then walked to JE MRT wif ♥♥♥ and SYAZWANI... :D :D then was quite tired and so didn't talk much wif them... :P sorry... :(

then took MRT wif ♥♥♥... then talked quite lot luh... :D :D then went to the traffic there and my mum came fetch me :D :D cos i lazy walk home.... although it only takes 10 mins.... lols... :P then reached home and bathed and slept... :P then woke up at 8+pm... then msged ♥♥♥... :D :D and then played wif com. :D :D I'm so HAPPY HAPPY now!!!! :D :D ILOVEYOU!!! :D :D

I love you!!! :D

always!!! :D

"pong pong~~" my heart is pumping damn damn fast :D :D
10.8.09 @ 7:33:00 PM

hello... back for posting... today woke up at 5.50am... then ate breakfast wif my two sisters and my mum... :D then carried the bags into my mum's car... and then my mum drove us to AIRPORT. then talked wif my sisters at the back seats... they asked me to JIAYOU... woo, THANKS... i will jiayou der... and my mum didn't heard anything, lols... so must talk to her another day... :D :D then reached airport around 8+... then say BYEBYE to my sisters and then blah... reached home at 1+pm then bathed and msged ♥♥♥... then went john house at 1.30pm and then studied and did chinese hws... :D :D was taking some photos after it... and then went to the playground and played volleyball and slack... went back to john house after that... was talking ab some stuffs... fun~ :D :D then went down played water volleyball, and raminder didn't jion us, cos he said his mum not allow... -.-'' FUN SPOILER... lols... then went home at 6.15pm, then saw huijuan inside 187 bus, the talked to her, she said she shilian ler, and asked me for solution... lols, then i jz said:"idk" lols... then reached home around 6.30pm... then ate dinner wif fica... and then played wif com. and chatted wif ♥♥♥... :D blahblahblah...
byebye.... :P
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ i ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ V :D ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Bye Bye!!! i will miss your der.. :(
9.8.09 @ 9:29:00 PM

hello... back for posting :D :D!!! today woke up at 6.30am... then my hand was damn damn pain... :S... and rally cannot ta hang... then woke my mum up and told her ab my hand thingy... think is becos of the JIUSHANG luh... then she called MS LIM and cancelled the piano lesson :D :D then my mum sent me to hospital... took X-ray and do a lot of checking... lols... stayed inside around 5 hrs... -.-'' and then vomitted around 4 times... -.-'' i really don like the smell... =.= ran out to the car park after the checking... and then i vomit again... -.-'' then msged ♥♥♥, :D :D then my mum drived me home... then ate KFC wif my sisters.. :D played wif com after that... and chatted wif lot lot ppl... :D :D then got scolded from my mum... she said i not feeling well still played com.... lols, then i switched off my com... then msged ♥♥♥, and was thinking wad to do next.... lols... then watched NDP thingy... CHANNEL 8 sucks!!! lols... then helped my sisters pack their things, they gonna leave singapore tmr... :( then now i playing wif my com. again... :) blah blah...
gtg ler... byebye :D :D

useless=me ?!
@ 8:52:00 PM

hello...woke up at 6.20am... then had breakfast and slack in the computer room... :D :D then Ms Lim came at 7.12am... then had piano lesson... sianz... the lesson ended at 11.20+.. then bathed and prepared for ltr's outing... we going ECP... claps claps... :D then met PHILOMENA at BKBT MRT platform and trained to JE... and then met VICTORIA,MC,WJ,WAYNE and sharifah... then we forgot ab GODWIN... -.-'' then wayne called him, and his sound was damn damn loud.. we all could heard wad he was talking in the phone... lols.. then trained to CITYHALL, was quarrel wif WAYNE ab which MRT station... i said BD... then he said CITYHALL... then we all follow him lor, then tried to find the BUS NO. 16... but we failed and we took taxi to ECP... WJ,WAYNE,MC and me was in the same cab... then i sat infront... and then the ppl sit infront need to pay money... -.- lol... then met ♥♥♥ they all, then rented the bike and cycle... :D was cycling slowly wif ♥♥♥ and syazwani, and then half way, we helped a girl... she somehow fell down... lols... then cycle back to the bicycle renting shop there... :) then talked wif heri, hongxing and blah... then played wif some stuffs... :D then WJ and blah came back... then cycle wif them and tried to find KFC... but we failed and then we cycle back to the bicycle renting shop and return our bikes, then ate in MAC and then went to beach and played wif sand and stones and blah... fun!!! lols... then took cab wif ♥♥♥,WJ and PHILOMENA... :D was kept gossip of sth... :D :D then slack at the place near BKBT MRT station :D :D then ♥♥♥ went home at 8+? byebye... then went to play ground and talked ab some stuffs wif MC,WJ,YH and PHILOMENA... then sent PHILOMENA to Bus interchange, and byebye... then went back to playground... and then half way met them, and then went to 7-11... YH bought cholc. then we went back the place near the playground and disccussed where to go... then i said ARCADE... then all follow me... WJ also ( actually he going somewhere else) then played the soccer game... fun!!! :D this game made us become even more close to each others!!! :D then went home at 9.30+? then ran home wif MC and YH... :D :D
I rally enjoy myself wif you guys today... especially wif ♥♥♥...
I love you!!! :D :D

see you guys tmr~ :D :D
7.8.09 @ 9:07:00 PM

see you all tmr...
byebye~ :D
8 letters,
3 words,
1 meaning...
i love you

One Week~~~ :D :D
6.8.09 @ 10:01:00 PM

hello... back for posting... today woke up at 6.50am... quite late luh, then ate breakfast and then my mum sent me to school... :D then lessons as usual... and blah... then went Mac wif john and RAMINDER... and was damn angry wif sth... then did sth wrong also... {><} then went back to school and study... and still not in the mood... and talked to dhanicca... :D and then did math hws :D :D then philomena went home at 5+... then we all played volleyball after that... blahblah... now in conference call wif MC,WJ and Raminder... lols... :D
happyoneweekdear~ :D :D
and i always will~~~ :D :D

5.8.09 @ 10:40:00 PM

yoyo... :D today woke up at 6.40am... then kena scolded from my mum...

-.-'' she said no repect to the GUY.. wtf, what did do sia... -.-'' then like so buisong lor... then she said she want send me to school... then was damn angry wif her and so rejected... lols... then walked damn damn slow to school... and almost late... -.-'' then had HomeE.. was not in the mood lar.. cos really angry wif the GUY and my mum lor... Zzz... then had math lesson... Mrs Liang taught us new chapter.. chapter 10...then Mrs Liang asked me up and did sth... lols... then recess... took a few mins to file my math file... :D then went down eat... :D Then CME, left the drawing paper at home... then redraw the whole thing.... then Mrs Peh like very GUAILAN...then she said i don't greet your alr.. wtf, like we want greet her like that... then had PE... played Tennis... sianzZzz.. then Had Englis after pe... took the test... all anyhow write... :P then had MTL, got back our tst paper... git 48/60... haiz... then went for CCA straight.. :D then played wif NIU JING... and then suddenly MC,John,WJ and PHILOMENA pop out... lols... then played wif john... he damn noob shyt.. lols... then they played volleyball on the stage there... and blah... then TT end at 5.40pm.... then went down to canteen and played volleyball wif MC and YUANHUA... :D and then actually want wait for ♥♥♥ der.. but then my mum called me.. Zzz then blah... then went WM and had dinner wif My mum, sisters and FICA... and now talking wif WJ and RAMINDER in the conference call... :D :D then they chiol me... said i will blahblah... lols... then wj like so jealous lor... and act like he don even care.. hahax.. :x
P:You started this game, so i play wif you lor :D :D
♥i♥t♥♥i♥I - I LOVE YOU~

:( :(
4.8.09 @ 7:38:00 PM

HELLo...:D woke up at 6am this morning... then quarel wif my mum :(

Mum:"What you looking for?"

Me:"My math text book, ahh, it's here!"

Mum:"why you didn't pack your bag last night?you very busy meh? i don't think so ahh?!"

Me:"no luh, cos last night very tired luh.. so didn't pack lor"

Mum:" then wad you did yesterday, so young then tired tired?!"

Me:" had lunch wif VICTORIA they all uh, then watched movie with you all"

Mum:"okay, next time don't out wif me ler, stay at home and pack your thing!"


Mum:"and!!! if let me see you pack your thing in the morning then i won't let you go the school!"


Mum:"and!!! today must reach home by 5.30!!! then BEN will come fetch you and your sisters to Woodlands!!! are you clear?!"

Me:"... why him again?! why not you?! anw, i need go school ler!!! BYE!!!"

then ran out of her bedroom and wore shoes and walked to school... walked damn damn slow, and was thinking a lot things on the way to school... saw Amirrul infront of me at the traffic light there... then ran up and said hello... then reached school at 7+ and then flag raising and blah... had PE in the classroom, Sianz... and we got a new PE teacher!!! Ms ANG!!! she like so xxxx!!! muahhaa :D :D then had MATH after PE... sianz... then recess and blah... (suddenly not feel like posting sia... -.-'') skip skip!!! went BBT after school wif TJ, MC, WJ, RAMINDER, WAYNE, AMIRRUL and blah... then went back to school wif RAMINDER and study!!! did history mind map and MATH hw... then studied till 5.20pm, then walked to the bus stop wif Raminder and took 187 home wif MINT!!! :D AHH...REALLY NO MOOD ALR. LUH!!!


3.8.09 @ 6:30:00 PM

hello!!! :D :D... today woke up at 6.10am, then ate breakfast and blah... took 187 to the bus stop.. then saw Ms Loh was walking to the school... and she walked damn fast and i ran up and talked to her... :D then saw ELIZABETH at the school gate there, and she was shocked when i was walking wif Ms Loh... -.-'' haha... she thought thad she is my sister.. wth.... then went to the canteen, talked wif LION for while then walked to the classroom alone... then blahblah... had reading period... was staring at the science book... lols... then HISTORY... MR RAJAR talked ab the source based question... really bored!! :P then Science, took the test... erm, quite easy luh, although i didn't study for it... :P Hope i can pass luh... :D then recess, stay at class and did my TT work and then passed it to MR Lee... sianz, then had DNT after recess, took yellow and blue colour paper... and then saw ♥♥♥ also took the same colours... :D i'm purposely der kay? i took it be4 ♥♥♥ had took it... :D then laughed wif MEIXUAN and said ME and ♥♥♥ were so QIAO!!! :D then did the model... :D then ART, Mr Moh didn't come and the MR TAY come extra and taught us ART... wad the shyt... he didn't know how to teach still come extra... was laughing all the way wif MEIXUAN during his lesson... :D and then ME,MEIXUAN,JIAWEN,MEIJUAN and ARRON dicussed ab SOMEBODY!!! lalala... then English, Mrs Goh back to teach us...wooo!!! :D then did the report and blah... Then MTL, and MDM ONGLP didn't come... and don know wad shyt teacher come relief us... he DAMN DAMN GUILAN!!! he thought he who sia... then all like buisong of him... then blah... went to WESTMALL der KFC for LUNCH wif ♥♥♥, SYAZWANI and FELICIA!!! :D :D was laughing all the way, cos FELICIA sat opposite me? lols? haha... until my mouth pain siol... :P then went home alone... then slept for awhile and msged ♥♥♥... and blah... anw, gtg ler... going WESTMALL der ENGWAH watch movie wif my MUM, SISTERS and MAID!!! :D :D
i love you!!! :D :D

boring day!
2.8.09 @ 6:22:00 PM

hello... back for posting!!! haha... woke up at 6am then had breakfast as usual... then had piano lesson from 7 till 12... damn long okay?... then slept for a while and woke up at 1+? then msg ♥.. then ate maggi mee...poor thing right? cos my mum,sisters and maid were out... :( then played wif com. and watched movie-(polar express) NICE!!! then played games and blah... what a boring day!!! haiz... anw, see you guys tmr~~!!! byebye

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Third... ;D ;D
1.8.09 @ 7:51:00 PM

woo...BOJUN is so HAPPY now... :D :D woke up at 6am this morning... then ate breakfast then slack... and was waitting for Ms Lim, then she didn't come... and she didn't even call me... then called my mum and report to her... and then was like okay lor... then went arcade wif my sisters, played like siao.... then went Eng Wah-west mall watched movie... the malaysian movie... forgot the name... :P nice :D then went to HongKah bbt alone and then called YuanHua... asked whether the EC park thing still on ornot... then he said it's on next SAT... then was like okay lor, then went to his house, MC was there also... then was looking at what MC was playing wif-DOTA... lols... then went to school wif YH and MC, cos YH need to meet rosanna up and blah... then YH pang seh us and went bbt wif rosanna, then me and mc went to the Mini Mart bought ice cream... :D then me and mc went to hong kah bbt after thad... then YH came find us again.. then drank bbt and then went JURONG EAST SWIMMING COMPLEX... cos YH need to take his badminton racket back... so we go wif him lor... then planed for tmr and whad shoud we do ltr... then went to YUHUA CC book badminton court... but al full... -.-'' then went back to YH house... slacking... went back outside school AT 2.50pm... then reached at the mini mart at 3pm... :D then blahblah... i really really damn damn happy and enjoy the time... :D then train to yew tee and train to JE... met mc and YH at giant... then bought a new volleyball :D :D then played wif the hammer toy... when you hit on an object, it ring:"Muah.I love you" so cute... haha... then went walked to the hong kah bbt and played wif the volleyball... msged VCITORIA... then i pang seh MC and YH and ran home... :D new record-2 mins and 45 seconds... :D :D then on my com and chatted wif VICTORIA, AMIRRUL and WJ.... :D thad's all byebye... :D
i love you~~ :D :D