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I've seen,

Love die,

Way too,

Many times.


31.7.09 @ 7:02:00 PM

hello...back for posting...
today woke up at 6am...then ate breakfast and then slack at home... then met tj inside the bus... :D then go school together... :D saw Felicia and Tifanny inside also... then walked to classroom... then did my math graph...
had LIT ar first two periods...damn damn boring, and most of class didn't do her hws... :P only 5 of them actually did it... lols, then MEIXUAN helped me with the worksheet... THANKS!!! haha :D then passed it to Ms goh and she said i no need stay after school ler... :) then had one period science, then recess and another period of science... quite boring luh... then had one period of math... damn damn bored... then MTL, BORING... then went for the interview... quite fun actually... haha skip english test!!! :D then went to MAC after school with SYAZWANI,FELICIA,SYAFIQAH,PHILOMENA,VAISNAVI and DHANICCA for lunch.... :D then went back to school... and FELICIA said she PEI me... haha :D such a good friend i had!!! :D
then chit chatted lot lot... then took 187 home wif FELICIA... share jokes, actually was the funny msg only... damn damn funny... i will type it down now!!!
this is hikarious why chinese shouldn't have a chrisrian names;
Anne chang

Anne Chin
(chinese)-keep quiet

Carl Cheng

Monica Cheng
(hokkien)- touch your buttock

Jane Tan
(chinese)-frying eggs

Paul Chan

Nelson Tan
(chinese)-bird laying egg

Leslie Tong
(chinese)- rubbish bin

Rosie Teng
(hokkien)- screws and nials

Pete Tsai
(hokkien)-nose dropping
hope you all enjoy!!! :D BYEBYE!!!
the shortest word i know is "I", the sweetest word I know is "love", and the one i'll never forget is "you". I love YOU!!! :D :D

30.7.09 @ 7:10:00 PM

no mood!!! today had lessons... then went west mall lunch wif syazwani and felicia and went back to school and study wif them...
you think you who?!
fuck off luh...knn!!!
you force me der!!!
i don't want hurt you actually...!
but you started first!!!
pls luh, auntie... go infront of the mirror and see your face lar...
and this is not call moodswings...it's you started first!!!
and ppl really cannot understand you...
you really damn damn weird!!!
ppl really can't read your mind..!!!
the ppl not only me...
it's lot lot ppl... they all agree wif me...
fuck off!!!

F@#&* off!!!
29.7.09 @ 7:33:00 PM

(this video=i'm in love=我恋爱了)
back for posting...seriously damn damn angry with someone now... i said no means no, i said never means never kay? if you don't believe me, it's your problem, and i cannot do anything for it... and i don't want do the further explanation, wadever you think lor? happy?! not happy then fuck off luh!!! see wad see, until i very paiseh you know?! and ppl all know alr. you action actually telling ppl wad you thinking...pls luh, i'm not thad handsome kay? go find other person luh, yuanhua not bad wad and look at prerit also can wad... anw, no offence... not happy? shoo!!!
woke up 6+ today... then ate breakfast my own... my mum and sisters were sleeping... then went BukitBatok MRT platform met TINGJIE and then trained to JE... then waited for WEIJUN at JE INTERCHANGE... waited him damn damn long lor, then walked to school... TINGJIE kena cuatio when the teacher came to the person infront of him... cos he thought that the teacher want say:"those ppl behind stop, you all are late!" lols, then actually the teacher it's checking the boy's handphone? then continued walk to classroom... then took temperature and blah... then had HomeE... super sian, the teacher damn guailan... i was copying the texts from the book, then i rest for a while then she said:"what you doing? and why are you resting?!"
!@#&* ppl cannot rest for a while meh, i'm not robort kay?! then one period of math and then recess and then one more period of math... her lesson quite sian lor... -.- then had cme... don know wad reason the peh peh never come... then played and walked around, and then PHILOMENA shouted:"LOOK WAT LOOK LUH!!!"to someone... lols... then had PE after it... played tennis at first 15 mins? then played VOLLEYBALL!!! :D love it!!! :D then had english, did some boring copying and then Mr SYAFUtin showed us MJ der video... damn damn nice!!! :D :D then MTL, took the chinese test in the class, and they were having lesson... damn stress + they very noisy... then kena distracted and cnnt concentrate... then used 45 mins to finish the paper... then do checking and times up liao... haiz... think i won't get good result lor... then went for CCA straight after school... then played damn serious with all my team members... :D then kena distracted by her, @#&*, walk here walk there!!! then dulan liao...then went to paly volleyball wif my sec 1 friend... -.-'' then YuanHua came and play wif me also... lols... then went home at 6pm... and reached home around 6.15pm... then online.. then had dinner wif at HOME!!! wif my MUM, two SISTERS, UNCLE, AUNTIE, GREATAUNTIE and the GUY!!! :D we talked and shared!!! this is the best dinner i had!!! really really!!! haha... then online and chatted wif WEIJUN, RAMINDER, ODWIN and blah... gtg ler... byebye!!!
imissyoubadly!!! :(
iloveyou!!! :D

left or right?!
28.7.09 @ 8:06:00 PM

today woke up at 6am... then took temperature, got 36.9... i'm safe!!! :D then ate breakfast with FICA and relised that MY SISTERS were came last night!!!! :D :D then asked more details from FICA, she said they were here 11.30pm last night and i slept alr. Then didn't wake me up... Zzz then walked to school... reached school around 7am... then asked ASHWIN pass the present to SYAZWANI...:D then went back to class, then talked wif TINGJIE and SYAZWANI came in and talked wif me!!! :D haha... then took temperaturem got 37.1... then reading period, was doing the student councilor stuff... and Peh Peh didn't say anything... and we got 15 absentees today!!! haiz, the class like so quiet without them lor...-.-'' then had PE,went to outside school der filed played captain ball... quite fun larh, but then our shoes all got dirty... -.-'' then went back to school and had one period of math... then recess, then one period of math again... Mrs Liang taught us new chapter... :D then Lifeskills, played wif the balloon... FUN!!! :D haha... then History, was msging VICTORIA and sleeping... his lesson damn damn sleepy... -.-'' then had FT period and assembly in the classroom... :) then Peh Peh showed us the Olimpicsim powerpoint and find thad this is the only lesson she teach and it's quite fun... lols... her actions + speech... lols... then went BBT wif TJ,WJ,MC and DANYY!!!! ate maggi mee wif TJ, and DANNY sick still can come down...-.-'' then went to the 188 bus stop and waited for the long 188 bus...i was playing wif the mini chocolate.. -.-'' then share things wif TJ and WJ, and this thing made them laughed like mad...haha... i feel like laughing now still... lols... then took 188 home wif them... then reached home at 2.45... i know it's quite late.... -.-'' then saw my two sisters was watching boys over flowers... -.-'' then said "HI" then they ran to me and hug me... -.-'' then played wif com and chatted wif peixin,meijuan,philomena and WuXuan... then my mum called me and asked me bring my sisters to west mall and met her at 6.30pm... so brought them to library and read and borrow some books... :D then met my mum at 6.30... and ate shushi!!!! :D :D then went to Shop and save...bought lots of stuff, and we all need to carry home... lols...
gtg ler... byebye!!!
left or right?
two more days!!!
i miss you lot lot!!!

27.7.09 @ 5:22:00 PM

hello...back for posting :D :D
today woke up at 6.05am then took temperature... and i got 37.8, so could not go school, so need to use the mc thad the doctor gave me ler... haiz... then ate breakfast and medicines and then went back to sleep... woke up again at 8+...then Peh Peh called me,asked me about the mc date and so on...then played wif com and chatted wif wayne,odwin and rachel... then played DNF... then ate lunch wif FICA... then FICA made floo juice for me(fruit juice) :P then ate medicines... then checked my temperature, it drops-37.6... :D then msged PHILOMENA... and heard from someone her hp kena confiscated... -.-'' then chatted wif Peixin,Meixuan,Orlando,wayne,WeiJun, amirrul and blah... a lot right? haha... then knew lots of things happened today... lols... anw... jz took my temperature... i got 37.1 wooo....
Anw... i will go back to school tmr!!! :D

SICK!!! fever+sore throat...sianz...
26.7.09 @ 10:30:00 PM

woke up at 6 am... then took temperature... i got 37.5, was okay luh, but then my mum go cancle the piano lesson... yeahhh... then played wif com and chatted wif tj and mc... planning where to go for today... then tj said go lan... then went JE MRT platform met mc and wj... then train to clementi... and then went to the lan... was full of ppl in the lan... so waited around 1 and half hour, -.-'' then played cs, dota and chatted wif VICTORIA and Syazwani...after that went to the bookshop, had fun there... :D then went home wif mc by MRT... reached home around 8+pm then felt like so hot... so took the temperature.... and was like oMG... got 38.9... then bathed and retake again... got 38.8... then went to Singapore Family Clinic & Surgery... then the doctor said it's jz normal fever+flu... Zzz so took some medicines and it cost $40+...but ofcos not i pay one... my mum paid... :D so got the MC... then went home and ate and medicines... and doctor said if tmr i don't have fever then i can go back school ler... hope tmr i will recover... :D
Happy birthday!!!

syazwani,peixin and Wu xuan!!!
:D :D

bota? joking only...haha :D
25.7.09 @ 8:00:00 PM

today woke up at 6am... then switched on my laptop and left it there and had piano lesson... Ms Lim came quite early today... piano lesson end at 11.30... then went back to my room and played com... chatted wif VICTORIA... :D :D then chatted till 3.30pm? then my mum came back and fetch me to her workshop...then her student farah helped me cut my hair... :D then went KFC for dinner with my mum... and then she went back to her workshop der office and i had to go home myself... so took MRT home... then reached home at 7,30pm... and blah
i love you~~ :D
5 more days

24.7.09 @ 7:41:00 PM

hello... back for posting... :D
woke up at 6am this morning...and was raining, then took 187 to school... and the scary thing was there's two ppl on the bus only...the driver and me... -.-'' then walked to classroom... no one was in the classroom... then decided to scare ppl... :P so switch off all the light and fan... then sat on the floor near the door... then waited for so long and no one came... -.-'' so dulan liao and give up on scaring ppl... :P then AROON came... he finally came school... :) heard was an virus attacked him... lols... then took temperature, 1st time:37.8...2nd time:37.6...3rd time:37.5... then escape for going informary room... :D :D then Jia Wen kena sent to informary room... haha :D then had LIT... damn boring, so was sleeping... :P then Science... got back our test paper... :) 17/25... then helped wayne did correction.. :D and then don know who wrote all the absentees on the board... total got 9 absentees today... damn lot lor... :) after Ms Loh go through the paper then we started to talk ab Ms Goh... the LIT teacher...the whole class was laughing like hell... :D then early recess... "moon walk" to canteen ( Ms Loh told us to coperate) :D then had one period of Math after recess.. got back our gragh test paper... 6/6 FULL MARKS!!! :D lols... damn easy kay? lol... then had chinese... there's a chinese test today actually, but then Mdm ONGLP saw got a lot absentees... so she postphone the test and will haf it on MONDAY!!! :D then msged VICTORIA, :P then the teacher asked me to collect hws for her... so put my hp back to my bag... then came back saw my hp wif philomena...was like wth... then she go sent sth to her... wtf sia... then was like ignore her... then listened song-the red drangonfly(红蜻蜓)... NICE... and she took my hp again... -.-'' scared Mdm confiscate it, so didn't take back... -.-'' then had ENGLISH after MTL... had the vocab test... and + one short passage and need to write the mistakes that the "him" has done... lols... was really don't understand at first... then i anyhow write, then Mr Syaifultin came and said i got a point... was shock ehh, anyhow write also can got a point... then tried to understand wad the question about... then i got it at the end... hoho..!! :D then went to BBT wif PHILOMENA and VAISNAVI for "lunch"? then orderd cheese fries and double chocol... :D went back to school after we finished eatting... :) then went for the student concilor thingy... sat beside ASHWIN and PHILOMENA... and philomena kept looking at xxxxxxx... :D then went back classroom and took my sketch book after the meetting... helped PHILOMENA take also... then went to 187 bus stop wif FELICIA, ROSANNA and YUANHUA... then took 187 home wif FELICIA and ROSANNA... :D then blah... byebye!!!
imissyoubadly... :(
520... :D :D

23.7.09 @ 8:21:00 PM

lazy post...Zzz
i gonna miss you like mad... :S
get well soon ya?hope can see your smiling face very soon... :D
iloveyou... :D :D

22.7.09 @ 9:30:00 PM

really lazy to post these two days...

get well soon ya? iloveyou... muahaa :D <3

20.7.09 @ 8:33:00 PM

wadever it is...
i never angry with you...
i was jz thought of how useless i am...
how stupid i am...
so,don't take this thing so serious kay?!
sorry for today like shout at you...
was really thinking of sth...
sorry... ><
Thanks for cheering me up...
hope your prince didn't see it...
ltr he JL... :P
YO...Small Hand...
really Had fun while talking to you in chinese lesson...
and thanks all your words on my newspaer ya?
Let's JIAYOU kays?
don't forget wad we said while you walked home wif me today..
let's work for it!!!
This is the fact and can't be change!!!!

@ 8:23:00 PM

All of the 14 people must do this quiz, Write the names of 14 people you can think off the top of your head, then answer the questions.
1. MookChing

2. Victoria

3. WeiJun

4. Mandy

5. YuanHua

6. Philomena

7. John

8. Samantha

9. MeiJuan






How did you get to meet 7? (John.)

Sec 1 same class-1A
What would you do if you and 13 never met? (Arron.)

What would you do if 1 and 12 date?(MookChing and ISH.)

I will congrats him...she's a nice girl... :D
Have you ever seen 14 cry? (Samantha.)

Would 4 and 11 be a good couple? (Mandy and Felicia.)

both girls... -.-''
Do you think 11 is attractive? (Felicia.)

nope ,
What's 2's favourite colour? (Victoria.)

When was the last time you talked to 9? (MeiJuan.)

What language does 8 speak?(Samantha.)

English and chinese.
Who is 13 going out with? (Arron.)

What grade is 12 in? (ISH.)

Sec 1.
Would you ever date with 10? (PeiXin.)

Where does 5 lives? (YuanHua.)

opposite YuHua Village in jurong east
What's the best thing about 3? (WeiJun.)

Have a CUTE face lols!
What would you want to tell 10 now? (PeiXin.)

hellllohs ,
What’s the best thing about 8? (Samantha.)

she got leg MUSCLE!
Have you ever kissed 5? (YuanHua.)

NO...and i'm not GAY!.
What was the best memory you have with 7? (John.)

hung out together yesterday.
When was last time you get to see 6? (Philomena.)

How is 14 and 12 different? (TingJie and ISH.)

One is whiter .
Is 6 pretty? (Philomena.)

don't think so.
How did you meet 5? (YuanHua.)

We were in th same school.
Is 1 your best friend? (MookChing.)

of cuz ! he's my brother!
Do you hate 12? (ISH.)

Not at all.!
Have you seen 4 on the last month? (Mandy.)

no !
When was the last time you talk to 3? (WeiJun.)

after school.
Have you been to 5's house? (YuanHua.)

When's the next time you gonna see 10? (Peixin.)

Are you close to 13? (Arron.)

okok luh.
Have you ever been to a movie with 4 before? (Mandy.)

Have you ever gotten into trouble with 8? (Samantha.)

I dun think so.
Would you give 2 a hug? (VICTORIA.)

YES!!! :D
When have you lied to 3? (WeiJun.)

Is 1 good with socializing? (MookChing.)

Do you know secrets about 9? (MeiJuan.)

YESH!!! hoho.
Describe the relationship between 12 and 14. (ISH and TingJie.)

They don't even know each others.
Best thing about your friendship with 9? (MeiJuan.)

Helped me do hw! :D.
What's the worst thing about 6? (Philomena.)

hahas :X cannot say!
Have you ever had a crush on 12? (ISH.)

does 14 have a gf?bf? (TingJie.)

i dun think so , but HE like someones.
Have you ever wanted to punch 1's face? (MookChing.)

nope , never ever.
Has 2 met your mother? (VICTORIA.)

How did you get to meet 3? (WeiJun.)

he's my classmate this year.
Did you ever physically hurt 3? (WeiJun.)

never , right?
Do you live close to 7? (John.)

not really ,
What's 8's favourite food? (Samantha.)

What kind of car does 1 has? (MookChing.)

he don't haf.
Have you travelled anywhere with 9 before? (MeiJuan.)

never .
If you give 14 $100 , what will he/she spend it on? (TingJie.)

Maple cash card + porn videos? .
th end... byebye!!!

19.7.09 @ 7:25:00 PM

Hello...back for posting...!!! :D ya,juz changed me blogskin(for fun) ... :D today woke up at 6am... then was slacking and was waitting for Ms Lim to come for the piano lesson... suddenly my house phone rang...
Lim:"hello?BoJun arh?"
BJ:"yup yup... wad thing?"
Lim:"today i got slightly fever and won't go yr house for the piano lesson.."
BJ:"ohh... okay!!! :D"
Lim:"Pls tell yr mum about this thing kay?"
BJ:"okay... byebye, get well soon!!!"
then jumped up and shouted...wooo... then told my mum ab this thing then went back to my bed and sleep... :D woke up at 10am... then played com. and called and msged WJ, WAYNE, TJ, MC, DANNY, GODWIN... for today's plan... but no one answer... -.-'' then jz cancelled the lan thing... then continued playing CROSS FIRE!!! then JOHN called me and asked me go his house there for playing bowling and swimming... then asked MC and Wayne company me... met MC at the school bus stop at 12.15... then MC said he ez-link card no $... so he decided to walk there... was damn hot you know... then i dulan and decided to take taxi... so stopped a taxi... and i paid the $... :S haha... then saw john waited there and like so emo.... -.-'' then waited for wayne... then went to mama shop and "asshole"-esso... :P then went back to mayfair and played bowling... played serious at the first game... :D then we started to play with the senser... really had fun... and we kept luaghing like hell!!! :D then played until 2.15pm... then went to playeground and played BM... then the security guard came and said:"hello...you all still child uh? this playground is only for small child!" lols... then played volleyball with john... and MC and wayne started dulan with us... then went to esso again... bought ice-cream and MILO... then wayne went home after it... then went back to mayfair wif john and mc... swam and played MONKEY inside the pool... :D then played WATER VOLLYBALL at 0.5 metres pool...(for small child only) and quite hard to play volleyball inside the pool ehh... then SUN TAN wif JOHN!!! :D then SONG!!! :D :D then saw a father wif his son think only 5-6 years old... then this boy went inside the 0.5m pool... and then his shouted:" BAH!!see!!!.... I VERY PRO HOR?! hehehe!" then he kept repeat this words... then me john and MC kept luaghing wif it... damn funny kay?! then john went home at 4.40pm... then me and MC walked to YUHUA VILLAGE and bought breads... and sat at there and eat... yummy!!! :D then walked home with MC... reached home around...5.30pm... then bathed and ate dinner at home with FICA... :( then played wif com. and did the research thad philomena asked me to do... WTH, she leader and she push all the works to me... Zzz then blahblah...
got to go and do my hws ler...

18.7.09 @ 7:41:00 PM

BACK...woke up at 6am this morning... then slacking and was waitting for Ms Lim come and for the piano lesson... HATE IT SIA... then had piano lesson from 7-12... actually only 4hrs one, but then she go extend it... fcuker... then called meixuan...and then her no. is no avialiable... lols... then called MEIJUAN, asked if the gathering still on or not... then she said she don know... lols... then end up we never go... cos meixuan cancelled the thing... then went west mall met my mum for lunch... then went back home played wif com. then yuanhua suddenly called me and asked me go BBT shop for playing volleyball... then asked my mum for permission, then she allowed... then bathed, then ran to bbt shop... played badminton wif small"philomena" lols, was joking around wif the girl wif mc and yuanhua... haha...then played volleyball... then called my mum come fetch me home... then reached home at 5.40+... then played wif com. and slept for two hrs... had dinner at home wif FICA... then went to play basketball wif my elder cousin and WUXUAN... then played until 9.30pm... and reached home at 9.40pm... msged VICTORIA and now chatting wif Syazwani... gtg ler ... byebye!!

17.7.09 @ 7:48:00 PM

(cute right?)
back again... today woke up at 6.30am, then ate breakfast then walked to school... saw Mrs Liang infront of me at the traffic light there, then walked wif her... :D chit chatting on the way... and she asked me sth and really made me don know how to answer... -.-'' then reached school at 7.12...then walked around, then sharifah came and asked me :" hey, where is SAMANTHA?"
Sharifah:"i thought you come school wif her one?"
BJ:"no luh... don't anyhow say can?"
Sharifah:"okok, where is she?"
BJ:"how i know sia"
then walked back to classroom, really fed up wif sharifah... -.-'' then had LIT... damn damn BORING!!! -.-'' then science, Ms LOH taught the new chapter-colour and light... damn boring also... then had one period of math after recess, revised the graph and did sth new... really enjoy it :D :D then had MTL... Mdm ONG changed our place... -.-'' cos of the H1N1 thing... wth sia... sat behind VICTORIA and beside WAYNE!!! :D :D then ENGLISH... Mr Shaifuldin gave us the worksheet and asked to do the concept map and the summary... then Arron asked me help him do chinese hw... then we exchanged, he helped me do english i helped him do chinese :D then was kept talking rubbish wif JiaWen and MEIXUAN... and really had fun!!! :D then at the last 1 min of the lesson, saw the white board wrote must hand up summary, concept map and the don know wad drawing thing... then i used 10seconds for the drawing thing... drew a kolar then wif a board:" Please Save Me! Thank You! Bye Bye!" lols, i know it's lame... then Meixuan and Jia wen kept laughing at it... :D :D then went home straight after school... then bathed... msged VICTORIA :D then went bbt for meeting DANNY and MC... then saw rosanna,yuanhua,tiffany and anna at the playground there... then ignore them, went to the bbt called mc and danny... and then played volleyball wif yuanhua... then went mc house, was waitting him to bath... then took 176 to westmall... met TINGJIE and WEIJUN at westmall there... then bought ticket and popcorn combo for HARRY POTTER... then was late by a few mins for the movie :P sat down... then the movie is around 2hrs and 30 mins... then Danny went to the toilet one time... cos he kept drinking his coke...-.-'' then TJ was shaking his leg due wif his bladder...-.-'' then kept laughing at the middle part of the movie... was damn funny... then was shock when the harry potter went to the lake and took the water, and then got one hand suddenly came out and + the sound effect made us cua tio...-.-'' and saw MC and WJ shocked untill they jumped up... lols... -.-'' then TJ said he almost pee... -.-'' lols... then quite disappointed at the ending luh... haiz... then msged her and wanted to meet her der, but then my mum called me and want me go home fast..-.-'' then walked home wif danny and mc... then walked untill downstairs my house, didn't see my mum's car... think she's out, so went to the playground downstairs my house wif mc and danny, then blahblah... then went home at 6.20pm... then played wif com and chatted wif SYAZWANI... :D then had dinner at home wif FICA... :)
gtg ler... byebye! :D

bottom of my heart!
16.7.09 @ 5:58:00 PM

(nice...especially for the last part... :D)
hello... back for posting... woke up at 6.30am, then ate breakfast and chit chatted wif my mum,then walked damn slow while listening some piano songs, but then i hate to play piano... -.- then saw VICTORIA,SYAZWANI and SYAFIQAH was crossing the road... wanted walk there and talk to them, but then they walk to fast and i didn't manage to catch them...-.-'' then saw SAMANTHA at the opp. side... and she asked me wait for her... then stopped there and waited for her to cross the road... then walked to the classroom, was chit chatting on the way to classroom... :) then had reading period... studied for science... :) then had english... it was really boring...-.-'' then had Science test!!! :D erm... it's quite easy, but then idk i can pass or not...-.-'' then Ms Loh played a few games wif us... she smacked MC's face and hit WJ's head... haha :D was luaghing like hell... :D :D then had PW after recess... i thought out the name "PEH PEH" and "MEH MEH" pro right? hoho... then prerit their group got the name of:" PEH PEH" so lucky sia... then our group der 王子-yuanhua go draw... and he drew "wetalkcock" -.-'' yuanhua der hand so lucky sia...-.-
Then Math, Mrs Liang taught us the math graph... it was really lame lor -.-'' then had the quiz... EASY!!! hope didn't made any careless mistake... :D CME, was staring at the HISTORY text book, i really don't understand wad the text book had written... -.-'' then kept looking at it... then HISTORY test!!! GONNA fail ir... sianz,cos i all anyhow do... sianz... took 187 home wif WJ,PHILOMENA and SYAFIQAH... then asked my mum for going out for the movie "Harry Potter" But then she not allow... and she said she want me go watch wif her and the GUY... WTF sia... then asked her against after a few mins... then she scolded me... -.-'' then i diam diam liao... sorry,PHILOMENA and SYAFIQAH...didn't go wif you all... sorry... then switched on laptop and played audition... then played until really sick of it... then chatted wif MJ and PX... and PX made me so speechless lor... -.-'' then went for lunch wif FICA and my mum at PASTA man... ate pasta, then back to house and played wif my com. again... :) and suddenly stomach pain and headache... then my mum brought me to the polyclinic and check up... -.-'' and nth big luh... it's jz didn't rest well... reached home at 6.30... and then continue wif my computer stuffs... :D and i can don't go for the movie wif my mum and the GUY ltr on ler... i jz say i not feeling well... hoho :D
gtg ler... byebye!!!

i really speechless for your BIG BIG secret...

and hope you can really remove it from yr heart...


Sorry for bringing a lot of troubles to you...

really sorry... :(

and what you had done for me...

i will take it to my bottom of my heart... :D

you asked me think carefully for my decision...

and you prefer me to walk another way...

but then i really love her...

it won't change!! :)

I really don't mind...

i'm trying to do my best...

i'm trying to change myself back...

i'm trying to make you happy...

what i do for you are from bottom of my heart.... :D

15.7.09 @ 7:27:00 PM

hello... back for posting... :D woke up at 5.50am this morning... then was slacking on my bed... played psp and listened songs... :D then called wj to meet up at je interchange... then took train to je... then saw syafiqah infront of me... then ran up and said hello... -.- then saw VITORIA was sitting there and was waitting for SYAZWANI... then i was waitting for WEIJUN...
WJ:"ltr want walk or not?"
BJ:"huh?ok lor..."
WJ:"ok... i reaching there soon ler.."
BJ:"But Then..."
actually wanna say this: but then there is a heavy rain here leh...
then he said byebye... -.-'' then was like okay lor... then sayzwani came and they were waitting for 98.... then WJ came, then decided to ran to school... -.-'' siao right?! cos of the stupid WJ luh... said wan walk... -.-'' then ran ran ran... my shirt and hair all wet... -.-'' then went to the school toilet clean up be4 we went to the class...-.-'' then lessons as normal...(lazy post luh) went for math after school... then went BBT wif MC,WJ and raminder... then danny came wif his volleyball... then played wif volleyball wif mc and wj... damn damn fun :D :D
went home at 5+...
then had dinner at home... :)


14.7.09 @ 6:54:00 PM

2nd POST!!! :D watch this video... damn nice and funny.... :D

@ 3:48:00 PM

hello.... 127th post!!! :D woke up at 6am this morning... then slack at home, played psp... then msged WEIJUN to meet at bkbt MRT at 6.50am... then he didn't reply... so called him... and he didn't pick up also... then went to bkbt MRT at 6.40am... then decided to wait him at JE interchange... then he replied:"K!" Zzz... took train to je, saw syazwani behind me... but then i lazy stop so kept on walking... and then at the end she caught me... :) then talked to her while waitting for weijun... then VICTORIA came first, then sayzwani and her walked to school... left me there and wait for WEIJUN... and then he finally came, then talked a lot rubbish on the way to school :D then reached school around 7.20am... then had reading period... was looking at the science mag. :) then PE, Mr CHUA asked me moved infront and do... -.-'' was shock sia... -.-'' then did warm up... and ran, stomach damn pain... -.-'' then height and weight... height:170cm weight:48.9 Zzz... ACCEPTABLE!!! Whewww... :D then had math... and Mrs LIANG never come... so was chit chatting wif JIAWEN... :) had LIFE SKILLS after recess, and got one teacher came in and then TJ they all said i look like him sia... WTF?! his face damn wad sia... then HISTORY...was fishing...Zzz then FT, the Mrs PEH very :x skippp... then was thinking a lot of things, and my face should be very serious right... erm, don like ppl disturb me when i'm thinking questions... sorry, SAMANTHA... never reply you when i was thinking questions...sorry...then went to 187 bus stop wif TINGJIE... shared wif him all my thoughts... :) then we waited for the long 187 bus... :) then reached home at 2+... :D then slept for 1 hour and blah... now chatting wif syazwani and the girl who kept chasing me for the answer... -.-''
don chase me for the answer ok?! or else i will jz say:"NO!"

13.7.09 @ 6:53:00 PM

hello...back for posting...woke up at 6.40am... then ate breakfast and then tried to get my mum send me to school... but then she was sleeping...cos she came back 11+ last night... -.- then decided to walk to school... but then my leg damn damn pain... cos played volleyball wif them last night... ran here ran there... -.-'' then walked damn slow to school... then reached school at 7.18am... saw zhipeng walked to school gate wif a book... -.-'' then ran quite fast to canteen... very scared ltr he come guailan me and record my name down... -.-'' then walked quite slow to classroom... then amirrul came guailan me...chicken, i don like her luh, don anyhow say can?! lols... then had history...damn damn boring... alomost fell into a sleep, then i kept drinking water to be awake... -.-'' then had science, first time thad i never "fishing" in science lesson... -.-'' copied some stuffs and then share sth to her when she walked to me... it's ab weijun... YOU ARE SO CUTE MAN!!! comment by someone... lols... then recess and then had dnt... bored like hell... so drew sth on my ruler, and broke it into half and threw it tho the rubbish bin... (cos i'm really bored mah) lols... then Art, bored like hell also...so kept chit chatting wif jiawen... :D then english, find thad ok lor... :) then MTL, FREE PERIODS!!! then MR TAN gave us two ws, and asked us to do... then was fighting wif philomena,chit chatting wif samantha and philonena and doing the two ws... then finished it at last min... :) claps claps...! then took 187 home wif weijun... then reached home at 2.30pm... then walked into my mum's room and she was not there... maybe she was out... then went to my bedroom bathed and changed... when i came out from my bedroom... someone scared me:"BOOOO!!!" was alyssa...-.-'' she was helping my mum wif a lot of projects at the computer room... then went to the computer room and chit chat wif my mum... :) then went back to my bedroom and sleep... woke up at 5.50pm... -.-'' and alyssa was still at my house... then had dinner wif fica, my mum and alyssa... my mum got help fica wif all the food ehh... :) then my mum drove alyssa home at 6.40+ and my mum's back now... :)
gtg ler... byebye!!! :)
why? i don't really understand.... :( should i take their words? i really don't know.... :(

12.7.09 @ 9:14:00 PM

hello... woke up at 7 am this morning... then the GUY send me to my mum's company... then saw my mum inside her office and busying like hell... then she passed me some imformation sheets then asked me help her to do some projects... so went to the computer room, on the air-con... and then spent around 3hrs for the projects... and then played real life... new pc game... coming soon... i'm the first one to play... woohoo... then stop at 11.30am... then passed the projects to my mum, and ate lunch wif her at BALThai...and then my mum went back to her office and continue to do her stuffs...-.- 2 days alr... then the GUY sent me home again... then played wif cross fire, watched movie-looking for Jackie and watched drama- zhongjisanguo ~ nice... :D then yuanhua called me and asked me go playground play volleyball... then fica pulled me back for dinner, so went there after my dinner... and then chit chat wif mc and yuanhua. then mc called danny and asked him come down and bring his volleyball down... then played volleyball wif mc and yuanhua... :D then we suddenly like throwing the volleyball to eacch other... and then got one indian woman scold danny... then we stopped, and the indian woman came again and said:"not much attention, it's juz there's a lot kids here, and can you all stop playing here..." lols, ten we shift to the basketball court and played... me and yuanhua VS danny and mc... damn fun... but then very tired... -.-'' then we played true or dare... actually only played wif the ture lor... -.- then asked each other questions and answered truthfully... :D :D then went home at 8.30 pm... and reched home at 8.38pm... then bathed and now doing my chinese hw and chatting wif syazwani, philomena and alyssa... :D
thad's all ... byebye

11.7.09 @ 12:49:00 PM

high lawl!!! gonna stay at home today... and really bored lor... and guess wad... i found some pics, thad i took last year!!! :D I MISS 1A!!!! :D
ashwin's brother!!! :)
John!!! :D


ME!!!! :D laughed like hell

Me and ODWIN!!!! :D

wayne,ashwin,john and wayne's mum!!! :)
Syawani,vicoria,philomena,ashwin and odwin!!! :D
Samantha!!! :D
ODWIN!!! weeee!! :D
wayne and SIYUAN!!! :D
Mrs GOH-yellow shirt!!! :)
BBQ!!! :D
BBQ!!! :)
malikka!!! :S
ODWIN!!! tehee :D
PAN!!! :)
odwin,pan,rose,malikka!!! :)
SMOKE!!! Siam!!! :)
victoria and sexy-melissa!!! :D
wayne,siyuan,zhengrong and john!!! :D
MANDY-double V!!! lols :D
ME and VICTORIA!!! :)
Syazwani and victoria :D
VIC VIC!!!! :D

10.7.09 @ 7:14:00 PM

hello!!!this is my 124th post... :D actually wanna close down my blog der, but then becos of certain reasons, and so never close down lor... :P today woke up at 5.5oam... then was talking lotsof craps wif my mum while i was eating my breakfast... :) then she sent me to school... reached school at 7am... then lessons as normal... nothing special... :) went BBT after school wif philo,syaf,vias and sam!!! :D then went back school for the SC thing...then went back classroom and took my science WB down wif philo they all.. after the SC thing... stayed back wif philo and sam :D STUDY!!! actually i was thinking some stuffs and these things made me no mood for study... lols... then philomena force me tell her all my secrets... WTF... then went 187 bus stop wif sam and PHILO... after sam got on the bus, then me and philo went back to school and kept talking... :) then took 176 home wif PHILOMENA... lols... AND blahblah...
ya, you're right... we both get advantages!!! so i should call you:"dxxxest!!!"

9.7.09 @ 7:36:00 PM

high lawls!!! really lazy to post luh... and maybe i also will close down my blog lor, like wad MJ said, it's wasting time lor... :P today nth much happened lor... got a comment from Mrs Liang, she said:" bojun become funny and tricky uh, ltr i go tell vic uh" i was like wth... and then really speechless lor... and the another thing was done by arron... played wif TJ's pants... lols, very fun meh?! lols... then went bbt wif alot ppl and took 176 home wif philo and weijun... then alyssa called me... she asked me alot of things... and i said gif me sometimes, then she was like ok lor... then chatted wif WJ,PHILOMENA,VICTORIA and SAMANTHA...
dearest!!! :D :D

8.7.09 @ 4:01:00 PM

High LoHH!!! :D Back for posting!!! :D went to the playground near the bbt shop last night... talked,played and shared a lot wif yuanhua and mc... I LOVE THIS FEELING!!! :) then went home at 10+... then woke up at 6am this morning... quite early lor... then had breakfast and then took bus to school... actually want take MRT wif WJ der... but then he said he may be late... so i decided to take bus lor...:) then saw Ms LOH was walking wif ORlando and Arron...so ran there and walked wif them... Ms LOH was talking ab the don know wad rainbow or wadever thing wif arron...-.-'' then reached at classroom at 6.50+ then COPY MATH HWS from MJ... :P cos i really lazy for doing it...Zzz then had reading period...was copying MATH HWS... :P then Homeconmics... boring sia... then MATH, had a small quiz...quite easy luh... used around 6mins... :) then recess... sat wif TJ and HANLIN... we kept scold each other-for fun!!! :) and they all luaghed like hell... lols.. then CME...BORING!!! then PE, MR CHUA asked me and WJ go carry the basket... lols... then changed and played MINI TENNIS!!! :) Zzz... then English, had fun in his lesson... :) then MTL... Mdm ONG went for O level... :D then was talking wif philomena and samantha lor... we talked ab alot stuffs luh... secret!!! :D then went BBT wif syaf,sam and philo... :) saw MC at the school gate there... then they also go BBT, and philo don like Qingrong to follow, so she asked me to walk faster... lol, then bought CHOCaLATE COFFE,CHEESE FRIES and CHICKEN BURGER!!! :D then went playground... then was talking to a lot of stuffs wif them... then syaf and sam went to swing... then left wif me and philomena...so chit chat wif her... :) then MC they come... then i don wan they anyhow say... so move down and continue to eat my cheese fries... but then still kept talking wif philo... :) then they all don know shouted wad until so loud....forgot alr. :P then MC they all went off... then WJ stay and PEI me... then we shared a lot of things to each others... i promissed i won't tell anyone der!!! :D then took 187 home wif WJ,SAMANTHA,PHILOMENA AND SYAFIQAH :D

7.7.09 @ 7:18:00 PM

hello...i'm back again... lawls!! :D today woke up at 6.40am, then my mum drived me to bkbt MRT station... then met WJ at the platform there... and i was late by 3mins...sorry...:P then reached school at 7.18am... saw godwin and MC at the school gate... walked to classroom wif mc and wj... godwin pangseh,he walked damn fast sia...-.-'' then had reading period... sianz... then PE, do warm up and stretching and tan 1.2km... and my arm damn damn pain lor... cos yesterday went ice-skating...lols... then Math.. BORING!!! then recess... was damn damn hungry...after we ate finish... WJ helped us throw the dishes... actually was we force him der...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D then had life skills, MR KEN back to teach us... he talked damn soft lor... i even cannot hear his voice sia...-.-'' then did some activities... quite fun luh... lols... then HISTORY!!! BORING AND SLEEPY!!! fell into a sleep...Zzz then Samantha msged me, and the vibration wake me up...Zzz, then replied her secretly...:P then FT period... boring sia... then attire check... the MS siti said my hair very long, and then she tick all the balnk... hair length,fringe,side and back...WTH!!! then must settle by tmr...Zzz ok, no mood alr.. byebye :P

6.7.09 @ 7:07:00 PM

hello...i'm back for posting!!! :D woke up at 7.45am this morning
... then ate porridge for my breakfast... :D then played wif com... played Cross Fire... :) and always kanna head shot from my elder cousin... __ -.-''... and chatted wif syazwani...!!! :D and then alyssa suddenly called me...she asked me go west mall there wait for her, cos she said she want give me sth...-.- then left my mum and fica at home, and ltr will meet they all at westmall eat sushi...:D so met alyssa at westmall at 11+... then she gaf me a big big thing!!! I was like WTH, and her friends kept wooing me...-.-'' then my mum and fica came, and they went off to vivo... :) then put the big big thing into my mum's car, asked her help me carry back, cos i need meet WJ and MC at je platform at 12 noon... then actually i want eat sushi der, but then we saw the queue was damn damn long... then we went to pasta man and ate pasta :) then met MC and WJ at JE at 12... then took train to bugis... waited philomena and syaf around 15+ mins...-.-'' then took some pics... then they finally came, and kept talking softly to each others... think they was talking of mc's back...lols... then syaf and philo like so childish... walked so fast and was like playing hide and seek wif us....Zzz , then walked to Kallang Leisure Park... :D mc kept like fighting wif philo on the way to there...MC:Shorty!!! Flat Chested!!! Philomena:Si Ahh BEI!!! Zzz then was walking on the bridge... saw some indian ppl was cleaning the grass at down there... and then WJ shouted: BANGALA!!! we was like WTH... and then they look up, and we ran all the way to the end of the bridge....-.-'' then when we went down of the bridge, i picked up a stick... and threw it to WJ, and we started to played wif it... :) and then philomena shouted:"so CHILDISH!!!" MC:"LOL,learned from you all der mah...!!!" BJ:" and this is not childish... we playing CS luh...FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!" MC,WJ,BJ:"HAHAHA!!!" lol... then walked pass the old statium... and Mc shouted:"Flat chested!!!" and it response:"Flat chested!!!" The Philomena shouted:" Si AHH BEH!!!" MC:" BJ's Charbor is flat chested!!!" Philomena:"whaulao!!" BJ:"wth!!! my charbo is you meh?lols.." and then finally reached kallang leisure park... then went up to 3rd floor... bought tickets... and then wore the ice-skate shoe... then skate skate...saw MR KENNETH wif his family... and he said he will teach us life skills from this week onwards... :D then i also fell around 4 times...first time was syafiqah pushed me, and then i fell... second time i was trying to break, but then i over break and i fell... third time also...fourth time- got this girl...think same age as us bah... then she skated damn damn fast and she knocked at me... and i flied away.. wth, heng mc they all never see... cos they were outside dranking their MILO... then the girl pull me up and i went out rest... ohh...and philomena was damn evil lor... she was infront of me and then she was almost fall... and she was finding sth to hold... but then she failed and she pushed a young boy infront of her.... and the boy fell and she also... and i almost knocked at they all also... heng i know how to break... but then i over break again...Zzz... and MC and WJ didn't skate at all lor...especially for mc...he kept saying thad his leg pain...WTH... then WJ finally knows how to skate in the end... and he skate quite fast lor... :D then went out of the ice world around 3.40pm... then went to the basement, bought 2 waffle cakes and ice-cream... yummy... :D and went watson bought hair gel while philomena and syaf was waiting for their waffle cake... then walked in the rain to the bus stop...and then was waiting for bus no. 11... and we waited for damn damn long... and philomena pangseh us, she called her aunt to fetch her home ehh... and then the bus 11 came... and we left philomena at the bus stop there :P... then mc called her..MC:"hello...got ppl at opp. of your bus stop? ltr they go rape you uh...haha" lols... then walked to MRT station wif MC,WJ and syaf... then took train... i was sitting on the floor and there's only me was sitting on the floor... cos i tired mah... lols... then syaf alight at jonbahru... BJ:"See you tmr at JE interchange at 7am...byebye" Syafiqah:"see you... and don be late uh... bye" lols... then was talking a lot of stuffs wif WJ and MC... i love the time thad we share our things and talk ab some stuffs... muahahas... then said good bye to mc and said good bye to WJ... then went Westmall, bought a box of greentea... paid by POSB card... cos i only left 6 dollars in my wallet... then called me mum and asked her to fetch me home... she really came... :D then had dinner at home wif my mum, fica and THE GUY... I DON REALLY LIKE HIM LOR... and then he gave me a present... today not my birthday also... but then i know why he gave me this... cos he gonna be blahblah... and guess wad he gave me? transformers TOY...WTF... i'm not child alr. luh... and I DON LIKE IT AT ALL... i know it's ex... but then i really don like it...sorry... then went play basketball... he said he want follow... then end up my mum also follow me...Zzz WTH!! but then he played quite well luh... WELL IN SHOOTING... me? GOOD AT LAY UP!!! :D muahahaaa ... then reached home around 7.40pm... and he went home by his own car... and then said good bye to him... then he chiol me out to play badminton tmr ehh... i still thinking :D and now i was damn damn bored lor... :( anw...tmr is WEI JUN'S BIRTHDAY!!!! and we gonna bash him (BIRTHDAY BASH) :) got to off to do my hws liao...byebye !!!!