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I've seen,

Love die,

Way too,

Many times.


29.3.09 @ 9:26:00 PM

went CSC wif mook ching and wayen, and actually Godwin also going, but he was sick and cannot go, so we went lan and played CS and Maple....sian sia.... nth more to write....

28.3.09 @ 5:49:00 PM

okay,well...today damn sian lor...whole day stay at home, aunt-goh asked me go JP wif her and her daughter, but i rejected....caz really don wanna go out.... stare at computer the whole day, and thinking about something, really sick on that sia, then MC called me, his SIM card was locked n he called me by his house phone....talked about some staffs n i told him that i really sick, he luaghed and said:"don't......." thanx,MC. i won't......de. let's work together, JIA YOU!! We Can Do It! ohhh ya, srry ahh, ask you be zhudong, but i nver do that...really srry.... Don't Forget- Brothers Forever! hahax....:D

27.3.09 @ 9:14:00 PM

played basketball wif some sec three and sec 4 boys, they are damn tall lol, but we still won them in the first match....hahax....my teamates-hong xing, hanlin, yuan hua and one sec1 guy....then after the first match, lost to them sia, caz we all tired already....sian....then played volleyball. then lion came and palyed wif us....played until like 5.40pm.....then went home wif ahh mook(we are not gay-s, we jz brothers)hahax....

23.3.09 @ 7:40:00 PM

lessons as normal...after school,went home with mookching gowin and qingrong... Mook Ching and Qing Rong went west mall cut their hair.... mook ching one like quite short lor, but qingrong one like nver cut.... i went home and changed, went west mall meet them, qingrong went home by taxi, he rich mahhh....hahax...then went arcade wif godwin and mookching....played until 5pm and played like siao ..... after that godwin don know go where, then me and mookching go library...and after that went buy hair spray....saw saiful and went the shop together....then blahblahblah....went home wif mook....

22.3.09 @ 3:09:00 PM

1. Beside your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed?
cheek i think...hehe.
2. How do you feel when you woke up this moring?
tired -.-
3. Who is the last person you took photo with?
Mook Ching And Godwin...
4.Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
5. Would you ever donate blood?
6. Have you ever have a best friend who is the opposite sex?
7. Do you want someone dead?
8. What does your last text message say?
Finish Ur Hws?
9. What are you thinking right now?
The Holiday hws.....
10. Do you wish someone was with you right now?
11. What time did you go to sleep last night?
12.Where do you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now?
VIP in west mall....
13. Is someone on your mind right now?
14. Who was the last person who text you?
Mook Ching
10 people to tagged to do this quiz.
1.Yuan Hua
3.Ting Jie
6.Pei Xin
9.Jian Wei...he won't do one...busying wif "O"
10.Bo Jun
15. Who is 2 having relationship with?
Don Know...
16. Is 3 a male or a female?
17. If 7 & 10 get together will that be a good thing?
LoL, i don think so..
18. What is 1 studying about?
Don Know....
19. Is number 4 single?
Ehh,don know...
20. Say something about number 5.
Vic ahhh....ehhh...idk wat to say....
21. What do you think about number 3 and 6 being together?
Haha...funny.....But it won't be happen...
22. Describe number 9.
My TT double partner, he is cool....
23. What will you do if number 6 and 7 fight?
Don care them, let them fight...hahax
24. Do you like number 8?
As Mr Bean? Yes...haha...

20.3.09 @ 2:13:00 PM

yozzz.... i'm bac from student council camp.....ONE WORD:fun!!!

16.3.09 @ 10:23:00 PM

got up at 10.30, then ate breakfast and lunch together.....hahax...2.30 went my mom's workshop and cut my hair....w8 kinda long lol, cauz she was talking wif a customer...blahblah....
then went chinatown bought a lot chinese food....and asked my mom carried home, after that went bugis junction zinc shop, annd bought a bag.... yahooo....new bag...So nver go IMM today for buying the things for student council camp....went home at 6.30 and saw a pic, damn cute sia, was a boy holding wif a lollipop and he ate sweets untill all the teeth gone.....lol.....

14.3.09 @ 8:39:00 PM

went arcade and club wif mook ching and godwin today lol, after that we went ate and went MRT station and made our name in alcalic plastic....
pics time..{wear same shirt wif M.C lol}

12.3.09 @ 6:28:00 PM

sick sia

10.3.09 @ 4:53:00 PM

Today,PE ran 2.4.... break my record for last year's 2.4 and last year was 10.55 mins, today i got 10.28mins... was the first also lol, and then yunghui....Geo. lesson, damn boring sia, sat there and stared at the whiteborad....Math lesson was quiet lol, cauz teacher taught new things today.... quite easy lol.... Then Homecon, left me and arvind for grouping, and Mrs Ong let me partner wif vic, and was like damn tired lol , but still done my part....hehex....English,Vocab.Test, sian....even nver read though the redersdigest.... so anyhow wrote the answers.....hahax..... Aseembly, Sec1s shared their experience in shuqun for term 1.... 1A is the best lol, and others all sxxxx...... so went to 188 bus stop's bubble tea shop wif mookching and godwin. bought cheese fries and coke.... and then sat @ the shelter and 慢慢享受,hahax.....so after an hour, mookching brought his volleyball down played volleyball, and godwin tried to kicked the ball but all missed, hahax, noop lol....then he played basketball wif the volleyball, then he ran wif the ball not the ball run wif him...hahax... mookching and me kept luaghing at him lol, and he threw the don know wat thing to us, but also missed, aiming fail sia.... so played around an hour, then walked home, mookching walked wif us untill the flyover then go home liao, he said he scared later the bridge fall down sia..... lol, wat kind of excuse was that.... pics

9.3.09 @ 10:14:00 PM

hahax...bac to post, in the morning-6.50, chated with Mr.handsome{actually not}, but she said yes..... hahax.....no la...jking, later she angry. and we keep talked rubbish lol. and DNT lesson, do the mind map and we write the sex toy{the moving pxxxx} inside sex shop in bugis for the moving objects... funny right, and Mr Chew said VERY GOOD~ hahax... then feel like today's lesson was damn boring....
ya, also went for pet rocket today also....it was okay, but not that fun, cauz i wan launch teh rocket by myself....
got to sleep liao....Good Night

6.3.09 @ 7:14:00 PM

sian,fail my english.
but luky pass the rest of the subjects. Math-37 or 38/40
Math-37 or 38/40

and the english really hard lol, espicially for the editing...

now write about today la,First period is science and get back the CT Paper, really scare that if i fail. BUT lucky i pass, hehe.... and Ting Jie go tatoo his leg wif "fuck" wif pencil, and it's really works, so , i also go tatoo wif something , and after one hour, it becomes more and more clear, and it cannot been erase, so keep cover the wrods wif my pants...... during CME lesson, MR Chew take over Mrs Peh, and he is funny lol, and"haolian", not only today, last week also....Geography lesson, damn boring and sleepy sia.....And Life Skills , don like today's lesson, the teacher talk so soft, so cannot hear wat she was talking about and so can't remember the words for 11 to 20,and luckily, MR JASON NVER ask to be the representer for our group....hahah.... and Hadi their group won lol.....

So, After school, went to 187 bust stop, and the bus came, and chiong to the bus stop but nver get on the bus , cauz saw her at the bus stop, so talked to her and we went bubble tea shop... after that wait for Ahh Mook and Godwin at the bubble tea shop and ate lunch there, after that went down stair mook ching's house..... talked about a lot ppls and knew something from Godwin, But i will keep the secrect, so, talked around 1hour la, then mook ching took volleyball down and we played, so went home around 3.30 la...

and juz finish my piano retest, finally pass lol, yeahhh~!!! was damn happy lol , nver make mistake during the test.... hahax~

pics time...

2.3.09 @ 5:24:00 PM

today is monday, sian sia , one week is over again, today, lessons as usual, and had fun lol, especially dor D&T lesson, MR qiu asked us to group in four, so, orlando, mookching, godwin and me are in are a group and can't really think a good name for our group, and i said how about take each person's first letter of ur name, they agreed and so we mixed, and get O.M.G,B. (Orlando,Mook Ching, Godwin, Bojun) and it also means-OH MY GOD,BIKINIS. funny hor, we also don know how we make it , and just anyhow mix, so get the name, and when MR Qiu said out, the whole class laughed lol.... include ourselves.....

1.3.09 @ 1:02:00 PM

2 pics took on yesterday...